Andrew S. Hoover

Space Science and Applications (ISR-1)


Los Alamos NM 87545

(505) 664-0979 


Ph.D., Physics New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 2003

M.S., Physics New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 2000

B.S., Physics Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO1997

Graduate studies in experimental particle physics were conducted at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Dissertation: "The PHENIX muon spectrometer and J/ production in 200 GeV proton-proton collisions at RHIC".


Cryogenic microcalorimeter detectors for high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy. Monte Carlo simulation for radiation detectors. Gamma-ray imaging. Multi-channel detector systems. Development and characterization of radiation detector systems.


Dr. Hooverhas experience in gamma-ray imaging and spectroscopy, nuclear material measurements, Monte Carlo simulation, and large multi-channel detector systems. He received degrees in Physics from Colorado State University (B.S. - 1997) and New Mexico State University (Ph.D. - 2003). His research interests lie in the development, operation, and simulation of innovative instrumentation for radiation detection. He participates in a broad range of projects related to nuclear detection, safeguards, and homeland security. Currently he is involved in the development of low-temperature cryogenic detector arrays for ultra-high energy resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy with applications in nuclear material analysis. Prior detector hardware experience includes a 20,000-channel muon spectrometer, a 1,000-channel Compton imaging detector, and a mobile multichannel Compton and coded aperture hybrid gamma-ray imager. He has significant expertise in the field of Monte Carlo simulation for radiation detectors, and has been a primary software developer for simulation and modeling of NASA's Fermi telescope gamma-ray burst monitor, DNDO's stand-off radiation detection system (SORDS), LANL-NIST's microcalorimeter array development, and portable HPGe detectors.


Multimodal Radiation Imaging, U.S. Patent 7863567, Issue date Jan. 4, 2011.

Inventors: Michael V. Hynes, Bernard Harris, Eugene E. Lednum, Mark S. Wallace, Larry J. Schultz, David M. Palmer, Daniel T. Wakeford, Hugh R. Andrews, Richard C. Lanza, Edward T. H. Clifford, Harry Ing, Liqian Li, Andrew Hoover, Shawn R. Tornga, Richard M. Kippen

Publications and Presentations

PUBLICATIONS (journal articles and conference proceedings)

[1]Hoteling, N., Hoover, A.S., Rabin, M.W., Ullom, J.N., Bennett, D.A., Lee, D.W., “Assessing the capabilities of cryogenic microcalorimeter detectors for the analysis of plutonium isotopic content.” Proceedings of the INMM 52nd Annual Meeting (2011)

[2]Lee. D.W., Hoteling, N., Hoover, A., Rabin, M., Karpius, P., Vo, D., “Spectral analysis of cryogenic microcalorimeter data with modified peak shapes.” Proceedings of the INMM 52nd Annual Meeting (2011)

[3]Hoover, A.S., Hoteling, N., Rabin, M.W., Ullom, J.N., Bennett, D.A., Karpius, P.J., Vo, D.T., Doriese, W.B., Hilton, G.C., Horansky, R.D., Irwin, K.D., Kotsubo, V., Lee. D.W., Vale, L.R., "Large microcalorimeter arrays for high-resolution X- and gamma-ray spectroscopy." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, vol. 652, no. 1 (2011) 302-306

[4]Bennett, D.A., Horansky, R.D., Hoover, A.S., Hoteling, N.J., Rabin, M.W., Schmidt, D.R., Swetz, D.S., Vale, L.R., Ullom, J.N., “An analytical model for pulse shape and electrothermal stability in two-body transition-edge sensor microcalorimeters.” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 97 (2010) 102504

[5]Hoteling, N.,Hoover, A.S., Karpius, P.J., Lee, D.W., Rabin, M.W., Vo, D.T., Bennett, D.A., Kotsubo, V., Horansky, R.D., Ullom, J.N., “High-resolution microcalorimeter detectors as a tool in the future of nuclear safeguards.” Proceedings of the INMM 51st annual meeting.” (2010)

[6]Hoover, A.S., Bacrania, M.K., Hoteling, N.J., Karpius, P.J., Rabin, M.W., Rudy, C.R., Vo, D.T., Beall, J.A.,Bennett, D.A., Doriese, W.B., Hilton, G.C., Horansky, R.D., Irwin, K.D., Ullom, J.N., and Vale, L.R., "Microcalorimeter arrays for ultra-high energy resolution X- and gamma-ray detection." Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, vol. 282, no. 1 (2009) 227-232

