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TITLE: Information and Technology PolicyPolicy Number / 0106
Effective Date / Date of APPROVAL
Next Revision Date / 2013
APPROVED / 30/03/2011
The College is committed to the provision of high quality information technology services and facilities to its students and staff to assist in the conduct of academic, research and administrative activities consistent with the College's mission and statement of strategic intent. Information technology is recognized as a vital component of the teaching, learning and administrative support environment for Waterberg FET College.
2.1 The Waterberg FET College may be held liable for the actions of students and staff using the institution’s computers, e-mail and Internet access services. This policy creates rules that aim to limit or manage the risk associated with limited/unlimited computer use, e-mail use and Internet access.
2.2 Waterberg FET College respects the rights of our employees, customers and users of our services to freedom of speech and expression, access to information, privacy, human dignity, religion, belief and opinion in accordance with our constitution.
2.3 We undertake not to interfere with any of those rights unless required to do so by law, unless those rights are exercised for unlawful purposes, or unless the exercise of those rights threatens to cause harm to another person or affect the integrity of our network/workstations.
The purpose of this Policy is to ensure an information technology infrastructure that promotes the basic missions of the College in teaching, learning, research and administration.
In particular, this Policy aims to promote the following goals:
3.1 To ensure the integrity, reliability, availability, and superior performance of IT Systems;
3.2 Create rules for the use of software applications, e-mail and the Internet;
3.3 To comply with the relevant laws of the Republic of SA;
3.4 To inform users about the responsibilities borne by those who use the computers, e-mail and the Internet;
3.5 To ensure that the use of IT Systems is consistent with the principles and values that govern use of other College facilities and services;
3.6 To ensure that IT Systems are used for their intended purposes; and
3.7 To establish processes for addressing policy violations and sanctions for violators.
The Waterberg FET College will provide IT and internet access opportunities primarily for Waterberg FET College employees and registered full time and part time students provided that:
4.1 adequate financial resources are available to cover the expenditure to be incurred;
4.2 adequate computer resources are available; and/or
4.3 specific or particular official duties must be performed.
This Policy applies to all Users of IT Systems, including but not limited to College students, different departments, and staff. It applies to the use of all IT Systems, which include systems, networks, internet, email and facilities administered by the IT department, as well as those administered by individuals, section, departments, college laboratories, college libraries and other College based entities.
Use of the Waterberg FET College IT Systems, even when carried out on a privately owned computer that is not managed or maintained by Waterberg FET College, is governed by this Policy. This Policy covers the following:
- Hardware
- IT Support
- Software
- Internet
- Data and Virus Protection
- Password
- Disposal
- Storage
- Rules and regulations
5.1.1 Hardware platform and specifications The College's Standard Desktop Computer Hardware platform, including laptop/notebook PCs, is determine by the Hardware Purchasing Recommendations documents that are issued to the prospective service providers at the end of each year. The College is part of the Microsoft/School’s level agreement, which means that our standard operating platform is the most recent system as provided for by Microsoft on the School’s level agreement. Waterberg FET College will publish a minimum system specification for College owned desktop and laptop/notebook PCs on its Hardware Purchasing Recommendations. All College owned desktop and laptop computers purchased for staff or student use by the College should comply with the specifications as defined in 1.1.1 to 1.1.3. Exceptions: Desktop computer systems used by students and staff where curriculum requires the use of other hardware and/or software. This will be determined by the Curriculum Manager and IT Manager. Desktop computers connected to Hardware where the Hardware supplier insists on a particular system different to the Standard Desktop Hardware platform. Desktop computers provided by a funding body for specialist research and where the College has no control over the installed system. Waterberg FET College will provide minimum system specifications for students wishing to purchase a desktop or laptop computer to assist in their coursework.
Waterberg FET College support for the Standard Desktop Hardware platform will be provided as follows:
5.2.1 Support process.
To ensure efficient and professional support to all the users of the Waterberg FET College IT systems and hardware the following defined process will be followed in requesting for the provision of IT support: The user who requires support must fill in an IT log Card. (The IT log card is available on the College website.) Then the Centre Manager from where the Log Cards originate, must sign in the description box as proof of knowledge of the Log Card. The user must then forward the Log Card to the IMS Manager via email, fax or delivered by hand. A log number will immediately be assigned to the Log Card. This serves to make the management of the Log Cards easier and for reference purposes. The IMS Manager will, in conjunction with the IT Technicians set a proposed date and when the Log Card will be attended to. A proposed technician will also be assigned to attend to the Log Card. The Log Card must then be captured on the Log Card program by the IMS Manager or a IT Technician responsible for this function. Within ten work days, the assigned technician or any other available technician will attend to the Log Card by firstly reporting to the Centre Manager and the user that he has arrived to attend to the Log Card. The technician will write the date and time when he started attending to the Log Card as well as when the work is completed. The technician will sign off the Log card on completion of the required work. The user that initially sent the Log Card will then sign off the Log Card and verify that he/she is satisfied with the work done. Then the Centre Manager must also sign off the Log Card and thereby verify that he/she is also satisfied that the work has been done. The IMS Manager will finally sign off the Log card on completion of the required work. The IT Log Card information must then be updated on the program for IT Log Cards. A hardcopy of all Log Cards, whether in progress or completed must be kept in a File which is clearly mark IT Log Cards. Once the Log Card is completed a copy of the completed and signed Log Card must be placed in the File as proof of the work done. This signed off Log Card will replace the original copy of the Log Card.
