Notes from IDAG Meeting7th September 2015
Attendees:Alice Maynard (AM, Chair)
Christina Calderato (CC)
Marie Pye (MP)
Laily Thompson (LT)
Olav Ernstzen (OE)
Roger Hewitt (RH)
Salli Booth (SB)
Graham Daly (GD)
Jill Collis (JC)
Elaine Seagriff (ES)
Agata Piotrowska (AP)
Hannah Brown (HB)
Bryony Dyer (BD)
Apologies: Kamran Mallick
Peter Wright
- Programme update - CC
CC explained that in view of the regularity with which some of the groups listed met, it was not practical for IDAG to have representation across them all. A revised list has been agreed comprising: E&I Leadership Group; the Surface E&I Steering Group; the LU and Rail Steering Group; the Road Safety Group and the Transport Planning Steering Group as outlined below.
Group / Lead member / DeputyEquality and Inclusion Leadership Group / Alice Maynard / Marie Pye
Surface Equality and Inclusion Steering Group / Kamran Mallick / Roger Hewitt
Rail and Underground Equality and Inclusion Steering Group / Salli Booth / Kamran Mallick
Roads Safety Group / Roger Hewitt / Olav Ernstzen
Transport Planning Steering Group / Olav Ernstzen / Salli Booth
This ensures that all modes are covered and, with regard to the People and Customer groups, Planning representatives will have sight of agendas and be able to identify items of interest to IDAG.
Other key areas of work include: the Mayor’s Transport Strategy and its Integrated Impact Assessment and Accessibility Implementation Plan; the second iteration of the Single Equality Scheme (Taking action on equality: TfL’s commitments to 2020), the final progress report of the existing SES and a review of the Blue Badge discount for the Congestion Charge.
It was noted that there does not appear to be an obvious forum in which to discuss issues around disabled Staff.
It was also noted that there needs to be a focus on interchange at the Customer Group as communication and signage continue to be a barrier. Customer services and complaints are also still an issue.
The role of IDAG members in groups was discussed and it was agreed that members would be there to listen to discussions, provide insight and constructively contribute on relevant items.
Action: Laily, Marie, Alice (poss Elaine or Christina) to meet and discuss the best way to take this forward.
Action: Christina to programme out series of single issue workshops on the strategic work areas.
Action: Agata to send out dates of Customer group to be held in someone (Olav’s?) diary for when attendance may be required.
- Approach to future meetings
It was agreed that future meetings – and potentially additional sessions – would be run as workshops, tackling a single big issue in some depth. There would be a short amount of time dedicated to other business and AM requested that each member provides a short update in writing ahead of each IDAG meeting so all members are aware of matters arising from the various groups and come to the meetings prepared for discussion.
The Chair said Agata would produce a document listing the activities and responsibilities to be undertaken by individual members.
Action: IDAG members to provide written updates to be circulated ahead of IDAG meetings
- HR update
Working closely with Transport Equality, HR E&I is particularly focused on the SES and the Equality Framework for Local Government, collating the evidence from the business and considering the implication for the new SES. Peer review of the EFLG submission is due to take place in February. MP raised concerns about whether TfL would maintain it’s ‘excellent’ rating and discussed the need to be prepared for all outcomes, and outlined the risks associated with each.
LT updated on the people side of the equality objectives, noting that they had identified the key areas of focus and would also be working on the particular activities and measures (KPIs etc.) to be agreed and undertaken over the coming 4 years. They were also involved in a working group looking at activities and priorities around disabled staff engagement.
LT also confirmed that her team is looking into the Viewpoint results which demonstrated particularly low levels of satisfaction from disabled employees. LT is digging into the figures to see whether there are other factors which could be affecting the results (age, length of service etc.).
Action: LT to highlight EFLG rating risk at E&I Leadership Group
- Surface E&I Steering Group
Graham Daly (GD) went through the terms of reference of the Surface steering group: to develop and champion Surface Transport E&I strategies and approaches. The group review, endorse and determine any E&I activities or initiatives proposed within 3 areas: service delivery; customer agreement and people. They group is practical and responsible for the delivery of actions. Key objectivesinclude overseeing work, developing progress on E&I action plans, acting as champions such that everybody was an advocate for equality issues and ensuring that Surface Transport meets its E&I legislative commitments. Diversity has been an area of focus, as well as a particular focus on women in transport.
The group has been addressing bus driver behaviour, training and antisocial behaviour, working with police colleagues to address this difficult issue. As well as updates from the various areas, individuals from within TfL had provided narratives about specific issues with members of staff in order to share good practice. GD’s particular area is safety and security, not least perceptions of safety and security around BAME disability. GD said they would welcome IDAG representation at their meetings and believed their contribution would be well received.
In response to RH, GD said they were covering mental health issues under their safeguarding remit and were informed by evidence based research and primary research carried out by themselves with respect to vulnerable people.
- Rail and Underground E&I Steering Group
Jill Collis (JC)explained that the Rail and Underground terms of reference were the same as those outlined by GD and their current focus was on SES – giving updates, looking for case studies and ensuring progress. Promoting 100 years of women in transport had been a key focus, involving some operational staff, as well as reasonable adjustments and understanding the reason for the poor feedback from disabled staff. They had looked at KPIs for the programme as a whole as well as the priorities within Rail and Underground and those emanating from TfL. These included women in the programmes directorate talent pool, recruitment of ex services personnel and graduate recruitment. Alongside SES, they wanted to reset their rail and underground priorities and the involvement of IDAG would be most welcome, particularly at the planning stage. They were also looking to broaden the membership of the group to ensure they had representation from every level of the business.
- Updates from members
OE reported on a conference on IT and transport covering interactive street technologies, assessing and reacting to the composition of bus stop passengers, whether in terms of the number of available buses or an individual’s potential vulnerability and developing a picture map for navigation that could facilitate access for disabled people. He is also due to attend a journey planner workshop and chair the Central Sub-regional Mobility Forum.
SB noted upcoming meetings with the Rail and Underground group as well as the East Sub-regional Mobility Forum.
MP was due to attend the disability staff and careers project group.
AM was due to attend the E&I Leadership group meeting.
RH was due to chair the Southern Sub-regional Mobility Forum in November.
- Accessibility Implementation Plan
Hannah Brown (HB) presented on the Accessibility Implementation Plan. Evidence is being collated as to the current situation with all modes and the effectiveness of information and marketing. The intention is that accessibility is firmly embedded within the MTS and easily identifiable by any interested party. It was suggested that there may be an annual update report on progress made. It is intended that the Plan will be evidence based and that IDAG will have early opportunities for input. It was agreed that a workshop would be held, possibly in advance of the next IDAG meeting.
The Chair emphasised the need for a structured approach to these issues on IDAG’s part and CC agreed to develop a programme of workshops.
- Alice, Marie, Laily (and Elaine or Christina) to take up where strategic staff issues should be raised. It appears there is not an appropriate forum at present. Need to arrange a meeting.
- Elaine to speak to Simon Nielsen about seeing the agenda from the Customer group to identify items which might benefit from IDAG attendance.
- Meeting dates of Customer group to be circulated so that the time has been blocked out if attendance is required.
- Laily to raise Marie’s concerns about the EFLG rating at the E&I Leadership Group
- IDAG members are to write a short report on their activities since the previous meeting to be circulated with the papers. There will be a standing agenda item on updates from members.
- Christina to develop forward programme of meetings and workshops. Briefing notes and background materials to be sent two weeks in advance.