[7]Hoover, A.S., Bacrania, M.K., Karpius, P.J., Rabin, M.W., Rudy, C.R., Vo, D.T., Beall, J.A., Doriese, W.B., Hilton, G.C., Horansky, R.D., Irwin, K.D., Ullom, J.N., and Vale, L.R., “Application of GEANT4 to the Simulation of High Energy-Resolution Microcalorimeter Detectors.” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 56 (2009) 2294-2298

[8]Bacrania, M. K., Hoover, A. S., Karpius, P. J., Rabin, M.W., Rudy, C.R., Vo, D.T., Beall, J.A., Bennett, D.A, Doriese, W.B., Hilton, G.C., Horansky, R.D., Irwin, K.D, Jethava, N., Sassi, E., Ullom, J.N., Vale, L.R. “Large-area microcalorimeter detectors for ultra-high-resolution x-ray and gamma-ray spectroscopy.” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 56 (2009) 2299-2302

[9]Meegan, C., Lichti, G., Bhat, P.N., Bissaldi, E., Briggs, M., Connaughton, V., Diehl, R., Fishman, G., Greiner, J., Hoover, A.S., van der Horst, A., von Kienlin, A., Kippen, R.M., Kouveliotou, C., Paciesas, W., Preece, R., Steinle, H., Wallace, M.S., Wilson, R.B., Wilson-Hodge, C., "The Fermi gamma-ray burst monitor." Astrophysical Journal, vol. 702 (2009) 791-804

[10]Schultz, L.J., Wallace, M.S., Galassi, M., Hoover, A., Mocko, M., Palmer, D., Tornga, S, Hynes, M.V., Toolin, M., Harris, B., McElroy, J., Wakeford, D., Lanza, R., Horn, B., Wehe, D., "Hybrid coded aperture and Compton imaging using an active mask." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, vol. 608 (2009) 267-274

[11]Hoover, A.S., "Simulation and modeling of the Tri-Modal Imager (TMI) for the Stand-Off Radiation Detection System (SORDS) using GEANT4." Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2009 IEEE (2009) 914-917

[12]Hynes, M.V., Toolin, M., Harris, B., McElroy, J., Wallace, M.S., Schultz, L.J., Galassi, M., Hoover, A., Mocko, M., Palmer, D., Tornga, S., Wakeford, D., Andrews, H.R., Clifford, E.T.H., Liqian, L., Bray, N., Locklin, D., "The Raytheon-SORDS trimodal imager." Proceedings of the SPIE, vol. 7310 (2009) 731003-7

[13]Hoover, A.S., Rudy, C.R., Tobin, S.J., Charlton, W.S., Stafford, A., Strohmeyer, D., Saavedra, S. "Measurement of plutonium in spent nuclear fuel by self-induced X-ray fluorescence." Proceedings of the INMM 50th Annual Meeting (2009)

[14]Stafford, A., Charlton, W.S., White, J., Hoover, A.S., Saavedra, S., "Spent nuclear fuel self-induced X-ray fluorescence simulations for North Anna and TMI." Proceedings of the INMM 50th Annual Meeting (2009)

[15]Meegan, C. A., Bhat, P. N., Bissaldi, E., Briggs, M., Connaughton, V., Diehl, R., Fishman, G., Greiner, J., Hoover, A.S., van der Horst, A., von Kienlin, A., Kippen. R.M., Kouveliotou, C., Lichti., G., Paciesas, W., Preece. R., Steinle, H., Wallace. M.S., Wilson-Hodge, C., "On-orbit performance of the Fermi gamma-ray burst monitor." AIP Conference Proceedings1133 (2009) 7-11

[16]Karpius, P.J., Vo, D.T., Bacrania, M.K., Beall, J.A., Doriese, W.B., Hilton, G.C., Hoover, A.S., Horansky, R.D., Irwin, K.D., Rabin, M.W., Reintsema, C.D., Rudy, C.R., Ullom, J.N., and Vale, L.R., “A First Application of the FRAM Isotopic Analysis Code to High-Resolution Microcalorimetry Gamma-ray Spectra.” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 56 (2009) 2284-2289

