Technology Education – East Aurora Middle School 6th – 8th GradeMrs. Dutton

Curriculum Overview – Basic Electricity & Electronics


Students will be introduced to a simple circuit and define circuit essentials. Students will apply new knowledge about basic electronic components and will build projects related to energy and controlling power.

Key Learning:

  1. Demonstrate proper lab safety.
  2. Explain electricity and the flow of electrons.
  3. Define energy.
  4. Explain static electricity and industrial applications.
  5. List four circuit essentials.
  6. Give examples of conductors and insulators relative to the periodic table of elements.
  7. Define and explain voltage, current, and resistance.
  8. Decode a resistor.
  9. Use Ohm’s Law and calculate basic math (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).
  10. Convert ordinary numbers to powers of 10.
  11. Draw a schematic for a simple circuit.
  12. Distinguish between and open and closed circuit.
  13. Use a multi-meter to measure voltage and resistance.
  14. Describe direction of current flow.
  15. Define continuity.
  16. Identify basic electronic tools.
  17. Construct an electronic soldering kit.
  18. Trouble shoot circuit projects.
  19. Define watts.
  20. Calculate wattage in a circuit.
  21. Determine the cost of an appliance using power formula.
  22. Define horsepower and mechanical energy.

Essential Knowledge:

Closed circuit requirements for a simple circuit

Ohm’s Law

Total resistance formula

Power formula

Proper soldering techniques

Resistor coding

Schematic drawing

Multi-meter instructions

Powers of 10 conversions

Mathematics calculations

Essential Skills:

Use of soldering equipment

Use of multi-meter

Safe use of technology lab


Build simple circuits

Draw electronic schematics

Solve for V, I, R

Assessment Tools:

Color Wheel

“Resistor Codes” handout

“Powers of 10” handout

“Ohm’s Law and Circuit Essentials” handout

“Kit worksheet” handout (3)

Soldering quiz

Time: 3 weeks

Week 1:Introduce energy, work, and electricity production. “What is Electricity”


Practice base 10 numbers “Powers of 10” handout

Discuss static electricity with demos and “static electricity” handout

What is a resistor? Resistor coding - handout

Circuit essentials – group work building simple circuits using bulbs, wire,

buzzers, and a power source

Week 2:Using a meter to measure resistors, mini group work

Using a meter to measure voltage, mini group work

“Ohm’s Law and Circuit Essentials” handout, practice solving for missing


Schematic symbols and sketching electronic circuits, mini group work

Week 3: Soldering tools and identification

Demo proper soldering techniques, tinning, keeping the tip clean

Pass out kits – review components and instructions

Lab/work periods using “Kit Worksheet” handout and instructions