Mossy Creek
December 2014
“…you will find the child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger.”
Luke 2:12 (NRSV)
The season of Advent that we now begin marks a new year in the worship life of the church. The season lends itself to watching and waiting. But it is also a time of preparing and finding, preparing our hearts and minds to see the ways in which God is at work in the world. In this season, we prepare for the arrival of Christ, both as a child in a manger at Christmas and as Lord and Savior to come again glory. But we also prepare to see God at work in other ways great and small, in the ordinary and the unexpected.
In this season, we are preparingin many ways as a congregation.
Thanks already to the many of you helping with Community of Love. The children and parents you serve, who might not otherwise have much of a Christmas, will see the work of God in the world through your generosity. The choir has been preparing for their Christmas concert, “Love Came Down at Christmas,” for several weeks now. They will help us prepare too as they share the gift of music at our 11 a.m. worship on December 14. This year, our longest night service on Thursday, December 18, will be called “Blue Christmas.” This service, for those missing lost loved ones, will help us on the journey to Christmas. And, finally, our Children’s Christmas program will be on the evening of Sunday, December 21. The children are getting ready. And so are we.
All of these will prepare us for the arrival of Christ. Even so, I suspect you may even see and hear him in the preparations themselves. In the face of a child receiving a gift. In the voice of a choir at praise. In the tears of a brother or sister. At the sight of little tinsel-haloed angels and bath-robed shepherds. Christ shows up in so many places, even as a child in a manger.
Where will you find him next?
See you and Him soon,
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry is diligently working on shawls to be delivered to people who are sick. They are so pleased to have these special gifts and to know, they are being prayed for. They will also be receiving a personal care kit, which the children packed at the Fall Family Fun Fest. The next gathering is December 1st at 6:30 in the Fellowship Hall. For more info contact Susan Thompson.
OneofthecomponentsofaFirstPlacebiblestudyisscripturememorization.The last night I asked the ladies which of the ten verses we memorized spoke to them the most. Nancy Cruce said that Matthew 6:33 says it all – “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.” I noticed as she recited the verse that she was doing it in sign language. She’s teaching the Hero’s class how to say this verse in sign language when they meet on Tuesday night.
That was all I needed to know the class was worthwhile. It’s what we learn and pass on to others that helps spread the gospel.
Watch for news after Christmas of our next women’s Bible study and join us if you can; you will be richly rewarded.
“Love Came Down at Christmas”
Love came down at Christmas,
Love all lovely, Love Divine,
Love was born at Christmas,
Star and Angels gave the sign.
Worship we the Godhead,
Love Incarnate, Love Divine,
Worship we our Jesus,
But wherewith for sacred sign?
Love shall be our token,
Love shall be yours and love be mine,
Love to God and all men,
Love for plea and gift and sign.
This poem by Christina Rossetti is the inspiration for this year’s musical, “Love Came Down at Christmas.” This musical will be presented by our choir on December 14th during the 11:00 am service. As always, we welcome new singers. Rehearsals are scheduled Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm.
Children’s Group
For the rest of the year the children will be practicing for the Christmas play. In January we will decide on projects and meeting times.
Greatnewsallof the 2014apportionment’shavebeenpaidandwehavemoneyleftinthebank.Godhasrichlyblessedusthisyearwithfaithfulgiversandtheresultscanbeseeninboththenewcarpetandpewsandthelackofstressonthefacesofthecommitteemembers.Iappreciatesomuchourcommitteethatworkssowelltogether.
Nepal News
Themoreweministertothelostsoulsaroundtheworld,themoreweshouldrecognizetheneedforprayer. Prayalways.
Asinanyotherministryaroundtheworld,wearefacingtheattackofthedevil.Iwaslisteningtoamessagefromapreacherandonephrasecaughtmyattention. "Newlevel,newdevil."Howtrueitis.Whenbuildingachurch,thedevildoesnotlikethat.Hethrowsacurveballasmuchaspossible.
Despitetheattacks,Godisstillinthebusinessofsavinglostsouls.Severalweeksago,acouple,ThumukandRamMaya,acceptedChristastheirpersonalSaviour,andaboutamonthago YamMayagotsavedalso.Herfamilyisnotyet saved.Weareministeringtothemaswell.Pleaseprayforthesesoulsthatwecancontinuetoministerthem.
We hope tohaveChurchinthenewbuildingbytheendofDecember.PRAY
Loaves & Fishes
The next Loaves and Fishes supper will be on Thursday, November 6th at 6:00 in the Fellowship Hall.
Please joins to as we invite the community in for a nourishing meal and often much needed fellowship.
Happy Birthday
December 9
Ron Edwards
December 10
Beth Ann Rogers
December 11
Merlene Morris
December 15
Wayne Smith
December 16
Chance McDonald
Mitchell Crump
Happy Anniversary
December 1
Lyn & Cheryl Holcomb
December 10
Brent & Whitney Roberts
Jesse & Anna Nix
December 13
James & Sally Crowe
December 27
Josh & Carly Adam
December 31
Greg & Carol Crumley
Happy Birthday
December 17
Warren Glover
December 21
Emogene Stover
December 23
Debra Kasper
Collin Kostulakos
December 25
Trecy Kent
December 28
Nathan Autry