Affiliation / School / Department
Status / FC code / Name

* Note for Research Associates: Please fill in the name of your advisor

Submission deadline: Monday, November 14, 2016 Kiso Grant-1

Research project title (20 words or less) / Bioethics and
safety measures / *Project number
Application status as a research representative
for external competitive research funds
※For grant amount, please state only direct expenses. / Research
,000yen / Waseda University Grantfor
Special Research Project outcome outline report(selected between FY 2011-FY 2015) / □Reported
□No project selected
Year of application: for periods (1), (2) and (3), refer to “Guidelines for filling out the research plan form.”
Be careful to note that application year is different from fiscal year.
status for
(Application and selection status for the past two fiscal years and FY 2016) / Year of application / 2014 (3) / 2015 (2) / 2016 (1)
Application status / Selected/rejected/continued / Selected/rejected/continued / Planning to apply*
Under application/continued
amount / ,000yen / ,000yen / ,000yen
Application status / Selected/rejected/continued / Selected/rejected/continued / Planning to apply*
Under application/continued
amount / ,000yen / ,000yen / ,000yen
Application status / Selected/rejected/continued / Selected/rejected/continued / Planning to apply*
Under application/continued
amount / ,000yen / ,000yen / ,000yen
Application status for external competitive research fund other than Kakenhi
(Application and selection status for the past two fiscal years and FY 2016) / Name and contact number of funding organization and the research project title (see the guidelines) Application planning for 2017 external competitive funds should be done by the end of
December, 2016.
Year of application / 2014 (3) / 2015 (2) / 2016 (3)
Application status / Selected/rejected/continued / Selected/rejected/continued / Planning to apply*
Under application/continued
Name and contact number of funding organization andresearch project title
amount / ,000 yen / ,000 yen / ,000 yen
Application status / Selected/rejected/continued / Selected/rejected/continued / Planning to apply*
Under application/continued
Name and contact number of funding organization andresearch project title
amount / ,000 yen / ,000 yen / ,000 yen
Use of research expenses Please state the main use of the grant funds (e.g. travel expenses, books and materials)

Do not attach any additional pages.Use about 10 point font. Kiso Grant-2

Research objective and plan:
Please state your overall objective (intended achievement during the period of the grant for which you are applying) in a concrete and explicit manner.
1) In the case of using this grant and another research grant at the same time:
Please state the relationship in a concrete manner.
2) In the case where the research plan extends for more than one year:
Please state the entire research plan first, then describe in detail the portion of the plan covered by funds for the current year.
3) In the case of conducting research involving human genome analysis, research which needs some social consensus or research which requires measures for bioethics or safety:
Please state the planned measures in a concrete manner.
Research achievement
Please report significant papers published (by researchers listed in the research organization section) in academicjournalsor booksrelated to this plan in the past five years; list them in chronological order from present to past.Required information: name of
author, year of publication, title of research paper, book or academic journal (in case of books please provide name of publisher,
and volume number), page number of first and last pages and whether the publication is peer reviewed or not.
1)If there is more than one author, please underline the name of the applicant for the grant. If the corresponding author is
specified in the paper, put * after the name. The order of co-authors should be the same as in the paper or the book. If thereare numerous authors, it is acceptable to list only a few major authors (in such cases, include the total number of authors).
The list order of the applicant must be indicated. If the paper has DOI (Digital Object Identifier), please include that.
2)In the cases of shared authorship of a book, the names of the editor and author must be included in addition to (1) above.
If the name of the applicant is listed as an editor on the colophon, put ‘editor’ after that author's name.
3)It is essential to specify whether the research paper was peer-reviewed or not; however, the common practice of each research area may be considered (e.g. most magazines do not have a peer review process; an authored book may be regarded highly as research achievement).