Norcross BDAT I

Questions written by current and former members of the Norcross High School Academic Team (Mostafa Bhuiyan, Andrew Kahn, Steven Miller, Hernan Morales, Doug Morgan, Michael Sokolow), and Adil Khan (formerly of Chattahoochee)

Finals Packet1 – Tossups

1. One character in this novel cannot stop eating peppermints due to her reoccurring spasms, and another accuses Peggotty of having a pagan name. Its protagonist meets Mrs. Crupp and bites his stepfather, causing him to be sent to (*) Salem House; there, he meets Mr. Creakle. Betsey Trotwood takes care of the main character, who marries Dora Spenlow after his landlord, Mr. Micawber, is sent to prison for not paying his debts. James Steerforth proves to be a false friend to the title character, who later marries Agnes Wakefield and is persistently antagonized by Uriah Heep. For 10 points, name this semi-autobiographical work by Charles Dickens.

ANSWER: David Copperfield [MB]

2. Oskar van Blumenthal sent Constantin von Alvensleben to Metz in this war’s Battle of Mars-la-Tour, which saw the retreat by the Army of the Rhine. Tensions building up to this conflict were brought about after the legitimacy of the Hohenzollern’s Leopold was questioned by the (*) Ems Dispatch. After General MacMahon failed to defeat Moltke during this conflict, the Treaty of Frankfurt was signed and Napoleon III abdicated from the throne after the Battle of Sedan. For 10 points, name this 1870 to 1881 war started by Otto van Bismark that saw the giving up of the Alcese-Lorraine and the unification of Germany.
ANSWER: Franco-Prussian War [or Franco-German War; accept 1870 War until mentioned] [MB]

3. This thinker identified the autoclitic, tact, and mand verbal operants and distinguished between the echoic and textual types of a certain phenomenon. This dissenter of the “autonomous man” wrote about a community in which six people make up the Board of Planners and Augustine Castle leaves T.E. Frazer. He invented the (*) infant focusedair-crib and developed the “radical” type of a philosophy, observed in his experiment in which rats pushed a level to acquire pellets. For 10 points, name this author of Walden Two and Beyond Freedom and Dignity, a behaviorist and pioneer of operant conditioning who introduced a namesake “box.”
ANSWER: Burrhus Frederic Skinner [MB]

4. This artist depicted a slave that wears a pink dress while storm clouds gather in his portrayal of a young, reluctant George Washington refusing to give an axe to his father. A long winding road leads to a gigantic white church in his depiction ofPaul Revere’s Midnight Ride. This painter of (*) Parson Weems’ Fable showcasedLeutze’sWashington Crossing the Delaware in his Daughters of the Revolution. His most iconic work includes a red barn on the right of two grim-looking people in front of it. For 10 points, name this American regionalist artist who portrayed a pitchfork and two elders in American Gothic.

ANSWER: Grant Wood [MB]

5. To find the shortest distance from a node to all other nodes in this structure, Dijkstra’s algorithm is performed. These can be directed, where edges can only take certain paths from node to node and they can also be weighted where different edges have different values when traversed. An example of these in real life can be found in a (*) road map, where the cities and other junctures and destinations can be viewed as nodes and the highways and roads can be viewed as edges. For 10 points name this abstract data structure, closely related to a tree, that shares a name with a diagram that can come in line and bar varieties.
ANSWER: Graphs [SM]

6. This author wrote about a group that meets at the Berns Salonger in his work about a bureaucrat turned journalist named Arvind Falk. He also wrote a play in which the “Stranger,” a recent convert, meets the “Lady.” This author of The Red Room and The(*) Road to Damascus also wrote a play in which the Milkmaid talks to JacobHummel. In his most famous play, the servant Jean gives the title character a razor so that she may commit suicide. For 10 points, name this Swedish dramatist of The Father, The Ghost Sonata, and Miss Julie.
ANSWER: Johan August Strindberg [MB]

7. Since the Bohr model gives an exact radius for an electron, it violates the description of this statement. A paper that its developer published describes this statement with a gamma-ray microscope and the collision of a photon and electron. Able to be derived from the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, it is vital to the (*) Copenhagen interpretation. Another inequality that describes this statement divides Plank’s constant by two. For 10 points, name this statement from quantum mechanics that says it is impossible to know both the momentum and position of a particle at the same time.
ANSWER: Heisenberg uncertainty principle [MB]

8. Leonard Dacre, Thomas Percy, and Robert Neville led one failed uprising against this leader who had Robert Devereux executed for treason. Tensions in Ireland were brought forth when this ruler was declared a “servant of crime” by the papal bull Regnans in Excelcis. This ruler during the Northern Rebellion was saved when (*) Francis Walsingham discovered a conspiracy to assassinateher called theBabington Plot. She sent Francis Drake to defeat the Spanish Armada and also ended the harsh policies against Protestants set by her predecessor, Mary I. For 10 points, name this executor of Mary, Queen of Scots who is known as the “Virgin Queen” of England.
ANSWER: Queen Elizabeth I [prompt on Virgin Queen or Elizabeth] [MB]