[17]Jethava, N., Ullom, J.N., Bennett, D.A., Doriese, W.B., Beall, J.A., Hilton, G.C., Horansky, R.D., Irwin, K.D., Sassi, E., Vale, L.R., Bacrania, M.K., Hoover, A.S., Karpius, P.J., Rabin, M.W., Rudy, C.R., Vo, D.T., "Improved isotopic analysis with a large array of microcalorimeters." IEEE Transactions of Applied Superconductivity, vol. 19 (2009) 536-539

[18]Bissaldi, E., von Kienlin, A., Lichti, G., Steinle, H., Bhat, P. N., Briggs, M. S., Fishman, G. J., Hoover, A. S., Kippen, R. M., Krumrey, M., Gerlach, M., Connaughton, V., Diehl, R., Greiner, J., van der Horst, A. J., Kouveliotou, C., McBreen, S., Meegan, C. A., Paciesas, W. S., Preece, R. D., Wilson-Hodge, C. A., “Fermi GBM: Main detector-level calibration results.”AIP Conference Proceedings 1133 (2009) 37-39

[19]Charlton, W.S., Strohmeyer, D., Stafford, A., Saavedra, S., Hoover, A.S., "The use of self-induced XRF to quantify the Pu content in PWR spent nuclear fuel." Proceedings of the ESARDA Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania (2009)

[20]Rajasingum, A., Hoover, A.S., Tobin, S.J., Fensin, M.L., "Modeling of X-ray fluorescence using MCNPX and GEANT4." Proceedings of the INMM 50th Annual Meeting (2009)

[21]Bissaldi, E., von Kienlin, A., Lichti, G., Steinle, H., Bhat, P.N., Briggs, M.S., Fishman, G.J., Hoover, A.S., Kippen, R.M., Krumrey, M., Gerlach, M., Connaughton, V., Diehl, R., Greiner, J., van der Horst, A.J., Kouveliotou, C., McBreen, S., Meegan, C.A., Paciesas, W.S., Preece, R.D., Wilson-Hodge, C.A., "Ground-based calibration and characterization of the Fermi gamma-ray burst detectors." Experimental Astronomy 24 (2009) 47-88

[22]Abdo, A. A., et al. (Fermi LAT and Fermi GBM collaboration), "Fermi observation of high-energy gamma-ray emission from GRB 080916C." Sciencevol. 343, no. 5922(2009) 1688-1693

[23]Hoteling, N., Bacrania, M.K., Hoover, A.S., Rabin, M.W., Croce, M., Karpius, P.J., Ullom, J.N., Bennett, D.A., Horansky, R.D., Vale, L.R., Doriese, W.B., "Issues in energy calibration, nonlinearity, and signal processing for gamma-ray microcalorimeter detectors." AIP Conference Proceedings,vol. 1185(2009) 711-714

[24]Tan, H., Breus, D., Hennig, W., Sabourov, K., Collins, J.W., Warburton, W.K., Doriese, W.B., Ullom, J.N., Bacrania, M.K., Hoover, A.S., Rabin, M.W. "High rate pulse processing algorithms for microcalorimeters."AIP Conference Proceedings,vol. 1185(2009) 294-297

[25]Croce, M., Bacrania, M.K., Hoover, A.S., Rabin, M.W., Hoteling, N.J., LaMont, S.P., Pilonis, A.A., Dry, D.E., Ullom, J.N., Bennett, D.A., Horansky, R.D., Kotsubo, V., Cantor, R. "Cryogenic microcalorimeter system for ultra-high resolution alpha-particle spectrometry." AIP Conference Proceedings,vol. 1185(2009) 741-744

[26]Jethava, N., Ullom, J.N., Bennett, D.A., Irwin, K.D., Horansky, R.D., Beall, J.A., Hilton, G.C., Vale, L.R., Hoover, A., Bacrania, M.K., Rabin, M.W. "Characterization of thermal cross-talk in a gamma-ray microcalorimeter array." AIP Conference Proceedings,vol. 1185(2009) 34-37

