FUNgi part 2
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University / Leader: / Courtney
Course: / Bio 211 (4)
Instructor: / Boury
Date: / 9/26/12
1) Fill in the Chart
Name: Habitat: Ecological Role: Reproduction: Examples:
Chytridomycota / Water and soil / Mostly decomposers,Some parasite. / Flagellate spores, or gametes / Batrachochytrium
Dendrobatidis- amphibian disease
Zygomycota / Mostly terrestrial
Named for zygospores produced sexually
Mostly aseptate hyphae / Decomposers and pathogens
Saprobes- lives in soil feeds on dead organic matter / Nonflagellate asexual spores produced in (zygo)sporangia; resistant sexual zygospores / Rhizopus stolonifer- black bread mold
(AM Fungi) / Terrestrial
Aseptate hyphae / Form mutually beneficial mycorrhizal associations with plants. / Distinctively large, non flagellate multinucleate asexual spores
Only asexual / ??????
Ascomycota / Mostly terrestrial
Hyphae subdivided into cells by septa w/ simple pores / Decomposers; pathogens; many form lichens; some are mycorrhizal
Many yeasts common lichen partner / Asexual conidid; nonflagellate sexual spores (ascospores) in sacs (asci- like sporangia) on fruiting bodies (ascocarps) / Dutch elm disease (Ophiostoma ulmi)
chestnut blight,
(Cryphonectria parasitica)
apple scab (Venturia inaequalis)
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- yeast
Basidiomycota / Terrestrial
Hyphae subdivided into cells by septa w/complex pores / Decomposers and micorrhizal partners
Mushrooms puffballs, stinkhorns, shelf fungi, rusts, smuts as fruiting bod / Several types of asexual spores, nonfalgellate sexual spores(basidiospores)
On club-shaped basidia on fruiting bodies / Corn smut
Shelf fungi
Bonus kingdom: Deuteromycetes- imperfect fungi- no sexual life cycle found yet: molds and yeasts.
2. Define the following fungal association methods:
Lichensà algae (usually green) and fungi (usually ascomycete)
Advantage to fungi- get sugars form photosynthesis and O2
Advantage to algae- increase range , receives CO2 water and minerals form fungi , fungi protects from environmental stress
Mycorrhizeà association between the hyphae of fungi and the seed of rot plants. 80% of terrestrial plants form relationship.
Plant benefit- receive an increased supply of water and mineral nutrients primarily phosphate copper and zinc. Enhance plant growth. Reduce water loss and erosion help protect plants against pathogens and toxic wastes.
Fungi benefit- Plants provide fungi with organic food molecules.
Endomycorrhizae- fungal hyphae penetrate the spaces between root cell walls and plasma membranes and grow along the outer surface of the plasma membrane. (allows for more SA, rapid and efficient exchange of minerals)
Ectomycorrhizae- beneficial interactions between temperate forest trees an soil fungi. Do not penetrate cell wall, coat root surface and grow between cells or roots
Endopphytesà fungi that live compatibly within the leaf and stem tissues of various types of plants. They obtain organic food molecules from the plants and in turn contribute toxins or antibiotics that deter foraging animals insect pests and microbial pathogens