Name of School:




Child’s name: / DOB:
Name of parents/
carers: / Year group:
Address(es) for
correspondence: / Date of report:

The information provided on this form will, alongside other advice, help the LEA in 2 ways. Firstly, to decide whether the criteria for issuing a statement have been met (Code of Practice 4:1 - 4:9) and, secondly, to determine the level of resourcing necessary to meet the child’s special educational needs (Code of Practice 4:10 - 4:12).

The information here builds on the evidence you supplied at the time of the request for a statutory assessment, so it is essential that any significant change in the child’s difficulties since the initial referral is highlighted in this report.

Please note that a copy of this report and of the original referral form will be sent to parents/carers as appendices to any statement of special educational needs or note in lieu of a statement.

Please return this form to: SEN Section, 3rd Floor, City Hall, College Green, Bristol BS99 7EB

Pen picture of the child in school:
Headteacher’s Signature:
Have the child’s difficulties altered significantly since the initial referral
for a statutory assessment? YES / NO
If YES, please give full details and provide supporting evidence:
Have there been any significant changes in circumstances since the
initial referral for a statutory assessment? / YES / NO
If YES, please give details:
Please say what you consider to be this child’s special educational needs in terms of difficulties accessing the academic or social curriculum:
What should be the objectives for this child=s development over the next 12 months?
(eg what should the child have learned in the next 12 months; what changes would you be aiming for in his/her emotional, social or behavioural development; what changes would you be aiming for in relation to physical or sensory difficulties?)
How would you suggest this child’s needs can be met in the following areas (where applicable):
Academic Curriculum:
Social Curriculum:
Specialist Resources:
Physical Requirements:
Adult Contact: