Unit / Position
Instructor/Evaluator: / Position
Excellent / Satisfactory / Needs Practice / SKILL 32-3
Performing Oral Pharyngeal (Yankauer) Suctioning
Steps / Comments
Reviewing Pertinent Information
1. Observe for signs and symptoms associated with upper airway obstruction that may require oral pharyngeal suctioning: gurgling, drooling, excessive oral secretions, vomitus in mouth, and coughing without clearing airway.
Preparing for Implementation
2. Wash hands.
3. Gather supplies needed:
• Gloves
• Yankauer catheter
• Sterile water and cup
• Suction equipment
4. Prepare the equipment:
• Pour sterile water into the cup.
• Turn suction device on; set regulator to appropriate negative pressure.
• Check the suction by suctioning up the water through the Yankauer.
5. Prepare the patient:
• Verify the correct patient with two identifiers.
• Explain to the patient and family how the procedure will clear airway secretions.
• Explain that the patient may cough, gag, or sneeze during or after the procedure.
• Practice splinting of surgical incision if necessary.
• Position patient with towel or drape across his or her chest.
• If patient is vomiting or choking, place in lateral side-lying position to perform the suctioning.
Preparing for Suctioning
6. Put on gloves.
7. Remove oxygen mask if present. Nasal cannula may remain in place. Keep oxygen near patient’s face. Be prepared to quickly reapply the supplemental oxygen if respiratory distress develops.
8. Insert Yankauer suction catheter into mouth along the gum line to pharynx. Move catheter around mouth until secretions are cleared. Encourage patient to cough.
If patient has other tubing in place such as a nasogastric tube or feeding tube, be careful not to dislodge the tubing.
9. Rinse catheter with water in cup or basin until tubing is clear of secretions. Turn off suction unless procedure needs to be repeated.
10. Patient’s face may need to be washed if secretions are on skin.
11. Reassess respiratory status. Repeat procedure, if indicated.
12. Discard remainder of water. Discard disposable cup into appropriate receptacle.
13. Place catheter in a non-airtight container. It should be stored in an area where it will not come in contact with secretions or excretions or contaminate clean supplies.
14. Remove gloves and wash hands.
Engaging in Evaluation
15. Compare assessment findings before and after procedure. Auscultate chest and airways for adventitious sounds.
Name / Date
Unit / Position
Instructor/Evaluator: / Position
Excellent / Satisfactory / Needs Practice / SKILL 32-3
Performing Oral Pharyngeal (Yankauer) Suctioning (Continued)
Steps / Comments
Documenting Effectively
16. Document in a timely manner and include the following:
• Date and time
• Amount, consistency, and colour of secretions
• How patient tolerated procedure
• Evaluation of procedure
• Teaching to patient and family
Copyright © 2015 by Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Skill Checklists for Fundamentals: Perspectives on the Art and Science of Canadian Nursing, by david Gregory, Christy Raymond-Seniuk, Linda Patrick, and Tracey Stephen.