Suggested procedures for a successful AGOOMassessment project:
- Keep up with the assigned reading due dates for the entire book. You will get more out of the presentations and you will be better prepared for the quizzes. The study guides are optional, but they do help you focus on what is important in each chapter.
- Read your chapter (s) at least twice – once to get the basics of the chapter and once to get the details that you need to make your questions and your doll.Some characters are more fully described in other chapters. Be aware of this fact. Take notes!!
- Discussion questions: Create questions that can have more than one answer. People like to hear the impressions other readers have of the novel. Questions that have one answer aren’t very interesting. Focus on the top four sections (applying, analyzing, evaluation, and creating) of the BRT for best results.
- Quiz questions: Here’s where you want to have questions that have specific answers to avoid confusion. You will need to provide questions and answers to Mrs. Wiley for quiz creation. If you want to have a quiz questions from the top two sections (evaluating and creating), make the questions have a short 2-3 sentence response.
- Vocabulary: You will be making power point slides for the flashcards.
- Each word has 2 slides – Slide #1 has the word, the book sentence, and/or a picture cue depending on the grade you have chosen to get.
- Slide #2 has the definition of the word AS IT IS USED IN THE BOOK. Be sure to select an accurate definition. Wrong definitions must be corrected. When in doubt, ask.
- When your slides are ready, you will merge them on to the class file for everyone to use.
- If your section does not have vocab, you are responsible for a vocab activity that covers the words from the chapters we have already done. Check Google for free programs to make crossword puzzles, word searches, bingo games, etc . to use during your presentation.
- The Doll: The grade C doll template is on my web page under AGOOM project. Use the reading to make an accurate portrait of the character. It is possible that description of your character occurs in another chapter. Use that as well. Don’t forget to write on the back of the doll the page number and the quote of the description. Your doll is incomplete without this part. Be sure the doll’s name is clearly written on the paper.
- Grade A & B dolls should also have quotes and page numbers on the back or on a separate sheet of paper.
- An additional doll may be substituted for ONE cultural reference in the A grade category.
- Dolls need show effort and creativity. If the doll is poorly constructed, showing a weak effort, it will not be accepted to fulfill the requirement.
- Cultural references are divided by book section and cannot be moved to different sections. Sign-up for references is first-come, first-served. If you change your mind, please erase your name so someone else can select that option. Cultural references can be done as handouts, power points, demonstrations, videos, etc.
- This project should be interesting and fun for all of us.
- The topic of racial prejudice is a sensitive one, but I feel that you are all mature enough to handle the issue with common sense and car for your fellow classmates.
- I know it is the end of the year, but we have so much creativity and talent among us, we should be able to learn a lot and enjoy ourselves during this project. Please don’t let us down!