RLC Meeting

March 15, 2012

10:00am to 10:45 am EST

Present: Tom Mullin (Reg 1); Linda Bailey (Reg 2); Kathy Gross (Reg 3); Jen Wright (Reg 4); Carolyn Rock (Reg 5); Jeff Miller (Reg 8); Kevin Damstra (Reg 9); Chuck Lennox (Reg 10); CemBasman, Vice President for Administration (arrived into call approximately halfway

Absent:John Miller – in training;

Welcomeby Tom Mullin, RLC Chair

Regional Round Up Briefing

Region 1regional workshop 3 weeks away in Mass;

Region 2welcome to Linda to the RLC; hosting NIW in fall, small workshop in January with great connections; regional folks helping with national

Region3finished in TN 114 members, $5000 in scholarship and made a profit, great time, great speakers, four scholarship winners, scholarship to leader to go to National, scholarship to Port reico, finalized strategic plan,

Region 4regional workshop in March in Ohio, 141 registers so far, January meeting of Leaders and great crew with exciting projects, regional workshop on 2013reg 1 & 4 in February hoping for good snow

Region 5two board meetings; working on 2013 workshop in Nebraska; question on boundaries

Region 8beginning of Feb 1st annual winter retreat; one day to restart region 8; with new board members worked with ; fall workshop in September; social committees – more connections and seeing other sites;

Region9Very busy; received word that Lester Hawkins (past elections chair) lost his family (wife and son) suddenly; memorial posted later today; email send out to regional members; if in the Bay area opportunity to help out; workshop this weekend, over 100 folks joining in the valley with 1-2 inches of snow predicted with camping in tents; staggering elections so only two officers changing at a time; revamping regional awards to be in line with national awards; scholarships to regional, national and international, new international allowing one person to go; writing NIA Now article about on line community which has gained new members, in April will share successes and challenges

Region 10revamped the website; posting newsletter on line; regional workshop is virtual, 4 locations, virtual keynote speaker from MI, Business meeting and then four in-person meetings; scholarship funds left over and offered to CIG participants

RLC Operation/Policy SOP Task Force

Update operation manual needed; bring in line with the SLC manual; looking for volunteers to help Tom revamp the manual; not an annual operational plan but a guide line document for the RLC; Kevin is willing to help keep in line with National; Jeff will review; Tom will create a review document that he will have this small task force made up of Kevin and Jeff to review in time for us to approve and send on to the National Board by the June 2012 Meeting

National Board Meeting Update

  • Tom provided for all a summary based on a really rough and incomplete summary of the board meeting held back in January. It was attached in a previous email sent to notify folks of the upcoming RLC Conference call
  • Regional budgets need to be in line and provide coverage for key items required by National; SLC has a new standardized budget that they developed that for the most part meets this request. Such a new format will be included in the aforementioned policy/procedure update
  • When will bylaws update go to members? National board needs to talk with a lawyer hope to hear on Monday’s board meeting. Some folks expressed concerns about the timing of this since they are fielding questions from the membership
  • International conference: The board approved one member of NAI staff and National President interp Europe in 2013; giving a year to review viability of running an annual international workshop.
  • Concern has been expressed about the delay in receiving the national board minutes from January as well as the Executive Committee minutes. Tom will express the sentiment of the entire RLC that these sorts of updates/information need to be done in a far more timely fashion
  • IMAS going on line? National board will see it a first and be able to test product; then will go to entire membership. An update will be sought at the next Executive Committee meeting. But this has continued to be a question by RLC members with various updates provided by Executive Staff to individual folks, but not necessarily to all
  • Regional Registration issues-Registration for Region 4: national office created a new procedure for holding back partial or not paid registrations numbers not given to the workshop committee, this caused issue with the committee for food, sessions, info; new policy developed by National Staff and unknown by Regional officers or committees; region 2 and region 4 experienced difficulties with this process for their workshops. Head up for those doing workshop in the coming weeks/months. Will be noted at the Exec Committee meeting scheduled for next week


Jeff Miller sent out a shout out to John Miller and Region 6 workshop got 6 new lifetime members


Any member can join any region; if regional boundaries are looking to change, it is a bylaw issue.

Adjourn: 9:45am CST

Respectfully Submitted by Carolyn Rock, RLC Secretary