College of Arts and Sciences


The College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Arts and Sciences Advisory Council on Academic Advising (CASACAA) are accepting nominations for the Dean’s Outstanding Academic Advising Award. The purpose of this award is to recognize College advisors who have demonstrated the qualities associated with outstanding academic advising. Because we value the role of academic advisors, the College and CASACAA will recognize up to two College advisors, each of whom will receive a $500 cash award and have his/her name inscribed on a plaque in the College of Arts and Sciences Academic Services office. Previous recipients include: Ms. Casie Collamore, Ms. Candeh Powell, Dr. Steven Wells, Mr. Lance Goins, and Ms. Jamie Vaughn.

WHO MAY NOMINATE: Any currently enrolled student or any member of the College of Arts and Sciences faculty or staff.

ELIGIBLE NOMINEES: Any current faculty or professional advisor in the College of Arts and Sciences who advises undergraduate and/or graduate students.

SELECTION CRITERIA: To qualify for the Dean’s Outstanding Academic Advising Award, candidates must have consistently provided superior advising services to students in the College of Arts and Sciences. The distinguished advisor should reflect perspective, initiative, and efforts that transcend the boundaries of the advisor’s designated advising responsibilities. Specifically, the selection committee will look for evidence of the following:

Ø  mastery of university, college, and departmental regulations, policies, and procedures

Ø  prioritization of professional development and growth as an advisor

Ø  fosters a personalized advising experience focused on each student’s goals and interests

Ø  mentoring to encourage academic achievement

Ø  willingness to advocate on behalf of advisees

NOMINATION PACKET: Of particular importance in evaluating a candidate will be the supporting materials included in the nomination packet as follows:

Ø  nominator’s letter

Ø  letter from the department chair addressing the effectiveness of the nominee’s advising effort in the context of departmental needs (Note: If the department chair is the nominator, one letter will suffice.)

Ø  1or 2 letters of support from current and/or former students, indicating how the nominee meets the selection criteria

SELECTION PROCEDURES: A selection committee composed of faculty, students, professional advisors, and the Associate Dean will review nominations and supporting materials.


College of Arts and Sciences


nomination form

The nomination packet consists of (1) the nomination form and letter, (2) letter from nominee’s department chair, and (3) 1 or 2 support letters from current and/or former students indicating how the nominee meets the selection criteria.
please print or type

Information About Nominee

Nominee’s Name: Department:

Information About The Nominator

To the Nominator: You may be contacted to provide additional information about your nomination. Please complete the following information. Anonymous nominations will not be accepted.

Nominator’s Name: Department/Major:

University Status (circle one): student faculty staff Telephone:

Campus/Local Mailing Address:

Nominator’s Statement

Please explain why you think the nominee is an outstanding academic advisor. Selection criteria are described in the Selection Criteria section on the reverse of this form. Attach an additional sheet if more space is needed.


Please return this form and other required documents to Ellison Hall 124 by March 6, 2017