BIOLOGY SYLLABUS Mrs. Treharne (Dalby)
(313) 432-3635
First Semester Topics:Introduction to Biology, Biochemistry, Digestion,The Living Cell, The Nervous System, Photosynthesis, Cellular Respiration (You should have a tab in your binder for each one of these.)
Required Materials: 3 Ring Binder, Pencil or Pen, Textbook, Lined Paper, Biology Book, Tabs to separate units (could just be colored paper that is labeled)
Evaluation and Grading:
1.)Journals:All students will answer a journal question at the start of each class. This will be kept on a journal handout and turned in every two weeks. 2 points will be given for each completed entry. It is the student’s responsibility to get journal questions when absent, and turn in journal if absent on the due date.
2.)3 Ring Binder:All work for each unit will be kept in the binder according to the binder grade sheet. Folders will be turned in each quarter. Assignments in the folder must be completed and in the correct order to receive full credit-including the syllabus.
3.)Labs:Labs are to represent your best work. All students must follow the procedures and observe lab safety. Any misbehavior in lab will result in a 0 for the lab.
4.)In class assignments/homework: These assignments will have posted due dates.
***For some assignments you can receive “double-credit”-once when you turn it in for grading and again when you turn it in as part of your unit folder.***
5.)Quizzes: There will be at least one quiz each unit-there may be more depending on the length of the unit.
6.)Tests: Tests will be given at the end of each unit. If absent: a student will need to schedule the make-up the following day. You will be given two days (at most!) before a zero is entered in the grade book.
7.)Extra Credit: Extra credit will be available throughout the semester. Do not request extra credit.
Late Work:Assignments turned in late will be accepted for a 50% grade deduction. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTERWE HAVE GONE OVER THE WORK.Journals will only be accepted for 1 week after the due date.
Absent Work:Work missed due to an excused absence will be available in the brightly colored pockets near front of the classroom. You will have the number of days you were absent plus one to finish and turn in your absent work. Any work handed out on a day you were absent is in a folder with your hour on it in the red bin under the flag.
Grades and Grading Scale:Grades will be updated and posted on Pinnacle. Students are responsible for checking their grade, turning in late or missing assignments, and notifying the teachers of any possible errors in their grade.Grading is based on a total point system including: tests, quizzes, homework, labs, projects, exit questions, journals,and binder check.
A+98 and aboveB+87-89C+77-79D+67-69
A93-97B83-86C73-76D63-66 E Below 60
Semester grades will be calculated using the following scale:
Marking Period 1: 40%Marking Period 2: 40%Semester Final Exam: 20%The State of Michigan requires students earn credit in Biology to graduate from High School
Tardy Policy:Arriving after the final bell disrupts the class and prevents you from completing classwork. If you are not sitting in your seat or behaving in a manner that isn’t productive to the class when the final bell rings you will be considered tardy. Continual tardiness will result in detentions, parent-teacher-student conferences, and referrals to the appropriate administrator.
Passes: Class time is precious. Bathroom/water breaks are to be made during passing time. There will be no leaving the classroom unless to visit the office or counselors for designated appointments.
Extra Help: I am available for help before school. Please seek help as soon as you feel confused, do not wait. Science builds on itself and a small question can turn into a large misconception very quickly.
Classroom Rules: (Also see Student Handbook)
“Everything you do should be done with a distinct purpose” –Ms. Dalby
1.)Building policies on cell phones, IPODS, MP3s, headgear, or other electronic devices.
2.)Be prepared for class (book, binder, pencil)
3.)Only use language that you would use in the presence of the administration or a newborn baby.
4.)Be respectful and responsible at all times. This classroom is very nice let’s keep it that way.
5.)No one has the right to negatively affect another person’s education. Please act in a way that supports that statement.
“Let the decisions you make today be ones you can live with tomorrow.” -
Individual Rule Breaking Consequences:
1.)Verbal warning
2.)Student/Teacher Conference and planning meeting
3.)Student/Teacher/Parent Conference
4.)Referral to administration
***Severe rule-breaking will result in direct referral to administration***
Students: Here is your first assignment for the semester. Have your parent/guardian complete the section below and turn it in. The assignment is due Wednesday, September 3rd and is worth 10pts.
Parents:Please be aware that the State of Michigan requires students to earn credit in this course in order to graduate from high school. If we work as a team, we can make sure that happens! Please read the course outline and e-mail with any questions you have.If there is any information that I need to know to help your student be successful, please write it below, or contact me. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!
Students and Parents: I will utilize and maintain Pinnacle and my website frequently. Please use these tools to keep updated on calendars, assignments, due dates and grades. If you are not familiar with Pinnacle or my website and their uses, please contact me and I will help you.