North Wraxall Memorial Congregational Chapel

Monuments Index


SWANSimeondied 9/9/1928aged 81

Anna (sister)died 1/3/1929aged 79

ANDREWSGeorgedied 3/4/1917aged 79

ANDREWSRuthdied 8/11/1962aged 91


Mercydied 20/1/1913aged 72

Mary (daur)died 9/6/1907aged 39

DAVISElizabethdied 26/4/1866aged 62

DANCEYEdithdied Nov 1981-

[Husband married again. He erected memorial 12/9/1982 anniversary. Present Pastor (Wally Tiley) gave this information of her birthday (sic)]

ESCOTTDaisydied Feb 1969-

[Present Pastor (Wally Tiley) gave this information. No stone put up]

BLUNSDONJohn (of Marshfield)died 12/4/1888aged 75

Elizabethdied 1/7/1893aged 78y 11m

BILLETTEric?died 20/5/1893aged 64

COMELYThomasdied 11/1/1884aged 87

ENGLANDJamesdied 20/?/1915aged 53

Tirzahdied 6/6/1955aged 90

Tirzie, James & Wilfred (children of James)

PINNIGERCharles Broom, son ofdied ?6/12/1918aged 47

Rebeccadied 18/2/1916aged 72

FRANKCOMHester Ann--

Francis Guy (2nd son)died 19/12/188210 months


= Rebecca--

Marianne Broomdied ?/11/1869aged 18 months

BILLETTMarydied 25/1/1928?Aged 77

(North Wraxall memorial chapel monuments index contd. – graveyard)

BILLETTMarion (daur of Cushi & Jane Billett), born 11/4/1878 & died 15/6/1928

Ada Eliza (eldest daur of “ & “ ), born 14/7/1871 & died 20/1/1955

BILLETTJaneborn 17/8/1850 & died 22/3/1927

= Cushiborn 21/12/1847 & died 24/5/1939

CROSBIEMary Elizabethdied 22/11/1926aged 86

Edithdied 12/9/1982-

SHINNGertrudedied 25/5/1966-

HOLBOROWEllen (Nellie)died 21/6/1912aged 55

= Isaacdied 16/10/1936aged 87

Isaacborn 18/11/1894 & died 17/7/1972

Sybella Rachelborn 1890 & died 1982

HOLBOROWIsaacdied 1/12/1904aged 95

= Sarah Archerdied 20/1/1917aged 90

Their children:

William Alexanderdied 11/11/1863aged 12

Sarah Elizabethdied 10/9/1872aged 19

Ruth Archerdied 31/10/1909aged 42

Mary Anndied 12/7/1920aged 65

India Louisa? (see below)died 26/4/1957aged 100

Inside the Chapel:

HOLBOROWWilliam Alexanderdied 11/11/1863aged 12y 7m

(2nd s/o Isaac & Sarah Archer Holborow)

Sarah Elizabeth (eldest daur)born 10/3/1853 & died 10/9/1872

Ruth Archer (youngest daur)born 22/3/1867 & died 31/10/1909

Mary Ann (2nd daur)born 17/2/1855 & died 12/7/1920

Isaac (eldest son)born 14/8/1849 & died 16/10/1936

Lydia Louise? (2nd eldest daur)born 26/11/1856 & died 26/4/1957

HOLBOROWIsaacdied 1/12/1904aged 95

(helped to erect this place of worship)

Sarah Archerdied 20/1/1917aged 90

John Edward(youngest son) died 4/1/1951aged 79

[Present Pastor (Wally Tiley) says all were farmers & that John Edward was buried in Parish Churchyard – St. James’ North Wraxall. He married twice.]

[Transcription made by Ruth Ranger January 2009 from notes made by Mormon Church in their survey of 1987. With grateful thanks to Rev. Alan Proctor, Pastor of the church.]