Fair Ways Education

Post:Therapeutic Learning Practitioner

Location:Fairways School sites in Totton

Salary:Band F

Hours:As per academic timetable

Responsible to:Fair Ways Head of School

Leave:As per academic school calendar

  1. To actively contribute towards the maintenance of a positive culture within all Fair Ways services, in which teamwork thrives. Guarding against transference of negative views, being solution focused, and promoting positive attitude.
  1. Ability to proactively engage with young people, staff, managers and members of the public ensuring professional boundaries are maintained.
  1. To be highly organised, methodical and able toprioritise, set deadlines and keep to them.
  1. To be able to recognise the effects of stress on self and others
  1. Ability to time manage own workload effectively and work as part of a team, promoting a positive culture.
  1. Have a flexible approach to the task and resilience under pressure.
  1. Demonstrate effective communication skills, verbal , non-verbal and written
  1. Be reliable, enthusiastic, creative and honest
  1. To be able to engage challenging young people within an education setting delivering a good quality of learning
  1. Have the ability to advocate for students and enabling them to advocate for themselves.
  1. Have the knowledge and experience of child protection procedures and being confident on reporting, recording and information sharing
  1. Demonstrate a commitment to equal opportunities and anti-oppressive practice
  1. To challenge attitudes and practices that can be perceived as discriminatory
  1. To take on the role of a Therapeutic Learning Practitioner in the school undertaking the necessary roles that this entails, ensuring a high standard of lesson planning, delivery of lessons, marking of work and behaviour management of the pupils.
  1. To participate in the completion and monitoring of all student assessments throughout the school, and monitor and record such progress.
  1. To participate in the implementation and delivery of each students Individual Education Plan (IEP), Personal Education Plan (PEP) and Behaviour management plans (BMP) and SEAL.
  1. To write a report if required for any student you have supported, by the required deadline in order to complete their end of term reports.
  1. To positively and effectively contribute to the school’s planning and decision making process during team meetings.
  1. To assist any Support Workers, to carry out their duties effectively.
  1. To promote and safeguard the welfare of the students in the school.
  1. To work in partnership with families and carers of the students, achieving the aims and objectives of Personal Educational Plans, and Individual Care Plans including work within the community as required.
  1. To recognise and accept the possible need to intervene using positive handling strategies in order to make incidents safe, and to work as part of a consistent team.
  1. To observe, assess and monitor young peoples’ health, development and emotional wellbeing and interpret verbal and non-verbal signs, initiating proactive responses and interaction.
  1. To assist the Head of School in developing resources to meet identified needs of young people.
  1. To maintain records accurately and methodically as instructed by the Head of School or laid down in the schools policies and procedures.
  1. To demonstrate and uphold the Company values at all times (Make a difference; never give up; value every individual; listen to each other, develop each other, reach our potential; quality and passion in what we do).
  1. To demonstrate a commitment to Fair Ways’ culture by playing your P.A.R.T. This involves being Professional (doing what you say you’ll do); Accepting (inclusive, open minded and respectful), Reflective (focus on learning, not blaming) and being Transparent(open, honest, having integrity).
  1. Any other duties as may be required by the Head of School or a company Director through the Head of School.

Name ………………………………. Signed …………………………….. Date ……………………….