Market Drayton Town Council

Minutes of an Extraordinary Council meeting held on 24 September 2015 at 7.30pm in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Frogmore Road, Market Drayton.

PRESENT: Councillors: R. Aldcroft (Mayor & Chair), J. Beckett, T. Beckett, K. Brown, J. Cadwallader, D. Erwin, M. Erwin, J. Gough, R. Hughes, D. Minnery, C. Purcell, L. Ridgway and R. Smith.

Clerk: Town Clerk and Assistant Town Clerk.


Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors S. Glover, L. Owen, V. Taylor and M. Whittle.


There were no pecuniary interests declared.

Councillor J. Gough entered the Chamber.


Councillor Aldcroft proposed, Councillor Ridgway seconded and it was RESOLVED:

That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted which will involve the likely disclosure of exempt information relating to establishing and contractual matters as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12a Local Government Act 1972 and pursuant to the provisions of Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1060 the public and press be temporarily excluded from the meeting and they are instructed to withdraw.


The Chairman said there had been various ‘happenings’ of poor conduct by a Councillor during council meetings which culminated at the Services and Facilities Committee meeting held on 17 September 2015 whilst the press and members of the public were present.

He said Councillor Whittle had breached of the Code of Conduct in the following ways:

Naming of a member of the public in an open meeting.

Persistently asking questions and bringing items up at committee which were not on the agenda.

Harassing the Clerk and calling her a liar whilst committee, press and public were present. He said Councillor Whittle had brought the Council in to disrepute by his constant shouting out in meetings and untimely questioning of the Clerks.

Councillor Whittle has embarrassed the Council on many occasions. He has also repeatedly criticized the Council in a public forum (SALC).

The Chair said it was his and other member’s corporate duty to look after the staff and feels this needs addressing which is why it is necessary to take action to protect staff. The reputation of the Town Council should also be protected.

Councillor Minnery said he had not intended to make a comment at the meeting however, after attending a meeting at Shropshire Council today he was approached by the Chairman of SC who asked what was going on at Market Drayton Council? The Chairman said that Councillor Whittle approached him stating Market Drayton Town Council are out of control and minutes are being fabricated.

Councillor Minnery explained to the Chairman that the Town Council were experiencing a few problems with a Councillor but assured him that everything is running well at the Town Council and minutes are most definitely not being falsified.

Councillor Minnery went on to say that this kind of false representation of the Town Council by one of its own Councillors cannot continue.

Councillor Brown said she didn’t hear the Clerk being called a liar, she cannot always hear what is being said.

Councillor Hughes said as Chair of the Committee he can confirm that Councillor Whittle did call the Clerk a liar and also named a member of the public in a derogatory manner.

Councillor Aldcroft proposed. Councillor Ridgway seconded and it was RESOLVED:

That Councillor Mark Whittle be suspended from this council for a period of three months with immediate effect. This suspension is to enable a proper investigation to take place into his conduct as a Councillor. Following which a report will be submitted to the Monitoring Officer at Shropshire Council.

This is as a direct result of witnessed and reported breaches of MDTC Standing Orders, Code of Conduct, Nolan principles and bringing the Council into disrepute. These actions fell well below those expected of a person in Public Office.

During this period of suspension Councillor Whittle will continue to receive all allowances and Council minutes but will not be able to participate in Council, Committee or Sub - Committee meetings. He will also remain subject to MDTC Standing Orders and standards required by those in public office.

Councillor Brown asked for a recorded vote.

The vote was as follows:

Councillor R. Aldcroft For

Councillor J. Beckett For

Councillor T. Beckett For

Councillor K. Brown Against

Councillor J. Cadwallader For

Councillor D. Erwin For

Councillor M. Erwin For

Councillor J. Gough For

Councillor R. Hughes For

Councillor D. Minnery For

Councillor C. Purcell For

Councillor L. Ridgway For

Councillor R. Smith Against

There were 11 votes for and 2 votes against.


The Chairman said the Council have another matter arising from a witnessed conversation by a Councillor with the press regarding the Clerks employment and qualifications. Questioning their ability to do their job.

He said this is a breach of Standing Orders:

Section 24v ‘Do their utmost to ensure the media are given accurate information, preferably in a form that can be recorded.

Section 25a Councillors shall not disclose information given in confidence or which they believe, or ought to be aware of is of a confidential nature.

Section 25b Councillors breaching this s/o may be removed from the committee or sub-committee by resolution of council.

Section 27h No member shall discuss any matter relating to the employment or remuneration of employees of the council outside the appropriate committee.

The Chairman said the comments made by this Councillor were derogatory and untrue.

Councillor Aldcroft proposed, Councillor Ridgway seconded and it was RESOLVED with 11 votes for and 2 abstentions:

That the Councillor responsible shall be removed from the Personnel Committee in accordance with section 25a, 25b and 27h of Standing orders. A report be sent to the Monitoring Officer at Shropshire Council regarding the release of misleading information regarding personnel to the media.


The Chairman said Standing Orders should be looked at regarding the removal of Councillors from committees, this should go as an item on the next Finance and General Purposes Committee.

The meeting concluded at 8.44 pm.

Chairman …………………………

Date …………………………