Student Summer Research Program Application Form for Mentors

This form should be submitted to the Office of Research by the submission date outlined in the Call for Endeavour Student Summer Research Program Research Mentors. Applicants must fulfill the requirements outlined in the Research Policy and the College’s Student Summer Research Program Guidelines. Research projects will undergo review by the Research Management Committee and will be considered for inclusion if they fulfill the following criteria:

·  Appropriate resourcing and support for the project

·  An articulated role for the student within the project

·  Preferred skills and attributes are suitable to an undergraduate student

·  Research Mentor can show availability to ensure the student receives appropriate support

·  Clearly outlined expected outputs from the student

·  Expected time commitments and availability of the participant in the project are in line with the Program Guidelines


Title / Given Name / Family Name
Department Choose an item. / Campus Choose an item.
Email / Phone Number

Project Title

Project Outline

Provide an overview of the project aims, objectives and methodology in plain English (maximum 150 words):

Click here to enter text.

Project Resources and Funding

Describe the resources and funding required for this project and how these requirements are being covered (maximum 100 words):

Click here to enter text.


Outline the role the student will have within the broader project including the skills and attributes expected of the student (maximum 150 words):

Click here to enter text.

Expected Student Outputs

Outline the expected objective and subjective outputs for the student through their involvement in the proposed project as part of the Program (e.g. research publication, competency in specific research skills, etc.) (maximum 50 words):

Click here to enter text.

Student Availability and Commitments

In line with the Research Policy, student researchers involved in the Program are expected to work a minimum of 20 hours per week for at least 6 weeks. Availability is expected to occur within normal working hours. Provide a clear outline of the requirements for students involved in the propose project including justification should the project expectations require student availability and time commitment to deviate from accepted policy guidelines (maximum 50 words):

Click here to enter text.


Detail the capacity and availability of the research mentor to support the student throughout the course of the Program. Include reference to the mentors’ research and supervisory skills and experience, intended frequency of meetings between mentor and student, and dedicated mentor time availability amongst other work commitments (maximum 100 words):

Click here to enter text.


I, the undersigned, declare that all information on this Application Form is correct and complete and that I have met the eligibility conditions as stated in the Research Policy.

I have read and understand the requirements of the scheme as laid out in the Research Policy. I also understand that the College reserves the right to seek verification of the information supplied by me.

Signature / Date Click here to enter a date.


Date Received Click here to enter a date. / ☐ Filed / ☐ Reviewed by RMC
☐ Approved / ☐ Denied / ☐ Mentor Notified / Date Notified Click here to enter a date.

Australian College of Natural Medicine Pty Limited (ACNM) trading as Endeavour College of Natural Health, FIAFitnation, College of Natural Beauty, Wellnation (National CRICOS Provider #00231)

Student Summer Research Program Application Form for Mentors - F-110 / Effective Date: 13-Mar-15
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