[27]Hoover, A.S., Kippen, R.M., Wallace, M.S., Pendleton, G.N., Fishman, G.J., Meegan, C.A., Kouveliotou, C., Wilson-Hodge, C.A., Bissaldi, E., Diehl, R., Greiner, J., C., Lichti, G.G., von Kienlin, A., Steinle, H., Bhat, P.N., Briggs, M.S., Connaughton, V., Paciesas, W.S., Preece, R.D., "GLAST Burst Monitor instrument simulation and modeling." AIP Conference Proceedings1000(2008) 565-568

[28]Vo, D.T. , Bacrania, M., Hoover, A., Karpius, P., Rabin, M., Rudy, C., Beall, J., Doriese, W., Horansky, R., Irwin, K., Reintsema, C., Sassi, E., Ullom, J., Vale, L., “Plutonium isotopic analysis of microcalorimeter gamma-ray spectra,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society98 (2008) 403

[29]Tan, H., Breus, D., Hennig, W., Sabourov, K., Warburton, W.K., Doriese, W.B., Ullom, J.N., Bacrania, M.K., Hoover, A.S., Rabin, M.W. "High rate pulse processing algorithms for microcalorimeters." Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2008 IEEE(2008) 1130-1133

[30]Doriese, W.B., Ullom, J.N., Beall, J.A., Duncan, W.D., Ferreira, L., Hilton, G.C., Horansky, R.D., Irwin, K.D., Mates, J.A.B., Reintsema, C.D., Schmidt, D.R., Vale, L.R., Xu, Y., Zink, B.L., Bacrania, M.K., Hoover, A.S., Rudy, C.R., Rabin, M.W., Kilbourne, C.A., Boyce, K.R., Brown, L.E., King, J.M., Porter, F.S., "Toward a 256-pixel array of gamma-ray microcalorimeters for nuclear material analysis." Journal of Low Temperature Physics151 (2008) 754-759

[31]Hoover, A.S., "Characterization of the virtual point detector effect for co-axial HPGe detectors using Monte Carlo simulation." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A572 (2007) 839-843

[32]Doriese, W.B., Ullom, J.N., Beall, J.A., Duncan, W.D., Ferreira, L., Hilton, G.C., Horansky, R.D., Irwin, K.D., Mates, J.A.B., Reintsema, C.D., Vale, L.R., Xu, Y., Zink, B.L., Rabin, M.W., Hoover, A.S., Rudy, C.R., Vo, D.T., "A 14-pixel, multiplexed array of gamma-ray micro-calorimeters with 47 eV energy resolution at 103 keV." Applied Physics Letters90 (2007) 191910

[33]Hoover, A.S., Bacrania, M.K., Dry, D., Hastings, E.P., Lamont, S.P., Rim, J.H., Rabin, M.W., Rudy, C.R., Vo, D.T., Beall, J.A., Doriese, W.B., Hilton, G.C., Horansky, R.D., Irwin, K.D., Ullom, J.N., Vale, L.R., Kilbourne, C.A., King, J., Porter, F.S., "Simulating the response of ultra-high energy resolution X- and Gamma-ray microcalorimeter detectors." Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2007 IEEE (2007) 847-849

[34]Ullom, J.N., Doriese, W.B., Beall, J.A., Duncan, W.D., Ferreira, L., Hilton, G.C., Horansky, R., Irwin, K.D., Jach, T., Mates, B., Miller, N.A., O'Neil, G.C., Reintsema, C.D., Ritchie, N., Schmidt, D.S., Vale, L.R., Xu, Y., Zink, B.L., Hoover, A., Rudy, C.R., Tournear, D.M., Vo, D.T., Rabin, M.W., "Multiplexed microcalorimeter arrays for precision measurements from microwave to gamma-ray wavelengths." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A579 (2007) 161-164

[35]Horansky, R.D., Ullom, J.N., Beall, J.A., Doriese, W.B., Duncan, W.D., Ferreira, L., Hilton, G.C., Irwin, K.D., Reintsema, C.D., Vale, L.R., Zink, B.L., Hoover, A., Rudy, C.R., Tournear, D.M., Vo, D.T., Rabin, M.W., "Superconducting absorbers for use in ultra-high resolution gamma-ray spectrometers based on low temperature microcalorimeter arrays." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A579 (2007) 169-172

