Minutes of Meeting of the Full Governing Body
held on Monday 14 July 2014
Mr Andrew Hill COM (Chair) / Mrs Sue Noon PARMrs Anna-Ruby Yates COM / Mr David Hope PAR
Dr Rajeev Kaja COM / Mrs Sally Hayes PAR
Mrs Nicola Loan LA / Mrs Christy Roach PAR
Mrs Amanda Abley HT / Mrs Amanda Handley STF
Mrs Deryn Grisenthwaite STF
COM = Community Governor; PAR = Parent Governor; STF = Staff Governor; HT = Headteacher;
LA = Local Authority Governor
In Attendance: Ms Sue McClinton (clerk),
School Council
The meeting heard from 9 representatives of School Council about their activities this year. These have included choosing the climbing frame, looking into recycling, very popular Xmas jumper day (raising money for Save the Children), drawing up the toilet code of conduct, posters to advertise a successful book week, decisions to spend active kids vouchers on tennis equipment and footballs, new football rules from September, working across years re non-European art around the school and new playground markings for next year.
In response to questions from governors, the council members responded:
· The toilet code of conduct has made a big difference to behaviour in the toilets.
· Miss Smith is their link with the school and members felt that their ideas are listened to by the school
· Council reps report back within their classes and take ideas from fellow pupils as well as using assemblies to communicate with the whole school
· The most difficult topic was the recycling and there was disappointment to find that any additional activity was not cost effective.
· Existing members stand down and next year, each class elects a girl and boy from peers who have not yet been on council. In Y6, the candidates have to present a speech they have written.
Governors thanked the school council members for their work during the year and their report, and thanked Miss Smith too.
1. / Welcome & Apologies for AbsenceApologies were accepted from Mr Ridout and Ms Cameron Griffiths
The resignation of Mr Stacey was noted.
2. / To Note the Need to Declare any Conflict of Interest Noted
3.1 / To Receive Notice of Any Urgent Business
Complaint: Complaints Panel membership agreed (Dr Kaja, Ms Noon and Ms Roach) and to communicate with complainants by 19 July. Ms Hayes to be assigned as governor buddy to support parents with the procedure.
Collective Worship to be picked up later in meeting.
4. / Minutes of the Meeting held on 19 May 2014
Agreed as a true record and signed by the Chair
7. / Matters Arising from the Minutes
Mr Hope clarified that school is dealing directly with supplier so no requirement to add to business interest form.
Dr Kaja has completed governor induction training
Staff enjoyed the tea and governors were thanked.
Premier Inn: The chair reported that operational safeguards will be in place for rooms overlooking the playground – the rooms will be let only from 6 pm to 8 am. Mr Hope will take up the invitation to visit. Two pupils are being invited to be hotel inspectors. In response to a question, the chair confirmed that if the school has any reservations about the arrangements, the company have confirmed that they will put in additional measures for which there are precedents. / DH
6. / Report from School Improvement Committee
Ms Hayes reported on the meeting held on 6 June 2014 which had considered the PE policy, the recommendations of the complaints panel (67% of which were already in place), the governor newsletter and options for the governors. The minutes will be circulated with the FGB minutes.
It was confirmed that the SATS results are not as high as last year, but are as predicted. The head will bring a full report in the autumn when all the data is available.
On a governor’s suggestion, it was agreed to add to the governor annual report in the newsletter, a summary of governor training undertaken during the year. / SH/Clerk
Head/Sept FGB
7.3.4 / Report from Resources Committee
It had not been possible for the RC to meet since the last FGB so the governing body considered various items of business:
Site Visit: Undertaken earlier in evening by Ms Loan, Mr Hope and Mr Hill. Some minor issues to action and entry door to be included in next H&S report.
Internal Audit & SFVS: As result of internal audit, AL comes up as “substantial” fulfilment on four categories and “full” fulfilment on budget setting. It is recommended that governors undertake a skills audit which links with reconstitution of the governing body – this has to be done by 2015 and there is an expectation that the balance of skills on the governing body is reviewed as part of this exercise. In addition, it is recommended that there is a detailed programme for governor business from FGB to delegation to committees. Agreed to defer to next RC meeting to be held early Sept.
Staff Update:
The head requested governors to approve an additional member of SLT to focus on the progress of Pupil Premium (PP) and to be funded from PP money. Governors were reminded that they are accountable for the impact of the PP expenditure so would need to be able to quantify its impact. In discussion, concern was expressed by staff governors about the additional pressure on staff though the opportunity for professional development for a member of staff was also noted. The post and expenditure were approved and governors agreed to monitor the PP use and its outcomes regularly. It was agreed to ask Mr Ridout as PP governor to bring a report on the PP spend and its outcomes to the next FGB meeting.
Interviews have been successfully held for a TA, nursery nurse and admin assistant.
