Trinity SCDC - 14th April 2012 / page: 1

HAPPY RETURNS (R8x32) 3C (4C set)MMM 2

1- 81s dance reflection reels of 3 on opposite sides

9-161s dance reflection reel of 3 on own sides

17-241s lead down the middle for 3 steps & back, cast to 2nd place

25-321s dance RH across with 3s & LH across with 2s

BANNOCKS & BROSE (J8x32) 3C (4C set)A Holden SCD's

1- 81s dance ½ Fig of 8 round 2s, 1s+2s dance ½ R&L

9-161s+3s dance ½ R&L, 2s+3s+1s turn RH 1½ times end with 3s+1s in centre facing up

17-243s+1s dance Allemande

25-322s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back

S-LOCOMOTION (S4x32) 4C set K Jones RSCDS Bk 41

1- 8.1L+2L cross passing partner LSh & cast down 2 places as 3M+4M cross & cast up 2 places, top 4 Men also bottom 4 Ladies dance LH across.

9-16.1M+2M cross passing opp dancer RSh & cast down 2 places as 3L+4L cross & cast up 2 places, top 2 cpls also bottom 2 cpls dance RH across.

17-24.3s+4s+1s+2s dance ½ RSh reels of 4 on sides, 1s+4s+3s (bottom 3 couples) dance ½ reels of 3 on sides.

25-32.All set, cross RH, 2s+3s also 4s+1s circle 4H round to left.

PORTNACRAIG (R8x32) 3C (4C set)L Gaul RSCDS Bk 36

1- 81s set & ½ turn 2H to face 2s, set & ½ turn 2s (1M+2L turn RH as 1L+2M turn LH) to end in 2nd place on opposite sides

9-162s+1s+3s Adv+Ret 2 steps & circle 6H round ½ way to left

17-241s dance ½ Reels of 4 with 1st corners then 2nd corners to end in 2nd place opposite sides

25-321s dance ½ Fig of 8 round 3s & 2s+1s+3s turn RH

THE 51ST TRAVELLERS (J8x32) 3C (4C Set) S Turton RSCDS Bk 44

1- 81s cross down RH to 2nd place & dance out round 3s & up to 2nd place opp sides, 2s+1s+3s dance ½ reel of 3 on sides (1s out & up to start)

9-163s+1s+2s dance Grand Chain

17-243s+1s+2s Set+Link for 3 (once), 1s turn RH 1¾ times to face 1st corner (pstn) while 2s+3s chase clockwise ½ way

25-321s dance ½ diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass RSh to dance ½ reel with 2nd corners & pass RSh to 2nd places

SWITHLAND WOODS (S3x40) 3C set{To be walked}D Buchanan Leicester Silver Coll

1- 41s+2s+3s set & turn partners 2H, remain in middle facing up with nearer hands joined

5- 81s cast off to 3rd place, 2s dance up & cast to 2nd place, 3s cross up to 1st place

9-163s+1s dance Ladies Chain (up & down) & end on sides with 3s on opposite sides

17-242s petronella turn & all set in lines across, 2s petronella turn to opposite sides & all set. (3)(2) 1

25-322s+1s dance RH across ½ way, 3s+1s dance LH across ½ way, 1s+3s+2s set & turn partners RH for…

33-401s+3s+2s dance Allemande

THE KELLOHOLM JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set)P Hyssett RSCDS Leaflet 32

1- 81s set & cast 1 place, set on side lines to 1st corners & change places with them RH

9-161L+3L also 2M+1M set to each other on sides & change places LH, 1s turn RH 1½ times to 2nd place on own sides

17-241s set on side lines to 2nd corners & change places with them RH, 1M+3M also 2L+1L set to each other on sides & change places LH

25-323s+1s+2s Adv+Ret, circle 6H round ½ way to left

JOHNNIE WALKER (M-(S64+J64)) Sq.SetN&H Robson Whisky Coll

1- 8All circle 8H round & back

9-16All set to corners & turn RH, set to partners & turn LH

17-241s & 3s advance to centre & dance out through sides with opposite partner, cross & dance to opposite sides & turn partner RH 1½ times

25-322s & 4s repeat 17-24

33-40All Ladies petronella one place to right & set, Ladies petronella on to next place to right & set

41-48All Men petronella one place to right & set, Men petronella on to next place to right & set

49-64All dance Grand Chain once round & dance Allemande anticlockwise

65-128Repeat in Jig time

LOTHIAN LADS (R8x32) 3C (4C set)J Drewry Brodie Bk

1- 81s lead down & ¾ turn RH to L facing down M up, set retain hold of RH & L turns under ptnrs right arm dances up to 2L followed by 1M

9-161s dance RH across with 2L, 1s dance LH across with 3M to end facing 1st corners

17-241s dance ½ reel of 4 with 1st corners, 1s dance ½ reel with 2nd corners ending in 2nd place on opposite side facing down

25-323s+1s+2s dance ½ Grand Chain turning 3rd person RH to end 2 1 3


SLEEPY MAGGIE (R8x32) 3C (4C set)A Bowman RSCDS Bk 11

1- 81s+2s circle 4H round to left, 1s set & cast 1 place

9-161s+3s dance RH across & LH back (1s end facing 1st corners)

17-241s set & turn 1st corners, set & turn 2nd corners

25-321s dance reels of 3 on opposite sides giving LSh to 1st corners & cross to places

