Dear Colleagues,
Please accept these Turning Point Power Points as a tool for your utilization with the Asking the Right Questions text in CRE 101. There is a ten question assessment for each chapter in the book, with the following exceptions: a) Chapter 6 only has 5 questions because it was more of a piggy-back on Chp. 5, and b) no assessment for Chapter 14 since it is a review chapter.
As you look through these assessments, please keep in mind the following:
- These assessments may be used as pretests or introductions to chapters, as well as quizzes for assigned reading. Due to the nature of the TP/multiple choice format, there aren’t as many higher-order thinking questions as you would probably want for a complete summative assessment. So, again, I offer them as a tool, not comprehensive assessment for the concepts/skills presented in the book.
- Although I believe the competencies are in the process of being revised, the following current MCCCD Competencies are addressed in these chapter assessments. Again, the TP assessments cannot fully evaluate mastery of these competencies (i.e., “. . .in writing. . .”) but they can provide a formative assessment toward the objective.
1. Describe the nature of critical reading and its application to life in the contemporary world.
2. Apply critical reading techniques to a variety of materials and purposes for reading.
3. Analyze, in writing, textual material to ascertain tone, purpose, audience, and author’s point of view, citing words, phrases, and passages as support.
6. Analyze, in writing, common fallacies of reasoning in written language.
7. Evaluate, in writing, an author’s accuracy, logic completeness, and clarity.
8. Evaluate, in writing, the nature of evidence given in support of an author’s argument.
9. Apply critical reading skills to analyze and evaluate, in writing, the components of an author’s argument.
10. Synthesize, in writing, ideas on related issues from varied written sources.
- Also, please remember, I have yet to teach CRE 101 so my approach and perspective as to what was important for assessing, may not be the same as yours. Perhaps mine was more like that of a new student reading the material.
- If you are unfamiliar with Turning Point technology, the basic usage is fairly simple.
*To begin trying the assessments, open the TP icon from the desktop first. Then, open the power point for the chapter you desire.
*Click on the slideshow icon to preview the assessment. Advance slideshowfor each question/answer as follows:
*1st click=question/answers shown, polling open
*2nd click=timer starts (you may change or delete time if it annoys you)
*3rd click=results of class responses
*4th click=correct answer indicator appears (can be changed also)
*At end of show, you have many options as to saving session data. If you are using as pre-assessment and do not want to save any data, then you simply click on “resetsession” (in left corner area next to TP colored icon). Then exit. When it asks you to save changes, click “no”. (This sounds confusing, but I remember this is what Julianne R. told me to do if I didn’t want to change the power point, and it has worked.)
- Although I am far from an expert in the usage of TP, I am willing to assist as I can in changing these assessments to better suit your needs. Hopefully, it will be a jumpstart for you and you can run with it how you desire. Have fun!
Respectfully submitted,
Shannon Carter
Adjunct Reading Faculty