December and January Spelling Homework
Complete 2 activities each week.
Dec 5 to 9 / Use Spelling Practice Steps-Look/say/spell
Uncover/check/correct / Have an adult give you a practice test.
Have that adult sign your practice test to show you did it! / Write each of your words in fun letters.
/ Write each of your words and another word that has the same beginning letter.
Ex: shoes shelf
Dec 12 to 16 / Have an adult scramble your words. You unscramble them! / Use each of your words in a sentence. Highlight the spelling word in each sentence. / Write each of your words across and down
ex: cake
e / Write each word then trace the vowels in a different color.
Jan 9 -13 / Write each of your words using crayons, markers or colored pencils. / Write each of your spelling words 2 times each. / Use all of your spelling words in a poem. / Pretend you are a cheerleader and cheer all of your words to an adult. Parent Initials ____
Jan 17-20 / Write your words in ABC order. / Use your computer to type all of your spelling words. You can use fun colors and fonts! / Write a sentence for each of your spelling words / Find the value of each of yourspelling words.
Vowels=5 points
Consonants=2 points
ex: apple = 16
Jan 23 to 27 / Write each spelling word. Put a dot between each syllable in the word. / Use Spelling Practice Steps- Look/say/spell
Uncover/check/correct / Illustrate and label each of your spelling words. / Write all your words replacing the vowels with a line. Go back and see if you can fill in the vowels.
Ex: b_bbl_
December and January Spelling Homework
Complete 2 activities each week.
Dec 5 to 9 / Use Spelling Practice Steps- Look/say/spellCover/say/spell
Uncover/check/correct / Have an adult give you a practice test.
Have that adult sign your practice test to show you did it! / Write each of your words in fun letters.
/ Write each of your words and another word that has the same beginning letter.
Ex: shoes shelf
Dec 12 to 16 / Have an adult scramble your words. You unscramble them! / Use each of your words in a sentence. Highlight the spelling word in each sentence. / Write each of your words across and down
ex: cake
e / Write each word then trace the vowels in a different color.
Jan 9 - 13 / Write each of your words using crayons, markers or colored pencils. / Write each of your spelling words 2 times each. / Use all of your spelling words in a poem. / Pretend you are a cheerleader and cheer all of your words to an adult. Parent Initials ____
Jan 17-20 / Write your words in ABC order. / Use your computer to type all of your spelling words. You can use fun colors and fonts! / Write a sentence for each of your spelling words / Find the value of each of yourspelling words.
Vowels=5 points
Consonants=2 points
ex: apple = 16
Jan 23 to 27 / Write each spelling word. Put a dot between each syllable in the word. / Use Spelling Practice Steps- Look/say/spell
Uncover/check/correct / Illustrate and label each of your spelling words. / Write all your words replacing the vowels with a line. Go back and see if you can fill in the vowels.
Ex: b_bbl_