Cantt Board Education System
Leave Policy (Contract Appointments)
- General. Cantonment Board Education System has recently been revamped having schools and colleges in all the Cantonments. A need was felt to provide guideline on leave matters to all concerned to be followed in letter and spirit.
- Aim. To provide guideline on leave matters.
- Types of Leave
- Casual Leave. Maximum 10 days in a calendar year on full pay and allowances and not more than three days at a time.
- Sick Leave. Actual period of absence from duty on acct of medically certified sickness including period spent in hospital upto a total of 15 days in a calendar year.
- Leave without Pay
(1)It can be granted upto three months.
(2)In case it is combined with any other type of Leave, the total period will not exceed three months.
- Leave Ex Pakistan. Cases of grant of Ex-Pakistan leave in respect of all the employees will be referred to the respective PCB.The request for approval will be forwarded for leave Ex Pakistan during Summer and Winter Vacations only except on following occasions:-
(1)Performance of Hajj.
(2)Serious Medical Problems.
- Maternity Leave. It will be60 days paid leave. Maternity Leave shall not be combined with any other kind of leave.
- Umra Leave. The teachers may proceed on Umra during vacation. However, in case of urgent arrangements, the request for “Umra Leave” for not more than 15 days could be entertained with following conditions:-
(1)No request for “Umra” will be entertained for the period from 1 Jan to 31 Mar (Exam period), unless such leave does not exceed 10 days.
(2)It will be sanctioned subject to production of visa/passport.
- General Rules
- Casual leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right and shall be discouraged to the maximum.
- No Leave may be availed without prior permission.
- All type of leave will be counted for the calendar year (from 1st Jan to 31 Dec).
- For all foreseen situations, the leave will be applied at least two days in advance.
- Maternity leave will be applied for at least four weeks in advance.
- Any unauthorized absence from the institution will be treated as extraordinary leave without pay and allowances. In addition to this, appropriate disciplinary action may be initiated against the defaulter. In case of unauthorized absence, or absence without intimation from the institution for a continuous period of ten days or more, the services of the defaulting staff is liable to be terminated without notice.
- Leave vacancy staff is not entitled to any type of leave with pay. Any leave availed by such staff will be leave without pay.
- In cases of prolonged illness, leave will be without pay and continuity of service will be at the discretion of the respective Education Management Committee.
- There are no more than maximum four weeks spring / winter / summer vacations for the Principals. However, no claim for leftover/accumulated leave will be entertained.
- Applications for leave must be submitted on a prescribed leave application form.
- Short leave (max 3 times in a month) for urgent work can be obtained from CEO/Principals. Proper record will be kept by the Principals for all types of leave.
- The dates for vacations will be announced from time to time as per school calendar and government directives.
- In cases of prolonged illness, leave will be without pay and continuity of service will be at the discretion of the Principal.
- If an employee remains absent beyond the period of leave originally granted, or subsequently extended, she shall lose lien on his/her appointment unless she:
(1)Returns within five days of the expiry of leave;
(2)Explains to the satisfaction of the sanctioning authority the reason for his/her inability to return on the expiry of his/her leave.
- If leave, in addition to the authorized number of days, is required, it will also have to be applied for. In such a case the staff members will be penalized monetarily only. Such cases will be treated as cases of leave without pay.
- Casual leave affixed or prefixed with gazetted holidays, weekends or vacations shall be treated as continuous leave unless otherwise allowed by the sanctioning authority.
- If applications of two or more employees of the same school are received for the same period of leave, sanction will be granted on a “first come first served” basis. However, the number of employees proceeding on leave shall always be subject to the discretion of the sanctioning authority.
- Leave Sanctioning Authority
- Principal
(1)Casual leave up to3 dayswill be sanctioned by CEOs.
(2)Casual leave beyond 3 daysand all other types of leave will be sanctioned by respective PCB.
(3)For short leave or in case of emergency, the Principal will inform CEO on telephone before leaving the institution.
- Teacher
(1)Casual Leave upto 3 days to be sanctioned by the Principal.
(2)All other types of leave will be sanctioned by respective CEO.
(3)No teacher should leave the institution without short leave duly sanctioned under the rules in vogue.
c.Admin Staff
(1)It will be sanctioned by the Principal.
(2)Casual Leave. It will be granted for 10 days. If it is suffixed / pre-fixed with gazetted holidays, Sunday or vacations the whole period will be counted as leave
(3)Medical Leave: It will be granted for 5 days on production of medical certificate by an auth med officer / surgeon etc.
- Encashment Of Un-availed Casual Leave. All contract employees will be entitled to get at the end of the year, the balance of their un-availed casual leave en-cashed. The amount of encashment will be calculated on the basis of Rs 500/- per day.