[36]Hoover, A.S., Klimenko, A., Kippen, R.M., Wallace, M.S., Pendleton, G.N., Meegan, C.A., Fishman, G.J., Wilson-Hodge, C.A., Kouveliotou, C., Lichti, G.G., von Kienlin, A., Steinle, H., Diehl, R., Greiner, J., Preece, R.D., Connaughton, V., Briggs, M.S., Paciesas, W.S., Bhat, P.N., "Validation of the GLAST Burst Monitor Instrument Response Simulation Software." AIP Conference Proceedings921 (2007) 522-523

[37]Kippen, R.M., Hoover, A.S., Wallace, M.S., Pendleton, G.N., Meegan, C.A., Fishman, G.J., Wilson-Hodge, C.A., Kouveliotou, C., Lichti, G.G., von Kienlin, A., Steinle, H., Diehl, R., Greiner, J., Preece, R.D., Connaughton, V., Briggs, M.S., Paciesas, W.S., Bhat, P.N., "Instrument Response Modeling and Simulation Software for the GLAST Burst Monitor." AIP Conference Proceedings921 (2007) 590-591

[38]Wallace, M.S., Kippen, R.M., Hoover, A.S., Pendleton, G.N., Meegan, C.A., Fishman, G.J., Wilson-Hodge, C.A., Kouveliotou, C., Lichti, G.G., von Kienlin, A., Steinle, H., Diehl, R., Greiner, J., Preece, R.D., Connaughton, V., Briggs, M.S., Paciesas, W.S., Bhat, P.N., "Full Spacecraft Source Modeling and Validation for the GLAST Burst Monitor." AIP Conference Proceedings921 (2007) 580-581

[39]Steinle, H., von Kienlin, A., Bissaldi, E., Lichti, G.G., Diehl, R., Greiner, J., Meegan, C.A., Fishman, G.J., Kouveliotou, C., Wilson-Hodge, C.A., Paciesas, W.S., Preece, R.D., Briggs, M.S., Bhat, P.N., Connaughton, V., Kippen, R.M., Hoover, A.S., "Understanding the GLAST Burst Monitor detector calibration. A detailed simulation of the calibration including environment." AIP Conference Proceedings921 (2007) 572-573

[40]Rudy, C.R., Dry, D., Hoover, A., Lamont, S., Vo, D., Rabin, M., Horansky, R., Ullom, J., Irwin, K., Doriese, W., Beall, J., Zink, B., Chesson, K., "Cryogenic TES Microcalorimeter Detectors: Safeguard Applications." ESARDA 2007 conference proceedings (2007)

[41]Wunderer, C.B., Boggs, S.E., Kurfess, J., Ryan, J.M., Aprile, E., Gehrels, N., Kippen, R.M., Leising, M., Oberlack, U., Zych, A., Baring, M., Beacom, J., Bildstein, L., Bloser, P.F., Dermer, C., Harris, M., Hartmann, D.H., Hernanz, M., Hoover, A., Klimenko, A., Kocevski, D., McConnell, M.L., Milne, P., Novikova, E.I., Phlips, B., Polsen, M., Smith, D.M., Starrfield, S., Sturner, S., Tournear, D., Weidenspointner, G., Wulf, E., Zoglauer, A., and the larger ACT collaboration, "The Advanced Compton Telescope mission." ESA Publications Division, European Space Agency SP-622 (2007) 649-652

[42]Hoover, A.S., Sullivan, J.P., Baird, B., Brumby, S.P., Kippen, R.M., McCluskey, C.W., Rawool-Sullivan, M.W., Sorensen, E.B., "Gamma-ray imaging with a Si/CsI(Tl) Compton detector." Applied Radiation and Isotopes64 (2006) 1648-1654

[43]Hoover, A.S., Rabin, M.W., Rudy, C.R., Tournear, D.M., Vo, D.T., Beall, J.A., Doriese, W.B., Horansky, R.D., Irwin, K.D., Ullom, J.N., Zink, B.L., Chesson, K.E., "Monte Carlo studies of high resolution microcalorimeter detectors." Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2006 IEEE (2006) 1268-1272

