Intergovernmental Affairs Committee Page 4

May 17, 2005



May 17, 2005


Robert Murdock, CEO and General Manager of Otsego Electric Co-op, presented the committee information on providing electric service. Otsego Electric Co-op was created in 1941 with nine people. Mr. Murdock went over what needs to be considered when thinking of starting a municipal power authority, such as where would your service territory be, who will operate the plant and make repairs, do the residents want a change, where will you purchase power, etc? The New York State Public Service Commission regulates the utilities in the state. You must have its approval to operate.

Mr. Murdock said spending taxpayers’ money on a feasibility study for creating a municipal power company has a slim to none chance of saving money. Low cost power is not available. Running a utility authority is not a simple job. If power is not purchased at the right time, it can cost a fortune.

Jim Salmon from NYSEG said communities have spent thousands on feasibility studies and were unable to get low cost power.


Lynn Bass requested permission to hire John Rhodes as a consultant to do an Economic Development Planning Initiative on where we are now, our goals, marketing and targeting growth. The first part of the plan would cost $15,000, and the second portion would cost $4,600 to evaluate what marketing tools we have. There is unused money in the Empire Zone funds. After discussion Representative Puritz-Hayes moved to approve. Seconded, Henderson. Total: 3; Ayes: 3. Motion carried.


Deborah Taylor updated the committee on the group, consumer and international markets.

Deborah Taylor said the Visitor Information Booths will be opening Memorial Day Weekend. She requested permission to pay for the staff luncheon on May 25, 2005. Representative Puritz-Hayes moved to approve. Seconded, Henderson. Total: 3; Ayes: 3. Motion carried.

Deborah Taylor updated the committee on other activities the Tourism Office is working on.

Deborah Taylor requested permission for the following travel:

Central PA Blitz on June 15 - 16, 2005. Registration - $1,045, Lodging - $200, Meals - $75 and Mileage $150 for a total of $1,470.

Travel Exp in Lake George on August 30 - 31, 2005. Registration - $2,140, lodging - $139, Meals - $30 and Mileage - $80 for a total of $2,389.

There is money in the budget to cover the costs. After discussion Representative Puritz-Hayes moved to approve. Seconded, Henderson. Total: 3; Ayes: 3. Motion carried.

Deborah Taylor requested the committee sponsor a 2006 resolution for Matching Funds Program in the amount of $250,000. She said she is requesting $50,000 more in matching funds. After discussion Representative Puritz-Hayes moved to approve with some of the money being used for the shoulder season. Seconded, Relic. Total: 3; Ayes: 3. Motion carried.


Deb Soule brought the committee up to date on her progress concerning a third party contract with the Village of Cooperstown. Ms. Soule reported the DOT has changed some of the terminology.

Representative Puritz-Hayes moved for an executive session to discuss a contract between the county and the village of Cooperstown. Seconded, Henderson. Total: 3; Ayes: 3. Motion carried.

Committee reconvened.


Jane Ayre updated the committee on the 10,300 square foot production center building that is being erected on Market Street. There will be seating for 200-250 persons to see the shows. Ms. Ayre showed pictures of what the complex will look like when completely finished.


Sally Zahniser said the towns of Richfield, Exeter and Otsego have passed a home rule resolution for state legislation to create a Canadarago Lake Improvement District and are asking the county to also pass a home rule resolution. This district would be similar to a fire district and would allow a board of commissioners to manage Canadarago Lake and the surrounding land and to raise taxes. Any taxes needed to be raised by the district would be included in each town's budget and included with each landowner's tax bill. Mrs. Zahniser said that after the state legislation is adopted, they still have to get petitions signed to see if the residents who own property around the lake want such a district. After discussion Representative Henderson moved to support. Seconded, Puritz-Hayes. Total: 3; Ayes: 3. Motion carried.


Matt Van Slyke said he had an Environmental Assessment form for the committee to sign. After discussion the committee said Chairman Carl Higgins should sign the form.

Matt Van Slyke asked the committee to sponsor a resolution adding 53 parcels into various agricultural districts within Otsego County. After discussion Representative Puritz-Hayes moved to approve. Seconded, Henderson. Total: 3; Ayes: 3. Motion carried.


