TranmereParkPrimary School

Policy for Inclusion and Special Educational Needs

Our Mission Statement.

‘We want every school in Leeds to be a good school, an improving school and importantly an inclusive school….’ Education Leeds, statement of aim.

At TranmereParkPrimary School we are all working together as a team to provide a quality learning environment and to help everyone achieve their best.

This policy follows the guidelines in the SEN Code of Practice 2001 (1.23 – 1.28) the Disability Discrimination Code of Practice 2002 and the Education Regulations 1999. It highlights links to other policies and documentation in the school. The policy provides a brief outline of working practices, which are covered in greater detail in the school and L.E.A. ISEN handbooks.

Special Education Provision.

This policy makes provision for all children attending TranmereParkPrimary School who have special educational needs (SEN) or additional educational needs (AEN) and who require additional support to enable them to participate fully in the life of the school.

1. Objectives of this policy.

By following this policy….

  • TranmereParkPrimary School will ensure that all children with SEN will be identified through co-operation and partnership with both parents and outside agencies.
  • All pupils with SEN shall be entitled to access the full broad and balanced curriculum at TranmerePark.
  • All children with SEN will be actively involved in the development of their own learning; and will receive help and assistance to do that.
  • All staff will take responsibility for the identification, teaching and inclusion of children with SEN as an integral part of raising standards.
  • Children with SEN will be included in all aspects of school life.

2. Responsibility for co-ordinating SEN policy.

The headteacher will work closely with the SENCo who has responsibility for

co-ordinating the day to day special educational provision.

The SENCo at TranmereParkPrimary School is Mrs. S.M. Raw.

  1. Arrangements for co-ordinating SEN provision.
  • The roles and responsibilities of the Headteacher, SEN Governor, SENCo, class teachers and teaching assistants are explained in detail in the LEA ISEN Handbook. (Chapter 2, Section 1, Page 5)
  • Review meetings are chaired by either the SENCo or Headteacher.

4. Admission arrangements.

  • At TranmereParkPrimary School we follow the inclusive admission policy of Education Leeds whereby we have admission arrangements appropriate to the needs of the child. Special arrangements can be made in liaison with the Headteacher, SENCo and relevant outside agencies (e.g. attending part time in Reception.)

5. Specialist SEN provision.

  • All special needs provision is provided within the classroom and whole school building.
  1. Facilities for pupils with SEN or who are disabled.
  • Our school is single storey and therefore has wheelchair access throughout the main body of the school. The recently built upper KS2 classrooms are accessible by all disabled pupils. As part of our commitment to inclusion, plans are in place to have a care suite installed by September 2004. We have a long term access plan to ensure provision for all children in the future.

7. Allocation of resources for pupils with SEN.

  • Support will be allocated through use of available Funding For Inclusion (FFI) to meet the identified needs of pupils. (See FFI Handbook 2003/2004 for funding criteria and procedure)
  • The SENCo is responsible for the provision of SEN curriculum resources in liaison with subject leaders. Funding is taken from either the SEN budget or that of a specific subject.

8. Identification and review of pupil needs.

  • The whole school has a responsibility for the identification and review of pupils’ needs in line with guidance in the SEN Code of Practice 2001. Children who are identified as having SEN/AEN are recorded on the school’s ISEN register. Further details of how they are identified and reviewed and about the ISEN register are explained in the School ISEN Handbook.

9. Access to the curriculum.

  • The curriculum for children with SEN is differentiated in many ways, and access provided by use of:- additional resources,

extra support from a teacher, teaching assistant or parent


regular home/school liaison

  • In most cases children at School Action, School Action Plus and Statemented children will have their needs met through targets and support agreed in an IEP. These children will have an ISAR (Inclusion and SEN Action Record)

10. Inclusion of pupils with SEN.

  • It is the responsibility of the class teacher to include children with SEN within the classroom and to carry out planning, manage support and provide a balanced differentiated curriculum.
  • In line with the Disability Discrimination Code of Practice 2002 we will endeavour to: - ensure that disabled pupils are not treated less favourably..
  • All children at TranmerePark have the opportunity to participate in educational visits and residentials and to attend after school clubs.

11. Evaluating the success of provision for pupils with SEN.

  • The annual report to Governors. This will include progress against SEN priorities identified in the School Development Plan.
  • Pupil outcomes. These will be identified through:
  • reviewing of specific targets recorded on IEP’s. (at least termly)
  • tracking via Assessment Manager.
  • annual reviews of statemented children.
  • School self-evaluation process. There will be an annual review of the SEN Action Plan.

12. Complaints Procedure.

The school involves parents at every stage and aims to communicate regularly.

The expected route through which parents might complain is as follows:

Class teacher --- SENCo --- Headteacher --- appeal to Governing Body.

All complaints, concerns and suggestions from parents are taken very seriously and will be fully investigated and acted upon. It is hoped that our positive relationship with parents will identify and solve problems at an early stage.

Staffing policies and outside agencies partnerships.

13. In Service Training.

  • Active participation of all staff is necessary for a successful school policy.
  • The SENCo will report back to staff on any changes/developments in legislation and information from courses. (Staff meetings will be allocated as necessary)
  • The School Educational Psychologist or other outside agencies are invited in for staff training as prioritised in the School Development Plan.

14. Links to support services.

  • Links and partnerships are developed with outside agencies to provide support and advice to enable teachers to meet pupils’ needs effectively.
  • The SENCo has responsibility for the initial involvement of an outside agency. This will only occur when the parents’ view has been actively sought.
  • Parents can request the involvement of an outside agency. School will support this where appropriate.

15. Working in partnership with parents.

  • The school ethos is to work in partnership with parents, recognising that home/school liaison is vital to children realising their potential.
  • Parents will be informed of any SEN provision or tracking.
  • The school adopts an open door policy and parents are welcome to come and discuss their concerns at any time.
  • Parents’ views will be considered carefully; and recorded at review meetings. They will help to inform decisions made about how their child is provided for in school.
  • Information about the Parent Partnership Service is available on request
  1. Links with other schools.
  • The Foundation Stage team at TranmerePark aim to liaise closely with the staff of the nurseries and playgroups previously attended by all new Reception children. The SENCo is informed of any SEN issues.
  • The Year 6 teachers and SENCo ensure that all relevant SEN information and records are passed on to the appropriate high schools.
  1. Links with other agencies and voluntary organisations.

Child health services, social services and education welfare services are contacted as necessary. Voluntary organisations may be sought on behalf of individual children with SEN.

Inclusion Policy Statement.

Chapter 2. Section 3. Appendix 6. Page 38.