Roll Two Dice

(Data Analysis Probability-Intermediate)

You need:2 dice

Roll Two Dice recording sheet

1 pencil

1 pen


  1. Roll two dice and record the addition sentence under the correct sum using the pencil. (See the sample below.)
  2. Continue rolling until one number gets to the Finish Line.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 using pen.
  4. Compare your data.

Tiles in Three Bags

(Data Analysis Probability-Intermediate)

You need:Paper bags labeled A, B, and C

12 Color Tiles per bag

*Bag A: 1 red, 2 blue, 9 yellow

*Bag B: 6 red, 3 blue, 3 yellow

*Bag C: 2 red, 8 blue, 2 yellow


Loose-leaf paper to record results


  1. Record which bag you took – A, B, or C.
  2. Without looking inside, take out one tile. Record its color. Put it back in the bag, and shake the bag to mix the tiles. Take 12 samples this way.
  3. Repeat step 2 two more times.
  4. Still without looking inside the bag, look at your data and predict whether the tiles in the bag are:6 red, 3 blue, 3 yellow or

2 red, 8 blue, 2 yellow or

1 red, 2 blue, 9 yellow

  1. Check your prediction by looking inside the bag. Write about what you learned from looking in the bag.
  2. Repeat steps 1 to 5 with the other bags.

Shake and Spill

(Data Analysis Probability-Intermediate)

You need:6 Two-Color Counters

Shake and Spill recording sheet


  1. Shake and spill six Two-Color Counters. Record what colors come up by coloring one section of the recording sheet.
  2. Shake and spill five more times to fill the recording sheet.
  3. Explain why the results were/were not what you expected.

Spinner Sums

(Data Analysis Probability-Intermediate)

You need:Two spinners – version #1, #2, or #3

Spinner Sums recording sheet


  1. At the top of the recording sheet, write your name and the Spinner Sums version number you chose. In the two circles, draw the two spinners.
  2. Predict what sums will win. Justify your predictions.
  3. Spin both spinners and add the two numbers that come up. Write the addition sentence in the correct column on the recording sheet.
  4. Repeat until one column on the recording sheet is filled in.
  5. Write about which sum you predicted would fill the column first and what happened.

Match or No Match

(Data Analysis Probability-Intermediate)

You need:One paper bag

Color Tiles


  1. Choose one version below and put the correct number of tiles of each color inside the bag.
  2. Version 1: 2 blue and 1 red
  3. Version 2: 2 blue and 2 red
  4. Version 3: 3 blue and 1 red
  5. Draw two tiles and record a tally mark to show whether you got a “match” or “no match”. Do 20 samples this way.
  6. Decide whether you think this version is fair. You may want to collect more data first before deciding. Write about your thinking.
  7. Repeat steps 1,2, and 3 for the other versions.
  8. Record on the class chart the total number of times your draws came up “match” or “no match” for each version.

Example: Recording Sheet

Version 1


No MatchI

Probability Vocabulary

(Data Analysis Probability-Intermediate)

You need:Loose-leaf paper

Sample Spinners – A and B


  1. Use each of the following probability words in a sentence.
  2. You may label refer to Spinner A, and/or Spinner B.
  3. You may use more than one word in a sentence.

Probability Words

  1. probability
  2. likely
  3. unlikely
  4. chance
  5. equally likely
  6. certain
  7. uncertain
  8. probable
  9. possible
  10. impossible
  11. possibility
  12. sample
  13. data


Spinner A

Spinner B

Rules for Playing Pig

(Data Analysis Probability-Intermediate)

  1. The goal of the game is to be the first to get a score of 100 or more.
  1. Draw two columns on a sheet of paper. Label one with your name and one with your partner’s name.
  1. Players take turns. When it is your turn, roll the dice as many times as you like, keeping a running total of what you roll. Don’t write down the sums, but add them mentally and say them aloud so your partner can check.
  1. When you decide to stop rolling, record the total for that round in your column. Then add it to your total sum from the previous rounds.
  1. If a 1 comes up on one of the dice, your turn ends, and you score zero for that turn. If both dice show 1s, your turn ends and your total score so far goes to zero.

List of Pig Strategies

(Data Analysis Probability-Intermediate)

  1. Roll once and stop.
  2. Go for it.
  3. Roll three or four times and stop.
  4. Roll high enough so your friend is behind.
  5. Use a combination and pay attention to your partner’s score.
  6. When you get 15 or 20, stick.

Testing Pig Strategies

(Data Analysis Probability-Intermediate)

You need:A partner

Two dice

List of Pig strategies


  1. Choose a Pig strategy from the list. You and your partner should each pick a different strategy.
  2. Play Pig 10 times. Use the strategy you picked for all 10 games.
  3. Look at your scores. What did you learn about the different strategies? Would you pick another strategy if you were to play again? Discuss our thoughts with your partner.

From Math By All Means: Probability, Grades 3-4 From Math By All Means: Probability, Grades 3-4