5.2.2 PC lifecycle:
The Waterberg FET College follows the generally accepted practice in IT of using hardware on a three (3) year life cycle. But it is still necessary to evaluate the performance of the hardware before it is replaced.
If it is found that the hardware is performing sufficiently and that its usage can be lengthened by one (1) year, a recommendation can be made to management to use the hardware for one (1) extra year.
5.2.3 IT asset register:
An asset register of all IT equipment, hardware or software will be kept by the IT department. This register will be a separate register from the general asset register in order for proper control over the IT equipment and for proper management of IT resources.
The asset register will include but not be limited to the following: A complete register of all hardware. This will include fields which specify the name, type, date of purchase, description and the location of the hardware. A complete register of all software. This will include fields which specify the name, type, date of purchase, description, license number and the location of where the software is used. A complete register of the network/internet/email. This will include a “map” of the network. This “map” is a detailed description and information of how the network is set up and who the responsible person is for each aspect of the network. A list of contact details must also be kept in the event that some of the functions are provided for by external service providers. This list will include all passwords and other important detail.
5.2.4 Full Support:
Full support to the whole of the Waterberg FET College will be given by the IT department to enable the following: Connection to College Data Network; Effective running of the College's Standard Desktop Operating System; Effective and fully functioned operation of all College Strategic Administrative Software clients; Effective and fully functioned operation of all supported software in Standard Office IT and Infrastructure Tools categories. Note, these software categories include core office IT software and anti-virus software installed on all College owned desktops; Effective and fully functioned operation of all Waterberg FET College supported teaching and research software.
It is the policy of the College to respect all computer software copyrights and to adhere to the terms of all software licenses to which the College is a party. It is the legal obligation of the College and its employees to comply with copyright laws and respect the intellectual property rights of others. It is therefore expressly forbidden for any employee and/or student to make use of unlicensed software on College premises/equipment or, during the course of carrying out their employment/studies use unlicensed software on the College's computers including portable equipment such as laptops and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) or any other IT related devices. Users may not duplicate any licensed software or related documentation for use either on College premises or elsewhere unless the College is expressly authorized to do so by agreement with the licenser. Unauthorized duplication of software may subject users and/or the College to both civil and criminal penalties under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act Software must only be installed, modified, un-installed or deleted in accordance with agreed change management procedures, and must only be undertaken by authorized IT Services staff. It is expressly forbidden to possess, use, reproduce or distribute copyrighted software on any College computer without authorization. Users may not give software to any 3rd parties including clients, customers, contractors and others. College users may use software on local area networks or on multiple machines only in accordance with applicable license agreements.
5.3.1 Approval for Purchase of Software
To purchase software, users must send a request for the software timeously to the IT Manager. The request will be evaluated and if valid sent to Procurement for immediate attention.
Software may not be purchased through individual Procurement Credit Cards (GPC cards), petty cash and travel or entertainment budgets. Software acquisition channels are restricted to ensure that the College has a complete record of all software that has been purchased for the College's IT infrastructure and can register, support and upgrade such software accordingly.
5.3.2 Registration of Software
Software must first be delivered to IT Services so that registration and inventory requirements can be completed. IT Services are responsible for completing the registration card and returning it to the software publisher. Software must be registered in the name of the College. Due to personnel turnover, software will never be registered in the name of the individual user. IT Services maintain a register of all of the College's software and will keep a library of software licenses.
The register must contain:
- The title and publisher of the software
- The date and source of the software acquisition.
- The location of each installation on which each copy of the software is installed.
- The name of the authorized user.
- The software product serial number.
5.3.3 Installation of Software
After the registration requirements above have been met, the software will be installed by IT Services. Users are not authorised to install any software on any College computers.
Manuals, tutorials and other end user materials will be provided to the user where available and/or applicable. A copy of the applicable license agreement will be provided to the user on request. The original release media will be kept in a secure place maintained by IT Services.
5.3.4 Home Computers and private software:
The College's computers are organization-owned assets and must be kept both software legal and virus free. Only software purchased through the procedures outlined above may be used on College machines. Users are not permitted to bring software from home and load it onto College computers. Generally, College owned software cannot be taken home and loaded on a user's home computer if it also resides on a College computer. If a user is authorized to use software at home, the College will, where necessary, purchase a separate license and record it as a College owned asset in the software register. The employee will be required to delete the software from their home computers when he/she resigns.
5.3.5 Ownership, Responsible Persons and Right to Monitor Users are personally responsible to abide by the rules created in this policy. Users must delete all incoming e-mail messages that contain content or links to content that are not allowed in terms of this policy. The Waterberg FET College IT Department is responsible for: the technical issues related to computers, e-mail use and Internet access;