Guardian Angels Humane Society Adoption Application

Interested in which pet? _________________________ DATE____________________


Name ________________________________________Phone#______________________




Email Address _____________________________________________________________

Do you: _____own home have a fenced yard? ___yes ___no

_____rent home _____rent apartment/mobile home

_____own mobile home

How long have you lived at your present address?_______________________________

If renting, you must have permission from your landlord before adopting a pet.

Landlord's Name__________________________________________Phone___________________

List employment status of each adult in the family.

Employer________________________How long?________Job Title______________

Employer________________________How long?_________Job Title_____________

Employer________________________How long?_________Job Title_____________

If you do not work, how do you plan to pay for your pet's food and medical care?


Are you a student _____yes _____no Do you live at home with your parents? ________

Please list the number of children living in your home & their ages.__________________



Are you willing to be responsible for this pet for his/her entire life (perhaps as long as 15 or 20 years)? _________________________

If you cannot keep the pet, do you promise to contact the Guardian Angels and return the pet to them?________________________

Will you respond to phone calls from the Guardian Angels within one week about the welfare of an adopted pet?________________________________

List your current pets:



Are your current pets spayed/neutered? __________ Are they up to date on shots? _____

Who is your veterinarian? ___________________________________________________

Phone # of your vet________________________________________________________

List the pets that you have had in the last five years that you no longer have:

Pet_______________________Reason you no longer have this pet __________________

Pet_______________________Reason you no longer have this pet __________________

Pet_______________________Reason you no longer have this pet __________________

Pet_______________________Reason you no longer have this pet __________________

Pet_______________________Reason you no longer have this pet __________________

Have you ever surrendered a pet to an animal shelter? ______yes ______no

If yes, why? ______________________________________________________________

If adopting a cat or a rabbit, do you agree to keep him/her strictly indoors? ____________

If adopting a dog, do you agree to keep him/her in the house the majority of the time?


Do you understand that the Guardian Angels will take legal steps to reclaim the

adopted pet if information you give on this application is falsified?
