Ø Teamwork:

Definition: Effective teamwork encourages creativity and self-initiative in our respective roles and partnerships. It is essential in getting the task done and in developing the skills needed to meet future challenges.

Examples of behaviors modeling this value:

· Creates a climate in which people want to do their best.

· Encourages/promotes working together to meet and exceed University goals, Department objectives and create a path for future growth

· Makes decisions that are in the best interest of the University.

· Blends people into teams.

· Shares wins and successes.

Ø Caring:

Definition: A positive and friendly atmosphere is created when we care about each other, when we are open to constructive criticism, and when we show appreciation for a job well done.

Examples of behaviors modeling this value:

· Communicates in a manner that is kind, open, candid, clear, complete and consistent.

· Invites response and dissent.

· Listens effectively and probes for new ideas.

· Treats everyone with dignity and respect.

Ø Integrity:

Definition: Honesty and accountability in one’s actions and words form the foundation of our relationships with others.

Examples of behaviors modeling this value:

· Demonstrates courage and self-confidence to stand up for beliefs, ideas, peers and subordinates.

· Fair and compassionate yet willing to make difficult decisions.

· Is widely trusted and is seen as a direct, truthful individual.

· Can present the unvarnished truth in an appropriate and helpful manner.

· Doesn’t misrepresent him/herself for personal gain.

Ø Vision:

Definition: Having a vision of what we want the future to be helps us prepare for it. Embracing the inevitable changes in our world as opportunities allows us to anticipate, promote and facilitate change.

Examples of behaviors modeling this value:

1. Leaders have developed and communicated a clear, simple, customer-focused vision for their area.

2. Inspires and energizes others to commit to the vision.

3. Follows with passion to achieve the vision. Is an example to others.

4. Focuses attention, energy and on achieving University future objectives. Leaders also focus resources on achieving the vision.

Ø Diversity:

Definition: The mutual appreciation of differences and a plurality of opinions, beliefs, and cultural traditions inform and enrich our lives.

Examples of behaviors modeling this value:

· Supports equal and fair treatment and opportunity for all.

· Treats everyone with dignity and respect.

· Is inclusive in all actions and words.

Ø Service:

Definition: Offering our time and skills for the good of our fellow citizens leads to the prosperity of the community and to the character development of the individual.

Examples of behaviors modeling this value:

· Is a people builder; works with others to build skills.

· Willingness to help others in need, offer one’s time and skills for the good of the University community.

· Unselfishly gives time and energy to others.

Ø Growth:

Definition: Educational experiences in and out of the classroom enliven our minds, broaden our horizons, and facilitate dialogue and consensus. Learning is a lifelong activity.

Examples of behaviors modeling this value:

· Possesses and readily shares functional and technical knowledge and expertise. Constant interest in learning potential of self and others.

· Demonstrates knowledge of issues critical to the University’s success.

· Quickly sorts relevant from irrelevant information, grasps essentials of complex issues and initiates action.

Ø Diligence:

Definition: “A workman that needeth not to be ashamed.” (The favorite Biblical phrase of University namesake Thomas S. Clarkson.) Initiative and hard work are key ingredients in getting the task done.

Examples of behaviors modeling this value:

· Steadfastly pushes self and others for results.

· Pursues everything with energy, drive, and a need to finish.

· Seldom gives up before finishing, especially in the face of resistance or setbacks.


Performance Management – Definitions & Examples