The Voice of Behavior Analysis in Connecticut

PO Box 138Milford CT06460-0138

CTABA Member Meeting Minutes

May 12, 2016


Executive Council Members / Absent
Executive Council Members / Other Persons in Attendance
Mark Palmieri(President)
Solandy Forte (Past President)
Felicia Morgan (Secretary)
Jaime Jensen (Student Rep)
Melissa Saunders (Applied Rep)
Kate Cormier (Member at Large) / John Molteni (President Elect)
Steve Woolf (Treasurer)
Larry Venuk (Experimental Rep) / Stephanie Reinoso
Missy Olive
Kristen Stadolnik
Jessica Rohrer
Kristine Marino
Abby Holt
Gina Weiss

Committee Chairs/Members

Conference / John Molteni, Solandy Forte, Shaughnessy Egan / Legislative / John Molteni, Missy Olive
Membership / Katelyn Cormier, Gina Weiss / Technology / James Diller, Joe Dracobly
Organizational Members/Sponsorship / Melissa Saunders, Christina Kiley, Sharri Lungarini, Stephanie Reinoso, Kristin Weglarz / Student Support / Jamie Jensen
Family & Consumer Outreach / Sharri Lungarini / Bylaw Revision / John Molteni, Solandy Forte
Workshop series:
Fall workshop
Supervision&Ethics / Melissa Hunsinger-Harris
Sharri Lungarini, Shaughnessy Egan, Missy Olive, Felicia Morgan

Open Meeting

  1. ABAI Preparation
  2. Poster, any final updates/supports needed – Jaimie completing poster and needs number of members = 426; if on poster must be there or pay for registration or not allowed to submit in the future
  3. EC members attending: Solandy, Mark, Steve, Kate, John; Mark will email ABAI re: poster participants
  1. Special Interest Group:
  2. Open discussion led by Stephanie Reinoso report from her and Victoria Ryan:
  3. SIG for public school bcbas to connect and share – created google form to share (attached to email sent to EC with minutes) to be followed by webex meeting/or in-person for practicing behavior analysts in school districts; suggestion is for more inclusive process
  4. How incorporate SIG into ctaba? Vote by email? Share at networking event?
  5. CTABA Vision Planning, Structural Review
  6. Open discussion led by Jim Hoko – request for us to start to brainstorm and he will follow up:
  7. More heterogeneity to the group
  8. Terms, e.g. can only sit on EC or committees for so many terms? (more turnover); limits to how many people can be on EC from one committee at a time
  9. More outreach and engagement with members/bcbas
  10. How address difficulty getting people involved? Webex meetings for some?
  11. Enticements/SIGs meeting member interests e.g. billing
  12. More parent involvement, especially around legislative matters
  13. Inform members/parents re: what we do? And we can do for you (why you should get involved)
  14. Student involvement – how tap into this audience?
  15. Access more people via technology (e.g. online communities)
  16. Committee updates

____committee updates: targeted_____

  1. Conference – Melissa needs applied rep information from John (survey analysis of past CTABA events)
  2. Solandy gave updates: approval for Marriott Hartford and have contract to be reviewed and proposal re: rates/increases so he can make recommendation to EC. Omni issues include want to rotate around CT, rooms size for breakouts, parking, and were going to increase rate by 6%. Marriot is more expensive $5000-$8000 so Steve is going to analyze and make recommendation.
  3. CE software, exploration – not yet
  4. Speakers – 2 yeses so far; work in progress
  5. Updates – Dates are 3/2 and 3/3/17
  6. Membership
  7. Finalization of ByLaw update – Gina has copies will email out; reviewed suggested changes to Article 3: Members
  8. Still need to figure out exact membership; send out blast email re: 30 days to respond with updated information for database OR compare conference to current database but very labor-intensive (change to practice, not policy); need to “fix” before next election; Felicia to add new members (4/26/16 email); delete survey monkey questions not being used; SUBJECT: CTABA membership about to expire – must complete this 1 minute survey asap
  9. Organizational Membership
  10. Networking event update: email to go out as soon as able to register on website

Networking Event:

  • Finalizing the details for the event (June 16th, limited to 80 attendees at USJ)
  • We have 5 sponsors for the event so far.
  • Setting up EVEY for payment. Joe has all the information for the payment options. Must be up and running ASAP (by Monday)
  • Email to be sent to membership list (Felicia). Organizational membership committee to send Felicia the details for the email blasts and the schedule for sending them out.
  • Speakers have been identified. Agenda (Networking=1 hour, Talk=50 minutes, Networking=1 hour)
  • Folders with flyers going to be put together by Staples. Cost will be approximately $300.00.
  • Cost of food approximately $1,200 but looking to adjust menu to decrease cost.
  • Cost of drinks will be $600.00 for the bartender set up.
  • Post on Facebook (Solandy)
  • Sold out in two weeks last year.
  • Should we reach out to org members/sponsors who supported the conference?
  1. Family and Consumer Outreach
  2. Coordination update, workshop and other relevant committees – working on how to engage parents, get information out, where parents can find info
  3. Workshops
  4. Provide any needed updates on Fall Workshop (timelines given the CTABA summer schedule)
  5. Legislative
  6. Updates (general) – bill for licensure was in, moved along, concurrence but moved back to DPH where it died; reach out to BALC to set up meeting to move forward with legislative matters; Mark to send out vote to EC but can meet individually without entire EC (but not representing CTABA)
  7. Other bills SB131 in concurrence; Bill re behavioral health; HB 5587 also in concurrence; Missy believes we need lobbyist information. Jim (ACES) has offered their lobbyist and Betty (CCCD) is other lobbyist; so do we need a lobbyist with others doing this? BUT may have a different vision, mission than our organization so…
  8. Missy needs a co-chair; if John is stepping down, need formal decision on this and call for co-chair to be sent out
  9. Issues re: involvement/engagement and cost of lobbyist
  10. Organizational members & their reps was reviewed re: response to Missy’s email
  11. Return to discussion of resource list from April
  12. Technology
  13. Update on email setup – problems setting up new emails; can we do gmail thing instead? Check in with James/Joe
  14. Student Support
  15. Bylaw Revision (revisited)
  16. Develop an action plan that has timelines associated – Solandy and John in process of reviewing
  1. Financial Update
  2. Treasurer not in attendance
  3. Open Update and Discussion: Membership Items
  4. Committee Work Sessions
  5. Schedule for next year: Mark will send to EC
  1. Items for next meeting:
  2. Survey Review - Status of survey analysis from past CTABA events
  3. SIG review
  4. Fall workshop

NEXT MEETING: Networking event

Time: 5-8


No June meeting - instead Networking event

Dates for next year TBD