a.s. 2016/17
Prof.ssa Gloria Trezzi
Libro di testo: M.Ryan, A.Bellini – Working in business plus – Europass
The economic background
- Goods and services
- Factors of production
- Sectors of activity
- Types of economy
Business organisation
- Types of business organization
- The structure of a company
- Limited companies
- Business expansion
- Globalization
- Multinationals
International trade
- Incoterms (FAS, FOB,CFR,CIF, Ex Works)
The marketing mix
- Markets
- Marketing : the four Ps
- Product
- Place
- Price
Marketing- market research and e-commerce
- Market research
- Effective market research- advice for small firms
- E-commerce
Marketing – Advertising and promotion
- Advertising media
- Advertising techniques
- Advertising agencies and campaigns
- Other promotion methods
- Tradefairs
- Advertising standards
Transport and delivery
- Goodsvehicles
- Modes of transport
- Transportdocuments
International trade
- Trade
- Restrictinginternationaltrade
- Encouraginginternationaltrade
- Fair trade for a fairer world
- Whatis Fair trade? How did Fair trade start? Whatis the Fairtrade Mark? ( materiale preparato dall’insegnante)
Financial services
- Banking
- Online banking
- Banking services for business: Managingmoney, Lendingmoney, Factoring, Leasing, Helping with foreigntrade
- Microcredit
- Microcredit under attack
- The Stock market: shares and bonds
- Insurance
- Two city institutions
Methods of payment:
- Cash
- Credit card
- Cheque
- Banker’sdraft
- Bank transfer
- Bill of exchange
- Open account
- Payment in advance
- Documentarycollection
- Documentary credit / Letter of credit
- Layout of a business letter
- Job ads
- Application letters
- The curriculum vitae
- Enquiries
- Replies to enquiries
- Offers
- Replies to offers
- Orders
- Replies to orders
- Reminders
- Replies to reminders
- Complaints
- Replies to complaints
The political system of UK
A Commonwealth of nations
Who are the Americans? ( material preparatodall’insegnante)
The USA, a land of contrasts
A country of immigrants from the “melting pot” to “mosaic”
Early 20th century immigration: Ellis Island
The political system: The three branches of US government; State and local government; Political parties
From the “Trail of tears” to Indian reservations
The Cold war
Anti-Communism in the USA
The Korean war
The Vietnam war ( The origins of the conflict)
USA –Eastern regions (material preparatodall’insegnante)
Glistudentihannopreparatounapresentazionedelleseguenticittàamericane: Miami, Phoenix, St.Louis, Boston, Cleveland, S.Francisco, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Dallas, Juneau, Indianapolis, Omaha, Minneapolis, Salt Lake city, S.Diego, Providence, New York, New Orleans, Chicago, Washington, Denver, Seattle, Honolulu, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Memphis, Little Rock, Orlando.
Tuttisono tenuti a conoscere le caratteristichedelleseguenticittà: Washington, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, S.Franciscorelativamente a: posizionegeografica, economia, storia,principaliluoghi di interesseedeventi, mezzi di trasporto
Glistudentihannolettoiltesto di G.B.Shaw, ” Pygmalion”
G.B.Shaw: life and works ( materialepreparatodall’insegnante)
Visionespettacoloteatrale (Pygmalion).
Il DocenteI Rappresentanti degli studenti
Gloria Trezzi Marta Massarotto
Aurora Salvi