5th October 2012

Dear Parents,

Parent-Teacher Association Annual General Meeting (2012-2013)

I would like to inform you that the Executive Committee members of the Parent-teacher Association for the year 2012-2013 have been elected by the parents and teachers. Through an internal election held among the newly elected committee members, the committee posts have also been decided. In the upcoming year, the running of the association will largely rely on the support of the committee members and the parents. The list of the Executive Committee members and the committee posts are as follows:

Chairperson: / Mr. Cheung Kwok Kei
Vice-Chairperson: / Ms. Lam Ching Wah, Principal Kwan Suet Ming
Treasurer: / Ms. Man Yuk Ming
Public Relations: / Ms. Lam Hoi Yan, Ms. Tang Oi Yee, Mr. Au Chi Hung,
Ms. Hui Chi Ching , Mr. Ko Ka Chun, Ms. Leung Kit Ping
Executive Committee Members: / Ms. Lee Pui Ling, Mr. Har Wai Ming , Mr. Au Kar Man,
Principal Ng Pui Ching, Principal Shum Pui Chun, Vice-Principal Kwong Man Wai

You are cordially invited to attend the Parent-Teacher Association Annual General Meeting (2012-2013), which will be held at our school hall on 19th Oct 2012 (Friday). The programme rundown is as follows:

5:45 – 6:00 pm Registration (at the school hall entrance)

6:00 – 6:35 pm Annual Report, Financial Report, Introduction of the Executive Committee, Principal’s Report

6:35 – 8:00 pm Meetings with Class Teachers to understand the learning progress of students

We look forward to seeing you in the meeting.


1.  To facilitate a smooth running of the programme, your punctual attendance is very much appreciated.

2.  Parents may enter through the entrance at Fuk Kwan Avenue.

3.  As a photo-taking session is scheduled, the newly elected committee members would meet at the reception room of the school hall at 5:45 pm.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. Cheung Kwok Kei

Chairperson of Parent-teacher Association


Reply Slip (To be returned to Class Teacher by 8th October 2012)

To: Mr. Cheung Kwok Kei

The Chairperson of Parent-teacher Association

True Light Middle School of HK

Parent-Teacher Association Annual General Meeting (2012-2013)

I acknowledge receipt of the letter concerning the above-captioned meeting.

□  I would like to attend the meeting. ______of us would like to come.

□  I would not attend the occasion.

Class: / S ( )
Name of Student:
Signature of Parent:

(Please üas appropriate)