Draft Minutes
UCC Voting: Cline, Elise, Hansen, Leu, Sonntag. Nonvoting: Barksky, Shahamiri.
Guests: History faculty members: Watts, Arnade, Charles
Absent: Gonzales, Bonomi.
- We approved the History proposal for an MA. See below.
- We approved theMinutes from 10/17/05.
- We approved EDMX and the Literature P forms in Packet #4. GBM on “Hold.”
UCC PACKET #1 (September 1, 2005)
UCC/BLP Review
HIST 502 / History and Applied Media Technology
HIST 510 / Experiential learning in Public History
HIST 512 / Teaching History: Theory and Practice
HIST 513A-C / History Teaching Practicum
HIST 518 / Advanced Seminar in Ancient History
HIST 528 / Advanced Seminar in European History
HIST 538 / Advanced Seminar in U.S. History
HIST 558 / Advanced Seminar in Latin American History
HIST 568 / Advanced Seminar in Asian History
HIST 578 / Advanced Seminar in African History
HIST 588 / Advanced Seminar in Middle Eastern History
HIST 591 / Advanced Seminar in World History
HIST 592 / Advanced Seminar in International History
HIST 601 / The Philosophy and Practice of History
HIST 620 / Directed Thesis Research, Writing, and Media Presentation
HIST 621A-C / Thesis Research, Writing, and Media Presentation Continuation
HIST 699A / Independent Study in Advanced Historical Issues
HIST 699B / Independent Study in Advanced Historical Issues
HIST 699C / Independent Study in Advanced Historical Issues
HIST P-form / Master of Arts in History P Form / 10/24/05 History faculty reviewed changes they have made to their catalog copy, P-form, and additions of course rotations and course objectives. Committee members reviewed the changes made to the proposal and we had a dialogue reviewing the process, the questions UCC had raised, and the changes made. Missing signatures will be added. It was moved (Leu) and seconded (Cline) that UCC approve the proposal. We will conduct the last phase of our review next Monday when we review each course individually. We hope to forward the proposal to the EC within the next two weeks. Barsky will make sure that the revised documents are on the Curriculum Review page attheAcademic Programs website.
10/17/05 Continued Review. History Review—Need to check on missing signatures (Comm., Library, IITS). Distributed memos from History (“UCC Responses”) and Communication (Dreama Moon Memo).
10/10/05 Continued Review. We have questions about course rotations; it is clear from the proposal how core courses need to be offered year to year, but how will the department manage course rotations for three years with regard to electives? We are particularly interested in schedule of elective offerings in nine diverse areas (seminars) of History and also how particular electives from VSART and COMM factor in. We’d like to see a specific course rotation for three years showing how many electives History would offer, how faculty would cover these diverse areas, how many undergrads you think would be let into such elective courses. Who will teach in the graduate program—will it be staffed solely with tenure track faculty and to what degree with faculty in other departments for elective courses and, perhaps, thesis committee work?
Student learning objectives are sent forward to the Chancellor’s office with the program proposal. These could be broadly articulated: 1) sequencing of courses can indicate what learning objectives are for students’ progress through the program; 2) What does the general overview of this program (catalog copy description) indicate about general objectives for student learning? (expanding beyond the program proposal template question 1d); 3) What do five core courses show about core knowledge and skills students gain in the program; and 4) What does the department expect/want to see in a thesis as a the culminating project?
10//03/05 Need rationale for course numbering: does the course # indicate increasing difficulty? If so, why have 601 first semester, first year? Why not 500 level? The logic for course numbering and sequencing is not clear in terms of advancing skills and knowledge. Can one course (601) five students the “firm grounding in historical theory and research methods” that is central to program objectives (see proposal p. 1) for the MA? Olaf Hansen will request that program originators contact Candace Van Daal (sp?) to see what would happen to students who take graduate courses during the BA and then enter the MA program. There is a formatting problem on page 6 of the proposed catalog copy. We suggest 4 main bullets under “students must take …electives.” Two sub-bullets for Hist 510 and Hist 699a,b,c will help to clarify restrictions. There are three alternative titles given for Hist 512, please choose one from a. Critical Issues in History for Teachers, b. Teaching History, and c. Teaching History: Theory and Practice. For History 510 there are similar title issues, choose between a. Experiential Learning in Public History, b. Experiential Learning in History. See proposal pages 3, 5, and catalog copy pages 4 and 6 for these corrections. Page 6, change to lower case for “approved elective.” Page 7 of the proposal, leave policy is not in compliance with the graduate rules for leave of absence.