[44]Ullom, J.N., Horansky, R., Beall, J.A., Doriese, W.B., Duncan, W.D., Ferreira, L., Hilton, G.C., Irwin, K.D., Reintsema, C.D., Vale, L., Rabin, M.W., Hoover, A.S., Lamont, S.P., Rudy, C.R., "High resolution alpha particle spectroscopy with cryogenic microcalorimeters." Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2006 IEEE (2006) 1630-1632

[45]Rabin, M.W., Hoover, A.S., Rudy, C.R., Lamont, S.P., Tournear, D.M., Vo, D.T., Beall, J.A. Doriese, W.B., Horansky, R.D., Irwin, K.D., O'Neil, G., Ullom, J.N., Chesson, K., Zink, B.L., "Microcalorimeter nuclear spectrometers." Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2006 IEEE (2006) 544-547

[46]Rabin, M.W., Hoover, A.S., LaMont, S.P., Rudy, C.R., Tournear, D.M., Vo, D.T., Beall, J.A., Doriese, W.B., Horanksy, R.A., Irwin, K.D., Ullom, J.N., Zink, B.L., "Microcalorimeter nuclear spectrometers: examining the nuclear fingerprint." Transactions of the American Nuclear Society95 (2006) 66-67

[47]Wunderer, C.B., Kippen, R.M., Bloser, P.F., Boggs, S.E., McConnell, M.L., Hoover, A., Oberlack, U., Sturner, S., Tournear, D., Weidenspointner, G., Zoglauer, A., "The ACT vision mission study simulation effort." New Astronomy Reviews50 (2006) 608-612

[48]Rudy, C., Chesson, K., Hoover, A., Rabin, M., Ullom, J., "Determination of Pu in spent fuel assemblies using self-fluorescent X-rays." Transactions of the American Nuclear Society95 (2006) 61

[49]Boggs, S., Kurfess, J., Ryan, J., Aprile, E., Gehrels, N., Kippen, M., Leising, M., Oberlack, U., Wunderer, C., Zych, A., Bloser, P., Harris, M., Hoover, A., Klimenko, A., Kocevski, D., McConnell, M., Milne, P., Novikova, E.I., Phlips, B., Polsen, M., Sturner, S., Tournear, D., Weidenspointner, G., Wulf, E., Zoglauer, A., Baring, M., Beacom, J., Bildsten, L, Dermer, C., Hartmann, D., Hernanz, M., Smith, D., Starrfield, S., "The Advanced Compton Telescope." Proceedings of the SPIE6266 (2006) 626624-1

[50]Hoover, A.S., Kippen, R.M., Sullivan, J.P., Rawool-Sullivan, M.W., Baird, W., Sorensen, E.B., "The LANL prototype Compton gamma-ray imager: design and image reconstruction techniques." IEEE Transactions in Nuclear Science52 (2005) 3047-3053

[51]Hoover, A.S., Kippen, R.M., Meegan, C.A., Fishman, G.J., Wilson, R.B., Wilson-Hodge, C.A., Kouveliotou, C., Lichti, G.G., von Kienlin, A., Diehl, R., Greiner, J., Schoenfelder, V., Steinle, H., Preece, R.D., Briggs, M.S., Paciesas, W.S., Bhat, P.N., Connaughton, V., "The GLAST burst monitor instrument response simulation system." Il Nuovo Cimento C28 (2005) 797-800

[52]Hoover, A.S., Kippen, R.M., McConnell, M.L., "The MeV spectra of gamma-ray bursts measured with COMPTEL." Il Nuovo Cimento C28 (2005) 825-828

[53]Ullom, J.N., Zink, B.L., Beall, J.A., Doriese, W.B., Duncan, W.D., Ferreira, L., Hilton, G.C., Irwin, K.D., Reintsema, C.D., Vale, L.R., Rabin, M.W., Hoover, A., Rudy, C.R., Smith, M.K., Tournear, D.M., Vo, D.T., "Development of large arrays of microcalorimeters for precision gamma-ray spectroscopy." Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2005 IEEE2 (2005) 1154-1158

[54]Hoover, A.S. (for the PHENIX collaboration), "Charmonium production in pp collisions at PHENIX." Journal of Physics G30 (2004) S487-S492

[55]Adler, S.S., et al. (PHENIX collaboration), "J/ production from proton-proton collisions at= 200 GeV." Physical Review Letters, 92 (2004) 051802