The Chair outlined the changes to performance and pay arrangements for senior leadership introducing a small leadership scale instead of TLR payments. Governors have to be able to justify any pay increases, both those the Head may award to SLT and any increase they may pay to the Head, in relation to performance – how far targets from identified needs have been met. RC to review pay policy and determine whether any changes necessary by end of Sept – recent H4L model policy highlights changes in red.
In response to a question, the head re-iterated her performance management process. In the autumn term, she meets with the Herts Improvement Partner (HIP) who then meets with two nominated governors. The latter then meet with the head to set her targets. These were reviewed in June when Mr Ridout met the head.
Policies: The attendance and gifted and talented (G&T) policies were agreed subject to minor amendment – attendance, last para to be deleted and G&T requires quick edit and removal of staff and governor names. G&T is pro tem as will be incorporated into new Inclusion Policy. / Sept RC
Sept RC
8.2 / Headteacher’s Report
Governors were given the opportunity to review the largely successful outcomes from the current School Development Plan (SDP) and to comment on priorities for 2014/15 – adding their comments to contributions already made by staff and parents. Q: why the particular emphasis on inclusion? A: the head clarified the changes to inclusion and how parents and pupils will be contributing to a new policy which incorporates all particular groups. Q: why the particular emphasis on punctuation and grammar? A: because they are an integral part of the new curriculum.
Head had annual progress review with HIP who confirms that provision in the EYFS remains at least good. Areas for development will be included in the SDP. Q: why had progress not been higher in past? A: a different teacher who provided more continuity from the nursery.
Noted that Free School Meal pupils are making at least expected progress.
9. / Annual SENCO Report
Deferred to the Autumn. There is a requirement to publish the SEN offer on the website which has been done. Governors to check website info before report is presented at the next meeting. / All Govrs
Sept FGB
10. / Safeguarding Update
The head reported one outstanding issue.
11. / Update on Academy Status
Nothing to Report
12. / School Visits
Mr Ridout’s report on transition arrangements was noted along with the difficulties at LINKS at present. Mr Hope was involved in the staff interviews and Ms Noon met with parents re the SEN changes. Report to follow. Governors have attended the school production and sports day. Governors reminded that written reports are important where visits focus on a particular aspect of the school’s work. / SN
13.4 / Governor Business
No parents attended the parent-governor meeting so it is unlikely that the exercise will be repeated. Similarly, the evening parent forms have not been popular and will revert to daytime in future. Governors are encouraged to wear badges, obtainable at reception, whenever visiting the school.
Training & Development: The chair and Mr Ridout attended pay and performance training and Ms Roach has completed safeguarding training. Possible focus for next cluster training is the new curriculum so with greater understanding, governors will be better able to challenge.
Governor Resignation: Mr Stacey has resigned because of additional work commitments. There will be a parent governor election in September. A possible LA governor will be invited to visit the school before term ends.
Reconstitution: Focus in future in on smaller, more dynamic and skilled governing bodies. Linked to skills audit. Deadline September 2015 and to bring forward in September.
Succession Planning: Both the chair and vice chair step down in September. Governors were strongly encouraged to consider taking up the mantle, possibly with a shared responsibility arrangement if this made it more appealing. Q: do any governor terms of office expire in 2015? A: Mr Hill and Mr Ridout in March 2015, Ms Loan in November 2014 (NB not 2015) and Ms Handley in May 2015.
Mr Hope to be acting chair of Resources Committee and will convene early September meeting. / AA
Sept FGB
14.3 / Any Other Business
Collective Worship: Raised by a new parent. Governors to review in September.
Mr Hope informed the head about a local charity, Old Albanians, who have sports grant money to dispense. Application form on website.
Governor Conference: The clerk recommended the governor conference on 15 November (booking not yet open). Key speakers include Mr Drew (Educating Essex) and Camila Batmanghelidjh (Kids Company). / Sept FGB
14. / Date of Next Meeting Monday 29 September at 7 pm.
Signed: ...... Date: ......
Item / Action / Who/Where5.7 / Mr Hope will take up the invitation to visit Premier Inn / DH
6. / SIC minutes will be circulated with the FGB minutes. / SH/Clerk
6. / SATS report / Head/Sept FGB
6. / Gov Training to be added to annual governor report next year / Chair
7.2 / Audit recommendations (skills audit & governor business schedule) to next RC meeting. / Sept RC
7.3.1 / Pupil Premium Report / Head/NR/Sept FGB
7.3.3 / Review of pay policy / Sept RC
9. / Annual SENCO report – governors to check info on website / Sept FGB
12. / Governor visit report to be circulated / SN
13.2 / Visit for possible LA governor to be arranged / Head
13.3 / Governor Reconstitution / Sept FGB
14.1 / Review of Collective Worship / Sept FGB