Wednesday Community Meal
The community meal on November 18th will be taco bar, salad, and dessert. The Church Chore Crew is scheduled on Nov. 18th. Volunteers are needed for Nov. 25th – Thanksgiving Eve meal – to help serve and clean up. For some members and our community this will be the only Thanksgiving meal they will have. Please call or stop by the office – Confirmation students can earn service hours. All are welcome!
Counting Help Needed
If you are interested in helping count the offering in December (whichever weekends work for you) – please call the office. Thank you!
Who was your most important faith mentor as a young person? Did you have aSundaySchool teacher, neighbor, or a prominent member of your church who made a positive impact on your faith? What was so special about this person for you? The kids in our congregation and neighborhood need important faith mentors. They need teachers, guides and surrogate grandparents. We need non-parent adults to be faithful men & women in the lives of our young people. Can you share your time to positively impact our kids? Are you able to share 1-2 Wednesdays or Sundays a month to serve this congregation in working with children, youth, and families? We need you. Our kids need you. The children of our neighborhood need you. Please talk to Nina Joy to discover where your giftedness can serve best!r952-283-0804or stop by the CTK office. Thank you!
Lost and Found
Please check the coat rack at the end of the hall by the restrooms to see if any of the items on it are yours. The items that are on it will be given to Goodwill after Nov. 23 to help make room for the inevitable winter coats. Thank you!
The Holiday Shop at Cornerstone
Holiday Shop truly emphasizes the joy of giving and its success is dependent on the generosity of the community. The gifts the children choose from for their brothers, sisters and parent are provided by donations from individuals, groups and businesses. They are asking for donations of: new unwrapped gifts for a parent, new unwrapped gifts suitable for youth (age 0-17), gift cards, holiday wrap and wrapping supplies. Ideas can be found on the window by the office. Donations need to be in the box by Dec. 3rd.
CTK Daring Women of Faith
Social events with introduction to Dr. Brene' Brown's works via discussion and TED Talk videos will be December 3rd7:00-8:30pm. Treats and child care are provided. All Day Women's Retreat with Rev. Sarah Ciavarri will beSaturday, January 9 2016. Cost is $25.00 for the day.Sign-up in the commons!
Welcome to Christ the King
November 14 & 15, 2015