This term we will have Student-led conferences in lieu of individual appointments. A Student-led conference is a time for your child to share his/her learning with you. Your child will show you what they have been learning and discuss their progress and goals. We hope to see you either the evening of Tuesday, November 28 from 6:00 -8:00 pm or the morning of Wednesday, November 29 from 8:00 -11:00 am. A ballot will be given to each child/adult who attends and their names will be entered in a draw to win a LEGO kit. Good luck to all.(SEE INFORMATION SHEET THAT IS COMING HOME)


Our librarian, Mr. DaCosta has set the dates for the upcoming Book Fair. On Monday, November 27, the Book Fair begins. Students and staff will have a chance to look over the books and then on Tuesday, November 28, the Book Fair will be open to parents and students to purchase the book or books that they may want from 6:00 - 8:00 during the Student-Led Conferences. Parents and students will also have a chance to look and purchase on the morning of November 29 during the Student-led Conference time. If you require more information, please do not hesitate to call the school at 690-3820.


Come out and enjoy an evening of fun with dancing and shopping for the children. There will be a canteen. As always, children are to be accompanied by an adult. The annual shopping room is where children can buy gifts for family and friends for 25-50 cents. If you have items that you would like to donate to the shopping room, toys, books, jewelry, trinkets, etc. and items for men are always needed, please drop them off at the school.(Please no used personal items!) See PTA notice that will be coming home.


We would like to create a bulletin board at Aldershot Elementary to highlight our families within our school. Could you please send in a photograph of your family so we may add that to our display. (Your photo will be returned). No matter how you celebrate family it is an important part of our traditions. Even though the holidays are fast approaching, please feel free to share a family tradition from any season.


Come join us, Thursday, December 7, 2017, 9am and 1pm. for a Music Showcase called; "Bells, Songs and Dance". Our concert will feature season centered music that displays music concepts students have been learning throughout the term in music class. These concepts include; rhythm, melody, pitch, dynamics and movement. Primary/1’s will display their knowledge about high/ low and loud/ quiet music. Some classes will also move to and play on a steady beat. Grade 2/3's will share their understanding of rhythms (half notes and tika-tika) and solfege. They will also demonstrate their ability to move in partner and circle activities. Grade 4/5's will feature their new rhythm (ti-tika) through instrument and movement pieces. The Showcase will culminate with an all school song. We look forward to your attendance!

Early Morning Arrival

A reminder to families that children should not arrive at school before 7:45 in the morning as there is no one to supervise.

Skating Program for Primaries to Two’s

Our P-2 skating program will take place on Fridays starting January 5, 2018. The skating itinerary will be sent home within the next few days. Information pertaining to skates and helmets is addressed in the skating schedule.