THE WEE COOPER O' FIFE (J8x40 in 10 bar phrases) 2C (4C set)H Foss Dances to Song Tunes

1-101s set & cross RH, set & cross down LH & cast up round 2s to original place

11-201s+2s dance R&L 1¼ times (ie 5 moves)

21-301s+2s set & dance ½ RH across, set & dance ½ LH across, 1L+2M continue turning LH to face partner as 1M & 2L cast into…

31-401s+2s dance full reel of 4 across dance passing partners RSh & dance back to own side (1s in 2nd place)

CAPE TOWN WEDDING (S8x32) 3C (4C set)T Kerr RSCDS Bk 39

1- 81s cross (no hands) to 2nd place, dance out & ½ turn 3s with nearer hand, 1s (in 3rd pl) ½ turn RH & lead up to top ending in prom hold

9-161s in prom hold dance reel of 3 with 2s (RSh to 2L to start) 1s end in middle at top facing down (Lady on Mans Left) & 3s step in & face up

17-241s+2s+3s set, 1s+3s Petronella-in-tandem to sides as 2s petronella into middle, 1s+2s+3s (join hands in circle) set & cast back to places

25-321s+2s dance the Knot

SGURR ALASDAIR (R5x32) 5C set {To be walked}R Goldring Leeds 40th Anniv Bk

1- 81s+2s+3s dance reels of 3 on the sides (1s in & down to start)

9-161s dance down between 2s+3s & cast up to 2nd place, 1L+3L turn LH 1½ times while 1M+3M turn RH 1½ times

17-241s+4s+5s dance reels of 3 on sides (1s out & down to start)

25-321s cast below 5s & dance up middle to 4th place, 1L+5L turn RH 1½ times while 1M+5M turn LH 1½ times

THE ROSELATH CROSS (J8x32) 3C (4C set)H Vosper RSCDS Bk 41

1- 81s+2s+3s dance reflection reels of 3 on sides (1s dance in & down to start) & end with 1s in 2nd pl BtoB facing own sides & 2s in 1st pl

9-162s+1s+3s set, 1s ¼ turn to right & set with 2s+3s (as Crown Triangles), 1s dance RSh round RH crnr into middle BtoB facing opp sides

17-24Repeat from new positions 1s ending in 2nd place own sides

25-321s dance reels of 3 across (Lady with 2s & Man with 3s)

THE GENTLEMAN (S8x32) 3C (4C set)R S Huxley RSCDS Bk 35

1- 81s turn 2H & remain in middle facing each other as 2s step up, 1s+2s set (1s advancing & pass LSh to face opposite partner) & dance ½ reel of 4 across with 2s with 1s ending reel giving LH to face down on own side between 2s

9-161s dance down to end between 3s & face each other, 1s+3s set (1s advancing & pass LSh to face opposite partner) & ½ reel of 4 across with 3s 1s end giving LH to face up on own side between 3s

17-241s lead up to top, cross over & cast to 2nd place & ½ reels of 3 across (L with 2s & M with 3s)

25-322s+1s dance All Round Poussette

THE SNAKE PASS (J8x32) 3C (4C set)N Churnside Life begins at 40

1- 81s+2s dance ½ R&L, 1s+3s dance ½ R&L

9-161s cross RH, cast up to 2nd place & dance ½ Figs of 8 round 3s to end facing 1st corner pstns

17-241s dance ½ reels of 4 with 1st corners & ½ reels with 2nd corners ending with LH turn to face up/down

25-321s dance RH across (L with top cple & M with cple in 3rd pl), 1L followed by 3L+3M also 1M followed by 2M+2Lpass LSh diagonally across to change ends & loop round to left to end in 2nd place. 2 1 3

REEL OF THE ROYAL SCOTS (R8x32) 3C (4C set)R Goldring RSCDS Leaflet 7

1- 81s ½ turn 2s on sides (1M RH - 1L LH) to face out, 2s+1s+3s set, 1s ½ turn 3s on sides (1M LH - 1L RH) end 3s facing out & 2s+3s+1s set

9-161s followed by 3s dance up between 2s, cast down 1 place, dance in & 1s cast up to 2nd place 3s end in 3rd place

17-241s turn 1st corners RH, pass partner RSh turn 2nd corners RH & cross passing partner RSh to 2nd place own sides

25-322s+1s+3s circle 6H round & back


DUKE OF PERTH (Broun’s Reel or Clean Pease Strae) (R8x32) 3C (4C set)RSCDS Bk 1

1- 81s turn RH, cast to 2nd place, turn LH to face 1st corners

9-161s turn 1st corner, partner, 2nd corner & partner to face 1st corners

17-241s set to & turn 1st corner 2H, set to & turn 2nd corner

25-321s dance Reel of 3 on opposite sides giving LSh to 1st corner & cross back to own sides

HOOPER'S JIG (J8x32) 3C (4C set)MMM 2

1- 8All clap & 1s cross passing RSh, cast to 2nd place & dance RH across with 3s

9-16All clap & 1s cross passing RSh, cast to 1st place & dance LH across with 2s

17-241M+3L change places RH, 1L+3M change places RH (as 1M+3L loop round), 1M+3L change places RH (as 1L+3M loop round), 1L+3M cross LH 1L ending in 2nd place (as 1M casts to 2nd pl)

25-322s+1s dance R&L

Compiled by Charles Upton. MINICRIBDeeside Caledonian Society.