[56]Hoover, A.S., Baird, W., Kippen, R.M., Rawool-Sullivan, M.W., Sullivan, J.P., "A Compton imaging device for radioactive material detection." Proceedings of the SPIE5540 (2004) 124-134

[57]von Kienlin, A., Meegan, C.A., Lichti, G.G., Bhat, P.N., Briggs, M.S., Connaughton, V., Diehl, R., Fishman, G.J., Greiner, J., Hoover, A.S., Kippen, R.M., Kouveliotou, C., Paciesas, W.S., Preece, R.D., Schönfelder, V., Steinle, H., Wilson, R.B., "The GLAST burst monitor." Proceedings of the SPIE5488 (2004) 763-770

[58]Akikawa, H., et al. (PHENIX muon collaboration), "PHENIX muon arms." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A499 (2003) 537-548

[59]Adcox, K., et al. (PHENIX collaboration), "PHENIX detector overview." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A499 (2003) 469-479

[60]Sullivan, J.P., Arnone, G., Hayes, D.K., Hoover, A., Kippen, R.M., Rawool-Sullivan, M.W., Sandberg, V., "Detector tests for a prototype Compton imager." Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record, 2003 IEEE2 (2003) 1384-1388


[1]“Microcalorimeter arrays for nuclear safeguards measurements.” Oral presentation at the Low Temperature Detectors 14 conference, Heidelberg, Germany, August 2011

[2]“Assessing the capabilities of cryogenic microcalorimeter detectors for the analysis of plutonium isotopic content.” Oral presentation at the 52nd Annual INMM Meeting, Palm Desert, CA, July 2011

[3]"Large microcalorimeter arrays for high-resolution X- and gamma-ray spectroscopy." Oral presentation at the SORMA 2010 conference, Ann Arbor, MI, May 2010

[4]"Measurement of plutonium in spent nuclear fuel by self-induced X-ray fluorescence." Oral presentation at the 50th Annual INMM Meeting, Tucson, AZ, July 2009

[5]"Microcalorimeter arrays for ultra-high energy resolution X- and gamma-ray detection." Oral presentation at the Methods and Applications of Radioanalytical Chemistry VIII conference, Kona, HI, April 2009

[6]"Application of GEANT4 to the simulation of microcalorimeter detectors." Poster presentation at the SORMA West conference, Berkeley, CA, June 2008

[7]"Simulating the response of ultra-high energy resolution X- and gamma-ray microcalorimeter detectors." Poster presentation at the 2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Honolulu, HI, October 2007

[8]"GLAST Burst Monitor instrument simulation and modeling." Poster presentation at the Gamma-ray Bursts 2007 conference, Santa Fe, NM, October 2007

[9]"Validation of the GLAST Burst Monitor instrument response simulation software." Poster presentation at the GLAST science symposium, Stanford, CA, February 2007

[10]"Monte Carlo studies of high-resolution microcalorimeter detectors." Poster presentation at the 2006 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, San Diego, CA, October 2006

[11]"Performance of the Los Alamos Compton gamma-ray imager." Oral presentation at the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Puerto Rico, October 2005

[12]"The MeV spectra of gamma-ray bursts measured with COMPTEL." Poster presentation at the Gamma-ray Burst in the Afterglow Era: 4th Workshop, Rome, Italy, October 2004

[13]"The GLAST burst monitor instrument response simulation system." Poster presentation at the Gamma-ray Burst in the Afterglow Era: 4th Workshop, Rome, Italy, October 2004

[14]"A Compton imaging device for homeland security." Oral presentation at the Hard X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Detector Physics VI Conference at the 49th Annual SPIE Meeting Denver, CO, August 2004

[15]"A GEANT4 simulation system for the GLAST burst monitor." Oral presentation at the GEANT4 Space Users Workshop, Nashville, TN, May 2004

[16]"Charmonium production at PHENIX: current status and future goals." Oral presentation at the Strangeness in Quark Matter conference, Atlantic Beach, NC, March 2003

[17]"The PHENIX muon detector system at RHIC." Oral presentation at the joint meeting of the Japanese Physical Society and the American Physical Society, Maui, HI, October 2001

[18]"The PHENIX south muon tracking system." Poster presentation at the Quark Matter 2001 conference, Stony Brook, NY, January 2001


A.S. Hoover