9. With John Livingood, this man discovered the isotopes Iron-59 and Iodine-131, and he attempted to produce gold from bismuth by using nuclear physics. He isolated a weighable amount of plutonium from uranium when working with Enrico Fermi to produce the first controlled chain reaction. This scientist proposed a series of (*) superheavy elements with g orbitals, which are below another series he proposed, actinides. Edwin McMillan shared the 1951 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with, for 10 points, which American nuclear chemist who discovered ten transuranium elements which include his namesake, Element 106 with symbol Sg.
Answer: Glenn Theodore Seaborg[accept Seaborgium] [AdilK]

10. The perpetrator of this event acted with the hope of gaining more time to continue with its military conquests before the Vinson-Walsh Act went into effect. One side received the “Fourteen-Part Message” soon after this event began, an occurrence that resulted after the failure of a final peace proposal called the Hull Note. Targets during it included the U.S.S. (*) Shaw and the USS Arizona, and the complete surprise achieved by the attacking force was signalled by the phrase “tora, tora, tora.” For 10 points, give this event referred to by Franklin Roosevelt as “a date which will live in infamy,” a Japanese naval and aerial attack on a U.S. naval base in Hawaii.
ANSWER: the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor [accept synonyms for bombing, such as attack or strike; prompt on partial answer] [MB]


11. One of this author’s series includes the protagonist transforming into a black jaguar to chase Sombe and Kosongo out of a Kenyan village, and has Alexander Cold go to the Amazon with his grandmother. One of the protagonists by this author of City of Beasts is the daughter of Consuelo, lives with (*) Riad Halabi, and falls in love with Kamal. This author’s most famous novel follows four generations of theTrueba family and is narrated by Alba and Esteban. Eva Luna is by, for 10 points, which Chilean author of The House of the Spirits?
ANSWER: Isabel Allende Llona [MB]

12. According to legend, Dafydd Gam perished after saving his king’s life in this battle. It saw Ysembart successfully ambush a baggage convoy before the leader of the opposing side ordered the execution of war prisoners. It also saw Thomas Erpingham led one side after his earlier siege of Harfleur. Its victors used wooden (*) stakes andlongbows to defend themselves, yet the mud that lessened the mobility of men-at-arms proved a more significant factor in the defeat of Charles d’Albret, which preceded the signing of the Treaty of Troyes. For 10 points, name this battle fought on St. Crispin’s Day, a decisive 1415 English victory for Henry V during the Hundred Years’ War.
ANSWER: Battle of Agincourt [MB]

13. This man formulated a typology developed in childhood that includes the ones that are “socially useful” and the “dominant” ones that exploit others. He included “Lupus Phobia” in a work that analyzed why a normal girl developed an obsession with a doctor. This author of The Case of Miss R. discussed how physical (*) hindrances lead to one working towards the “drive to mastery.” A dissenter of Freud, he wrote Study of Organ Inferiority and coined a term describing a subconscious feeling that one is not at the same level as another. For 10 points, name this Austrian founder of individual psychology who coined the term “inferiority complex.”
ANSWER: Alfred Adler [MB]

14. Masses of this planet include the “Courage,” “Fraternity,” and “Liberty” ring arcs found in its Adams ring. One of its satellites, Despina, lies inside the Le Verrier Ring. This planet’s orbital resonance cannot control entities called cubewanos, and this body is also the reference planet for the (*) Kuiper Belt. Having very strong winds in the region of its Great Dark Spot, one of its satellites has a multitude of ice volcanoes and is called Triton. For 10 points, identify this gas giant whose methane gives it a blue color, a planet whose orbit intersects that of Pluto.

ANSWER: Neptune [MB]

15. The Israeli showEretz Nehederetstaged a mock peace treaty in which the characters of this game were robbed of their possessions. One season of it was released to celebrate the Chinese New Year and was its “Mooncake Festival,” while its Valentine’s Day edition was entitled (*) “Hogs and Kisses.” Recently released for the Android, this game sees the player attempt to use boomerang and bomb-like species of black, green, yellow, white, blue, and red types of the title animals to get all twenty-four golden eggs. For 10 points, name this Rovio Mobile game in which players fling infuriated avians in order to break down structures.
ANSWER:Angry Birds

16. An Italian American and a boy from Indiana join a Harvard student named John Andrews in a quest to find themselves as they go to war in one of his works. Another of his novels centers on George Baldwin and the narrator Emily. This author of Three Soldiers and (*) Manhattan Transfer wrote about a man who fights for the SecondSpanish Republic in one part of a series. The author of the District of Colombia volume set, name, for 10 points, this American author of The U.S.A. Trilogy.
ANSWER: John Roderigo Dos Passos [accept Three Soldiers before “in one of his works”] [MB]

17. A victory near the end of this piece is depicted with a giant beehive, in which the central character is crowned the ruler of Confiturembourg. One character in this piece makes use of a handkerchief to help someone stop crying, although that someone would later witness the Dance of the (*) Merlitons. Turkish dances occur in the Land of the Sweets, before which the protagonist had killed the Mouse King. Another dance in this ballet involves the Sugar Plum Fairy, which begins some time after ClaraStahlbaumreceivesa gift from HerrDrosselmeyer. For 10 points, name this Pyotr Tchaikovsky ballet about a toy that comes alive.

