A meeting of the Parish Council was held in Welton Village Library on 10th October 2016

Present:Cllrs D Pikett (Chairman),A Greenway, Mrs M Chapman,M Powell,E Reall,A Lowen,

N Hornsey, Mrs S Watson, Mrs P van Gelderen and G Briggs

Also present: 1member of the public

Clerk: Mrs Julie Murray

16/10/01 Chairman’s remarks

The Chairman welcomed new Councillor, Graham Briggs and everyone else to the meeting.


On a proposal from Cllr Pikett, seconded by Cllr Greenway, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to accept apologies from Cllrs Mrs England and Watkinhaving considered and accepted their reasons for absence. DistrictCllrs Mrs D Rodgers, S England andM Parish and the Policealso sent their apologies.

16/10/03 Co-option

Noapplications have been received for co-option to the vacant seat on the Council.

16/10/04 Disclosure of pecuniary interests



On a proposal from Cllr Greenway, seconded by CllrPowell, it was unanimouslyRESOLVED following a vote that the notes of the meetingheld on 12th September 2016were approved and signed as the minutes.

16/10/06Clerk’s Report

Annual Return for the year ended 31 March 2016 - this has been received with no comments other than the order of signing the Annual statement and the Accounting statements and that they should be separate agenda items and be minuted individually.

SLCC National Conference – I will be attending on Thursday, Friday and Saturday this week, the office will therefore be closed on Friday 14th as Sarah is unavailable to work that day.


Grant Thornton – Certified Annual Return for the year ended 31 March 2016

Trisha Carter (LALC) – Letter of thanks for retirement card and gift

16/10/08 Financial Matters

  • On a proposal from Cllr Hornsey, seconded by Cllr Powell, it was RESOLVEDfollowing a unanimous voteto accept the accounts presented for payment.
  • Members received details of income and expenditure to 23.9.16.


16/10/09 Planning Matters

  • Planning Appeal for application 132726 – Gin Property Ltd – Land at Ryland Road, Dunholme, Lincoln, LN2 3NE – called in by the Secretary of State on the basis that it does not fit in with the Welton Neighbourhood Plan and also Dunholme’s Neighbourhood Plan, Green Wedge.
  • 106 Agreement for the Beal Homes Development off Prebend Lane – no developments since the last Full Council meeting. It was suggested to hold a Planning Committee meeting and invite Beal Homes to give an update. Condition 8 containedin Schedule 4, Part A of the 106 Agreement requires clarity as to the use of the Recreation Land. On a proposal from Cllr Greenway, seconded by Cllr Pikett, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to invite Beal Homes, WLDC and all District Councillors to a meeting - date to be advised.
  • Applications received for consultation:

134905 – Mrs C Cherrill – Home Acre, Market Rasen Road, Welton Hill – Removal of condition 2 of planning permission W119 761 83 granted 8th December 1983 relating to agricultural worker occupancy

134752 – Mr I Fraser – 39 Prebend Lane – To erect single garage

  • Appeals:

133479 – Dr C Hacking – Land to rear of 23 Sudbeck Lane – To erect 1no. new dwelling to rear

APPEAL REF: APP/N2535/W/16/3154465

16/10/10Dunholme Neighbourhood Plan

Any comments to be notified to the Clerk by Friday 21st October or a letter of support will be sent anyway.

16/10/11Committee Meetings

The meeting notes and reports from the following Committees were received:

Playing Fields & Recreation Committee held on 20th September 2016. Awards for All granted.


16/10/12Council and Committees

  • On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Chapman, seconded by Cllr Powell, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to nominate Cllr Mrs van Gelderen as a member of the Environment and Publications & Heritage Committees.
  • On a proposal from Cllr Reall, seconded by Cllr Powell, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to defer a decision regarding the suggested street name(s) for the new Rippon Homes development off Hackthorn Road until the November meeting. Names from the book in the office would be preferable, Councillors to call in and look.
  • A request has been received from Rippon Homes to carry out drainage/sewer works across Parish Council owned land on Swen Close. A more substantial figure than that offered of £5,000 is required. No discussions have taken place with the PC to date. Seek a definitive offer andfuture maintenance also to be underwritten. On a proposal form Cllr Powell, seconded by Cllr Reall, it was unanimously RESOLVED following a vote to invite Rippon Homes to attend a meeting with Cllrs Pikett, Greenway and Hornsey to discuss the matter further and agenda for the November meeting for a decision to be made.

16/10/13Parish Plan

An updated copy was circulated prior to the meeting. On a proposal from Cllr Mrs van Gelderen, seconded by Cllr Pikett it was agreed to send out another questionnaire using the template from the original one.

8.20pm Meeting adjourned to allow Hugh Gilfedder to speak.

Mr Gilfedder offered to print the questionnaire free of charge in the centre pages of the Welton News for residents to pull out and complete in the January 2017 issue- 15th December deadline.

8.24pm Meeting resumed

The Clerk will circulate a draft for the November meeting.

16/10/14Emergency Plan

Cllrs Pikett and Hornsey met with Cllr Barrett from Dunholme Parish Council. This was a worthwhile meeting which highlighted that more volunteers will be needed, tworesidents have offered and Councillors were invited to join in. A requestwill be printed in the Welton and Dunholme News’ asking for volunteers. The schools could be utilised as a place of temporary refuge. Cllr Barrett will complete the template for Dunholme and Cllrs Pikett and Hornsey for Welton. Another meeting will be arranged.

16/10/15Councillors’ Reports

  • Cllr Mrs Chapman – to discuss streetlighting at the Highways & Utilities meeting on 18th October.
  • Cllr Greenway – attended a meeting at Nettleham on 14th September regarding the future Riseholme development. A new sports centre is included for community use, this may have a impact on future plans for the Prebend Lane development. Waiting to find out exactly what will be included in the entire development. Cllrs Mrs van Gelderen and Greenway attended the presentation of certificates for the Summer Reading Challenge. He had also attended a LALC meetingwith WLDC andon the 29th September a retirement presentation for Trisha Carter.
  • Cllr Mrs van Gelderen attended the Macmillan Coffee Morning on 30th September. The Clerk’s Assistant did a sterling job.
  • Cllr Powell is having an eye operation on 2nd December and will be out of action for approximately one month.

The nextmeeting of the Parish Council to be held on Monday 14th November 2016