Richard Harlem, Village of Otego Attorney, said on May 4, 2005 Mayor Kroll attended the Board of Representatives meeting and voiced his concerns about Khala-Marr Stables being added to an agricultural district. Chairman Higgins asked Mr. Kroll to come to the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee with his concerns. Richard Harlem said the village feels if this property is added to an ag district, it will take away some of the village’s control of land use regulations. There is a problem with getting rid of the manure and with rats in the grain bins. Richard Harlem asked that the County Board not add the land into an ag district.

Ernest Kroll, Mayor of Otego, said he has concerns with Khala-Marr Stables. The stables have been in business since 1998. They have the right to own horses, but not board horses. Mr. Kroll said the stables have no regard for the local laws. He urged the County Board to not put the property in an agricultural district.

Scott Chatfield, Attorney for Khala-Marr Stables, said the problems are with the Khala-Marr Stables and the Village of Otego, not with the manure and rats. This manure and rat problems have been taken care of. Mr. Chatfield said at the public hearing Monday night, there were no objections voiced. The property should be included in an agricultural district, which would give them protection from unreasonable regulations. The property has always been farmland and should remain as such.

Steve Sinniger, President of the Otsego County Farm Bureau, said the bureau supports including Khala-Marr Stables in an agricultural district. Mr. Sinniger presented a soil map of the Hartner Farm showing the high water table and said it should be preserved as a farm.

Richard Harlem said they just want to make sure the process is fair and impartial. The village would prefer to maintain local control without Khala-Marr Stables buying into an agricultural district. The Zoning Board has also worked to help them.

Representative Ron Feldstein said it was unfortunate that the county was put in this position. He feels the Board of Representatives should go with the Village of Otego and not allow the property in an agricultural district.

Representative Puritz-Hayes moved to send all the parcels to the whole County Board as presented and let the Board decide. Seconded, Henderson. Total: 3; Ayes: 3. Motion carried.


Charlotte Koniuto requested approval for Sheila Ross and Lucinda Jarvis to attend the Election Commissioner's Association Conference on June 21 -24, 2005 in Geneva, NY. There is money in the budget to cover the cost of Registration - $60 and Lodging and Meals - $804. Representative Puritz-Hayes moved to approve. Seconded, Henderson. Total: 3; Ayes: 3. Motion carried.

Charlotte Koniuto requested permission to purchase Mail Check Cards from NTS in the amount of $8,032.42. Representative Puritz-Hayes moved to approve. Seconded, Henderson. Total: 3; Ayes: 3. Motion carried.

Mrs. Koniuto requested approval for Charlotte Koniuto, Hank Nicols, Sheila Ross, Lucinda Jarvis, Lori Lehenbauer and Betsy Cunero to be reimbursed for lunch at the Board of Elections Regional meeting at the Lake Front Restaurant in Cooperstown, NY on June 8, 2005. Representative Puritz-Hayes moved to approve. Seconded, Henderson. Total: 3; Ayes: 3. Motion carried.


Art Bleich said he is still looking at ways to add a part-time Clerk to his office. He has talked with Vic Ronovech about using the services of Corrine Curlis, when she's not needed in the Youth Bureau office. Mr. Bleich is still working on the problem and will get back to the committee.

Discussion was held on filling the vacant funded full-time Driver’s position. After discussion the committee asked Mr. Bleich if he could use another part-time driver for coverage.

Mr. Bleich requested approval to hire one (1) part-time Veterans Van Driver. Representative Puritz-Hayes moved to approve. Seconded, Henderson. Total: 3; Ayes: 3. Motion carried.


Discussion was held on doing a feasibility study. Representative Relic said the committee has heard from various people on providing our own power. Where do we go from here? Does the county want to spend between $10,000 and $35,000 for a feasibility study? Representative Relic said there are a lot of questions to be answered, and he would like to see how Mr. Pittman does with other feasibility projects he is doing before we go ahead with a study.

Representative Puritz-Hayes said she will find some answers for the next committee meeting.

There being no further business to discuss, the committee adjourned until Tuesday, June 21, 2005 at 9:00 am.