2018 Stationery List (Year 9-10)
Art Practical / Year 9 / A3 Sketch block, A3 wallet, 3 x 2B and 2 x 4B pencils, soft eraserArt Practical / Year 10 / 1 x Bockinford pad, A3 wallet, 1 x 2B, 4B, 6B pencils, soft eraser
A3 Clearfile
Dgt Technology / Year 10
Drama / Year 9-10 / Clearfile
Economics / Year 10 / Small ruler 1 x 1B8 exercise book
English / Year 9-10 / 1 Refill pad, 1 x 1B5 exercise book, 20 pocket clearfile. Biros
ESOL / Year 9-10 / 1B5 exercise book, 3B1 notebook
French / Year 9-10 / 1 x 1B5 exercise book
German / Year 9 / 1 x 1B5 exercise book
German / Year 10 / Last years books or 1 x 1B5 exercise book
Graphics / Year 9-10 / Kits are available from the school Bursars Office. 30/60 & 45 set of squares, mechanical pencil, 2B & 2H pencil, A3 cardboard folder, A3 pad, eraser, 1x1A4 Visual Diary unlined,* Memory stick (*not included in kit)
Health & Physical Ed / Year 9-10 / PE uniform – see the uniform code for details.
Maori / Year 9 / 1B5 Exercise book, 1 box coloured pencils,
Maori / Year 10 / 1B5 Exercise book, 1 box coloured pencils,
Maths / Year 9-10 / 2 x 1E5 Maths books, calculator (Casio VPAM), protractor, compass, ruler, clearfile,
Music / Year 9-10 / Clearfile, pencil, eraser, Pen, Earphones (can be purchased at Bursar’s Office)
RE / Year 9-10 / 1 x 1B5 exercise book. 20 pocket Clearfile
Science / Year 9-10 / 2 x 2B8 exercise book and 1 x 20 pocket clearfile
Social Studies / Year 9-10 / 1 x 1B8 exercise books, (also coloured pencils, scissors, ruler and glue), 60 pocket Clearfile, Refill
Spanish / Year 9-10 / 1 x Clearfile
Technology Food/Nutrition / Year 9-10 / 1 x 1B5 exercise book
Technology Hard Materials / Year 9-10 / 1 x 20 pocket clearfile, 1 x 14A8 refill, 1 x 7B8 refill
Textile/Design / Year 9-10 / 1 x 1B5 exercise book or 1 clearfile and refill
2018 Stationery List (Year 11-13)
All Students: Flash Drive
Accounting / Year 12-13 / Refill, 2 x 40 pocket Clearfiles, Calculator, small RulerAgribusiness / Year 12 / Refill, 1 x 2B8 Exercise Book, Ring Binder, Dividers
Art / Year 11-13 / A3 wallet, 2B, 4B, 6B pencils, soft eraser, Visual Diary (A3) Available from bursar. Paint brushes purchased through the bursar: $13 for a set of quality brushes, A4 Clearfile, A3 Clearfile, Yr 11-12 2 x A1 panels, Yr13 3 x A1 panels (purchased through Art Department)
Art History / Year Y13 / A4 Lecture pad, A4 Ring Binder
Art Photography / Year 12-13 / A3 Wallet, A3 Visual diary, 8 GB Memory stick, A4 Clearfile A3 Clearfile
Building and Construction / Year 12 -13 / 1 x 20 pocket Clearfile
Biology / Year 12-13 / 1 x 2B8 Exercise book
Chemistry / Year 12-13 / (Y12) 1B8 Exercise book, (Y13) Ring binder, Dividers
Classics / Year 12-13 / 2 x 2B8 Lecture book, USBdrive, Glue, Scissors
Dgt Technology / Year 11-13
Drama / Year 11-13 / 1 x 20 pocket Clearfile
Economics / Year11-13 / Calculator, Ruler 3 x 1B8 Exercise books, Pencil, Eraser
English / Year 11-13 / Ring binder, Refill, Dividers, 1x 1B5 Exercise book, Flashdrive
ESOL / Year 11 / 2 x 1B5 Exercise book, 3B1 notebook.
ESOL / Year 12-13 / 2 x 1B5 Exercise books, 3B1 notebook
French / Year 11-13 / Ring binder, A4 refill, Flashdrive,
Gateway / Year 12-13
Geography / Year 11-13 / Coloured pencils, Ruler, 1 x 2B8 Exercise book, Eraser, Glue stick
German / Year 11-13 / Language Perfect Computer
Graphics / Year 11-13 / Basic Kits available from School Bursar.$30.00 Set of equipment to include: water colour pencils, Set Squares, graphics compass, A3 technical drawing block; 2B & 2H pencils, A4Visual Diary, *Memory stick Flashdrive, A4 clearfile, graphics ink pen 0.5 (*required but not included in kit)
History / Year 11-13 / A4 Pad, A4 Ring Binder, Dividers, 20 pocket Clearfile
Maths / Year 11-13 / 2 x 1E5 Maths books, ruler. A4 clearfile, Casio Graphics Calculator (Y11-13)
Maths Applied / Year 11 / 2 x 1E5 Maths books, scientific Calculator (Casio VPAM), Ruler, 1 x 40 pocket Clearfile
Technology / Year 11-13 / Refill 1 x 14A8 and 1 x 14B8, 2 x 40 pocket Clearfile
Music / Year 11-13 / Manuscript paper, Refill, 2 x 20 pocket Clearfiles, Flashdrive
P.E. / Year 11, 12 / Hard cover exercise book, refill pad, A4 clearfile
P.E. / Year 13 / Refill and Slimpick folder
Physics / Year 12-13 / Ring Binder, Refill.
R.E. / Year 11-13 / Refill pad, Clearfile or 1B5 and Clearfile
Science / Year 11 / 1B8 exercise book
Science Applied / Year 11-13 / 1B8 exercise book, 20 pocket Clearfile
Skills for Work & Living / Year 11
Tech/Food/Nutrition / Year 11-13 / Refill and 20 pocket Clearfile
Tech/Hard/Materials / Year 11 / 2 x 40 pocket Clearfiles 1 x 7B8 exercise book, 1 x 14A8 refill
Tech/Hard Materials / Year 12-13 / 1 x 40 pocket Clearfile, 1 x 7B8 exercise book, 1 x 14A8 refill
Technology Textile Design / Year 11-13 / A4 refill, 20 pocket Clearfile, A4 Visual Diary
Travel & Tourism / Year 12