Racine/Kenosha Community Action Agency, Inc.

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Kenosha Job Center

January 27, 2011


Joseph Bellante, Jr.

Gail Gentz

Karla Fitch

Dayvin Hallmon

Catherine Housenga

Louise Principe

Barbra Rankin

Alecha Redmond

Michael Shields


Steve Donovan

Karla Krehbiel

Gai Lorenzen

Emma Rodriguez


Waleed Ahmad

Essie Allen

Leighton Cooper

Gary Cotton

Pam Halbach

Jan Molinaro

Cheryl Montgomery

Allison Poole

Sharon Schulz

A quorum was present.


Chairperson Principe called the meeting to order approximately 4:05 p.m., and asked if there was any citizen’s input. Hearing none, Chairperson Principe called for approval of the agenda. Director Shields moved to approve the agenda. The motion was seconded by Director Bellante, and voted on and passed.

Chairperson Principe called for approval of the December Board of Directors’ minutes. Director Bellante moved to approve the December Board of Directors’ minutes. The motion was seconded by Director Shields, and voted on and passed.

Chairperson Principe called for the Executive Committee report.

R/K CAA CEO Sharon Schulz reported the Executive Committee had reviewed and recommended Board approval of the 2011 agency budget. R/K CAA CEO Sharon Schulz deferred to R/K CAA Finance Director Jan Molinaro to give an overview of the 2011 agency budget for the rest of the Board members. Director Shields moved to approve the 2011 agency budget. The motion was seconded by Director Gentz, and voted on and passed.

R/K CAA CEO Sharon Schulz reported the Executive Committee recommended the by-laws be amended to clarify the need for a vote to fill any officer vacancies. Director Shields moved to amend the by-laws to clarify the need for a vote to fill any officer vacancies. The motion was seconded by Director Housenga, and voted on and passed.

R/K CAA CEO Sharon Schulz reported the Executive Committee recommended the Vice Chairperson vacancy be filled, and noted Director Donovan expressed interest. Chairperson Principe opened the floor for nominations, and accepted the nomination of Director Donovan for Vice-Chairperson. Director Hallmon moved to close nominations and accept the unanimous nomination of Director Donovan for Vice-Chairperson. The motion was seconded by Director Gentz, and voted on and passed.

R/K CAA CEO Sharon Schulz reported the Executive Committee request that the board seat held by Director Dyess be filled. Director Shields moved that the board fill the board seat held by Director Dyess. The motion was seconded by Director Hallmon, and voted on and passed.

Chairperson Principe reported the Executive Committee recommends the by-laws be amended for filling low-income representative board seats by the highest number of votes for a period of up to six months in lieu of holding the vacancy open or holding another election. Director Gentz moved to amend the by-laws for filling low-income representative board seats by the highest number of votes for a period of up to six months in lieu of holding the vacancy open or holding another election. The motion was seconded by Director Shields, and voted on and passed.

Chairperson Principe reported the Executive Committee recommends the current Racine low-income vacancy be filled by appointing Bernice Moore, who received the seconded greatest number of votes in the fall election. Director Bellante moved to fill the current Racine low-income vacancy by appointing Bernice Moore. The motion was seconded by Director Hallmon, and voted on and passed.

Chairperson Principe reported the Executive Committee recommends the Racine Community Health Center be added as a civic organization, and request the appointment of a representative from the Racine Community Health Center to serve on the R/KCAA board. Chairperson Principe called for any other recommendations, hearing none she called for a motion. Director Shields moved to add the Racine Community Health Center as a civic organization, and request an appointment of a representative from the Racine Community Health Center to serve On the R/KCAA board. The motion was seconded by Director Hallmon, and voted on and passed.

Chairperson Principe noted the Finance Committee report was included with the Executive Committee report, therefore called for the CEO Report.

R/K CAA CEO Sharon Schulz reported on the following:

·  Status on filling open Board seats

·  Outcomes of the All Agency Staff Training

·  Status on the 1633 Racine Street Property

·  CSBG 2012 Federal Budget Cuts

Director Shields moved to approve the CEO report. The motion was seconded by Director Bellante, and voted on and passed.

Chairperson Principe opened the floor for questions regarding written staff reports. R/K CAA Sharon Schulz asked R/K CAA Human Resource Director Gary Cotton to present information regarding the R/K CAA 403 (b) Plan. R/K CAA Human Resource Director Gary Cotton noted there were inconsistencies in the language regarding enrollment, and explained the changes made in the language to alleviate the problem. Director Shields moved to accept written staff reports. The motion was seconded by Director Bellante, and voted on and seconded.

Chairperson Principe called for any new business. There wasn’t any new or unfinished business.

Meeting was adjourned at approximately 4:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted by,

Louise Principe, R/K CAA Board Chairperson

Michael Shields, R/K CAA Board Secretary

Waleed Ahmad, Recorder

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