M i n u t e s of the Meeting of the Governing Council of INTERNET AND MOBILE ASSOCIATION OF ASSOCIATION held on Monday the 12th March, 2007 at 406, 4th Floor, Ready Money Terrace, 167, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai – 400 018 at 11.00 a.m.

The Following Members of the Executive Council were present:

a)  1. Anupam Mittal Chairman

b)  2. Subho Ray President

The Following Members of the Governing Council were present:

1.  J Murugavel, Bharatmatrimony.com

2.  Rajan Mehra, eBay India

3.  Vaishali Cooper, eBay India

4.  Rehan yar Khan, Yo4Ya Digital

5.  Ratish Nair, Interactive Avenues

6.  Vishwas Patel, Avenues

7.  Upen Roop Rai, Indiatimes.com

8.  Arvindra Kanwal, Rediff.com

9.  Savio Fernandes, Rediff.com

10.  Samir Saraiya, MSN

11.  Noel Swain, Cleartrip.com

12.  Navin Surya, Itz Cash

13.  Gurjeet, Itz Cash

14.  Vishwas Patel, CC Avenues

15.  Jaya, BC Webwise

16.  IAMAI Secretariat Staff

Mr. Anupam Mittal took the Chair. He welcomed the Members to the Meeting. Then, he requested President Dr. Subhajyoti Ray to ascertain the quorum. The proper quorum being present, he called the meeting to order and commenced the proceedings of the Meeting.

Item No: 1

Confirmation of the Minutes of the last Meeting of the Governing Council:

The President placed before the Members of the Governing Council the minutes of the last meeting of the Governing Council duly signed. The minutes were read and the same were confirmed by the Members as correct.

Item No: 2

President’s Update:

President updated the members of the work of the association in the current quarter [December- March 2006/07] and also presented the work plan for the last quarter of the year. [Presentation enclosed]

Item No: 3

Guidelines for Recovery of Advertisement Payment:

The members flagged the issue with AAAI over the notification of IAMAI Accreditation Policy. After discussion, some of the members suggested that in order to make AAAI a part of the process, the 60 day credit should be extended to 75 days in case of AAAI members. Subsequently, after detailed discussion, it was:

“RESOLVED THAT the association would not extend the credit beyond 60 days and would offer two seats to the AAAI at the online publishers’ committee.”

Further, President informed the members that the chairman of the association is in touch with AAAI Chairman for media relations and the members will be updated on the outcome.

Item No: 4


The Secretariat made a presentation on status of membership. Members discussed the matter including new members and drop out of members. After that, it was:

“RESOLVED THAT following initiatives be and are hereby approved for implementation:

c)  An Exit Form for members leaving the association so that the reasons for exit are clear to other members

d)  A list of potential members to be circulated to current members to help recruit new members

Item No: 5

IMRB Research for Members:

Some of the members suggested that IAMAI members get preferential rates for research documents published by IMRB as a beneficial result of the partnership that exists between the two groups. The President informed the members that IMRB has already been approached to offer preferential prices to IAMAI members for Internet in India Report which would be updated from May onwards and the final results published in July/August.

Item No: 6

Mobile VAS Revenue Share issue:

The chairman put forward the issue of Mobile VAS Revenue Share for discussion by the members. After discussion, members agreed that the Mobile VAS position paper elaborating ways and means of bringing about a more liberal revenue share between Mobile Operators and Mobile Content Players be shared with COAI with a request to them to create a common platform to address the issues of revenue share, reconciliation and MIS process. The President informed that CII has already been approached by IAMAI with the request to form a common platform for COAI, AUSPI and IAMAI for the same. The President further informed the members that if the response from CII is not positive or not forthcoming by the next week, COAI will be approached directly by the IAMAI secretariat.

Item No: 7

Pros and Cons of IAMAI converting to a section 25 company:

Some members suggested that IAMAI may consider registering as a section 25 company under the Companies Act. In this respect, the President informed the members that the IAMAI counsel has been approached for his views and for preparing a comparative document on the same.

Item No: 8

Comprehensive Act Governing Internet

Members considered the proposal to prepare a comprehensive white paper suggesting changes, alternations, additions to the corpus of law and regulations currently in place in India with the intention of making internet based businesses grow more rapidly. After discussion it was:

“RESOLVED THAT the Government Relations Committee of the association lead by Rajan Mehra be and is hereby instructed to work on white paper to be presented to the Government for the changes, alterations, additions to corpus of law prevailing in India with respect to internet industry.”

Item No: 9


The chairman requested the members to consider and decide on the issue of web awards as. After due discussion, it was:

“RESOLVED THAT a committee comprising members be set up to look into the categories, the evaluation process and the final award ceremony be and is hereby formed and be required to report back to the members on the plan of action.”

Item No: 10


Some members proposed that association should facilitate the beginning of ratings in India since this would in the long run help publishers, advertisers as well as the agencies. While no conclusion was arrived at, Members suggested that, though association would not be able to undertake ratings of its own members and potential members, association should act as facilitator in assisting a rating company expand/establish in India.

Item No: 11

Vision Document:

The chairman informed that members that no reputed management consultancy was ready to work with IAMAI on the project of preparation of vision document. After discussion it was:

“RESOLVED THAT the project of vision document be and is hereby agreed to be kept in abeyance till a future date.”

There being no other business the meeting terminated with the vote of thanks to the Chair.


Place: Mumbai. Chairman