ANSWER: The Nutcracker [MB]

18. The Mahaweli River supplies this nation with about 40% of it electricity before flowing into the Trimcomalee Bay. The tallest peak on this nation is Pidurutalagala, known as Mt. Pedro by English-speakers. Its Wilpattu National Park lies along the Gulf of Mannar, a portion of the Laccadive Sea to its west. The northern portion of this (*) island contains the Jaffna peninsula, which is separated by the Palk Strait from a larger northern neighbor. Its current capital is often referred to as Kotte and this nation was formerly known as Ceylon. For 10 points, name this country with current commercial capital at Colombo that is to the direct south of India.
ANSWER: Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka [prompt on Ceylon before mention] [HM]

19. Wild female genders of this organism exhibit an inhibitor to a transposon called the P element, which leads to hybrid dysgenesis. They can have a gene called Sevenless which helps develop one of their organs. Their Hox proteins code for their (*) thoracic segments, while Thomas Hunt Morgan studied their possible phenotypes, which include ebony bodies, white eyes, and vestigial wings. For 10 points, name this model organism, an insect under the genus Drosophila.
ANSWER: fruit fly [accept Drosophilamelanogaster before mentioned] [MB]

20. The Irish hero Lugh owns one of these weapons that was alive and had a thirst for blood. One crafted out of the bone of the sea monster Coinchenn was owned by Cú Chulainn and is named the Gáe Bulg. In Shinto mythology, Izanagi and Izanami used one named the Amenonuhok to (*) churn thesea and create Onōgoro-shima, the first island. Odin’s one never stops during its thrust and is named Gugnir. For 10 points, name this type of weapon, examples of which include the trident, a three-pronged one owned by Poseidon.
ANSWER: Spear [HM]


TB1. Bertrand’s Theorem holds that if impulse is applied to different points of a given system, then this quantity for the resultant system is greater than the first system. The equipartition theorem gives this value for gas molecules, while it is represented by a capital T in the Hamiltonian formula. Its (*) “rotational” type is calculated via the product of one-half the moment of inertia times angular velocity. It is equal to one-half mass times velocity squared. For 10 points, name this energy of objects in motion contrasted with potential energy.
ANSWER: kinetic energy [do not prompt on just “energy”] [MB]

TB2. This conflict saw the death of the Visigoth king Roderic, which occurred at the Battle of Guadalete. This period erupted after Pelagius of Asturias won at Covadonga. The tables of this conflict turned after Alfonso VII won at Las Navas de Tolosa and the (*) Nasrid Dynasty surrendered. It saw El Cid enter the fight against the Moors and the work of the Catholic rulers Ferdinand and Isabel oversee the fall of the final Muslim stronghold, Grenada, in 1492. For 10 points, name this period spanning for more than 700 years that saw Christian forces retake the then Muslim controlled Iberian Peninsula.
ANSWER: Reconquista [MB]

TB3. Operation Northern Light was an attempt to undertake the main target of this battle. That operation was followed by George Lindemann’s defeat during Operation Iskra. Supplies for one side at this battle were supposed to be relayed through the Sinyavino Offensive. It began after the (*)Finnish capture of the Karelian Isthmus, and troops that brought food to this battle ventured across the dangerous Lake Ladoga on the “Road of Life.” For 10 points, name this 900 day long siege that saw over a million troops and civilians perish at a namesake Soviet Union city.

ANSWER: Siege/Battle of Leningrad [accept Leningrad Blockade]


Written by current and former members of the Norcross High School Academic Team (Mostafa Bhuiyan, Andrew Kahn, Steven Miller, Hernan Morales, Doug Morgan, Michael Sokolow), and Adil Khan

Finals Packet 1 – Bonuses

1. For 10 points each, name these famed American film directors:
[10] This man directed the 1992 film Reservoir Dogs and the 1994 film Pulp Fiction. More recently, he directed the award winning film Inglorious Basterds.
ANSWER: Quentin Tarantino
[10] This director is known for his musicals The Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, and Sweeney Todd. He also recently directed the sixth-highest grossing film of all time, Alice in Wonderland.
ANSWER: Tim Burton
[10] This American directed Raging Bull and Goodfellas, starring Robert De Niro. More recently he directed both Shutter Island and The Departed.
ANSWER: Martin Scorsese [AndrewK]

2. One may use Sterling’s approximation to find large values for this function. For 10 points each:
[10] Name this function in which the answer for x is the product of all numbers less than or equal to x. It is represented with an exclamation point.
ANSWER: factorial
[10] The factorial function appears in the denominator of each term in this type of series that expresses a function’s derivatives at certain points. One centered at zero is named for Colin Maclaurin.
ANSWER: Taylor series
[10] This theorem used to determine if a number is prime states that a number is prime if and only if the quantity x-1 factorial is congruent to -1 modulo x.
ANSWER: Wilson’s theorem [MB]