9/26/05 Olaf Hansen has agreed to serve as liaison between UCC and the History MA originators, Jill Watts and Peter Arnade. Olaf will contact Dreama Moon for the Communication Dept. signature, and will ask Jill/Peter about signatures for the library and IITS on the form. On page 24 of the proposal a chart indicates impact on FTES for Comm and VPA; UCC wants to know which courses would be of interest and what the overlap would be for this program with those indicated. The dialogue with Comm and VSARTS should be apparent in the proposal as well. We are a bit confused about the chart on page 24 and FTES impact without any clear list of electives specified. We are also interested in learning how the core courses work in terms of sequencing and content.
HIST-Survey / History Survey of Proposed Masters
HIST-Results / Results of Survey of Proposed Masters
UCC PACKET #2 (September 9, 2005)
UCC Review (Completed 9/19/05)
UCC Packet #3
UCC/BLP Review
P Form / M.A. in Education: Option in Communication Sciences DisordersEDEX 602 / School Communities in a Pluralistic Society
EDSL 350 / Introduction to Speech and Language Services
EDSL 641 / Practicum in Speech Disorders
EDSL 642 / Practicum in Language Disorders
EDSL 643 / Practicum in Audiology
EDSL 644 / Practicum in Language and Speech Disorders in Adults
EDSL 661 / Study of Articulation and Phonology Disorders
EDSL 662 / Assessment and Treatment Methods for Speech/Voice Fluency
EDSL 671 / Study of Language Disorders
EDSL 672 / Assessment and Treatment of Language Disorders
EDSL 681 / Study and Assessment of Hearing Disorders
EDSL 682 / Assessment and Treatment of Hearing Disorders
UCC Review
BUS P Form / High Technology Management Option / APPROVED 10/10/05CS 536 / Introduction to 3D Game Graphics / APPROVED 10/10/05
CS 537 / Data Communication and Computer Networks / APPROVED 10/10/05
CS 542 / Design Patterns and Object-Oriented Analysis / APPROVED 10/10/05
CS 551 / Advanced Programming Language / APPROVED 10/10/05
CS 571 / Artificial Intelligence / APPROVED 10/10/05
ECON P Form / B.A. in Economics / APPROVED 10/10/05
ECON 302 / Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory / APPROVED 10/10/05
ECON 331 / Money, Banking, and the Economy / APPROVED 10/10/05
ECON 405 / Great Economic Thinkers / APPROVED 10/10/05
ECON 411 / Public Choice / APPROVED 10/10/05
ECON 421 / The Public Economy / APPROVED 10/10/05
ECON 422 / Economics of Taxation / APPROVED 10/10/05
ECON 455 / Public Policy Issues / APPROVED 10/10/05
ECON 471 / Econometrics / APPROVED 10/10/05
EDMX 547 / APPROVED 10/24/05
GBM 497 / Social Studies/Science Education in Integrated Programs / 10/03/05 Zee & Gabriela assigned
10/24/05 HOLD for clarification of learning objectives re: cross-cultural, international intern sitings, issues of bias for students who are born, have residency in Mexico.
LTWR P Form / B.A. in Literature Studies / APPROVED 10/24/05
LTWR P Form / Single Subject Program in LTWR / APPROVED 10/24/05
MATH 242 / Probability Modeling and Statistical Inference / APPROVED 10/10/05
UCC Review
KINE P Form / B.S. in KinesiologyMATH P form / B.S. in Mathematics
MATH P form / Minor in Mathematics
MATH 378 / Number Systems
MATH 422 / Introduction to Number Theory
MATH 430 / Foundations of Analysis
MATH 441 / Introduction to Probability
MATH 442 / Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
MATH 470 / Introduction to Abstract Algebra
NATV P Form / Minor in Native Studies
NATV 380 / Topics in Native Studies