2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR




When an accident occurs, it is important that the teaching assistant take care of the injuredchild first. If the student is badly injured, call the office immediately and a personskilled in first aid will be sent to help the teacher.IN THE CASE OF A SERIOUS INJURY OR ILLNESS,DO NOT MOVE THE PERSON. CALL THE OFFICE FOR IMMEDIATEASSISTANCE. USE THE SIGNAL“Code Blue”IN ROOM _____. IF A PHONE OR INTERCOM IS NOT AVAILABLE, SEND TWO STUDENTS TO THE NEAREST ROOM TO CALL FOR HELP. The teaching assistant should never try tomove a student with a possible broken limb, headinjury or back injury.

Any student who becomes too ill to remain in class should be sent to the clinicwith a completed clinic form regardless of the time of day. Send messengers with any student being sent to the clinic. If you know the child will not be returning tothe class, please send all items for dismissal.The teaching assistantwill beinformed of the action taken in the office.

Injuries sustained at school require the completion of an Accident Report located in the CAB conference by thesupervising adult to be provided to the IMT the same day of the accident or injury. All head injuries and serious accidents or injuries requirenotification to parents. Chronic problems shall be referred to the public healthnurse who services our school on an “as needed” basis.


Live animals of any kind are not allowed on the school campusunless they are a part of a school board approved program.


Use of Sick Leave: An employee shall have the right to use sick leave in onehalfday (7:30 AM – 11:15 AM)or (11:15 AM-3:00 PM) or full-day units (7:30 AM – 3:00 PM) or (7:30 AM - 2:15 PM ),Each teaching assistant will be responsible for recording all absences on the Sub FinderSystem, 754-321-0050 or on the web at Absences must be recorded in advance of the absenceprior to the start of the school day. A “Job Number” mustbe recorded for each substitute. Classroom and Teaching Assistants not requiring a substitute MUSTrecord their absences in the Sub Finder System, including planning days.

Classroom and Teaching Assistants must sign a Certificate of Absence at the end of each payroll period ifan absence occurred. No time is allotted during the school day for leaving and returning to school. Ifyou have a concern, you must see Administration for approval to leave duringthe school day and complete a Request to Leave Early form (see request to leave early section). If you are givenpermission to leave, you must sign out, and in again when you return. The importance of regular attendance cannot be overstated, and in order forstudents to meet their academic potential, they need consistent and regularinstruction from the same Classroom and Teaching Assistants.


Parents are welcome to celebrate their child’s birthday during their lunchtime. We ask however, that you please send only store bought cupcakes, doughnuts or cookies. These items may be shared only with their child’s class during lunchtime.

NOTE: Balloons, cakes, pizzas, goodies, goodie bags, and birthday candles are not appropriate for a school setting and will not be permitted.


The keeping of a tight schedule in the cafeteria is necessary. Hundreds ofstudents mustbe fed in a short length of time. The teaching assistant is expected to walkthe class in an orderly, quiet manner to the kitchen door entrance and meet theclass at the cafeteria door exitpromptly at the end of their lunchtime.Cafeteria manners are to be taught in the classroom as part of school rules.Students are expected to eat with reasonable tidiness, speak quietly with thoseimmediately around them, and leave the area clean and free of litter. Teaching assistant mayeat with their students if they wish or teaching assistant may have theirlunch in the teachers’lounge or classroom. Food or drink should not be consumed in theclassroom at any time studentsare present except for snack time and approvedcelebrations.The Dolphin Bay Cafeteria Management Plan will start the second week of school.One class from each grade level will be able to earn class rewards based on monthly scores.

Any class parties are not to take the place of school lunch.All students, including free/reduced students, need to go through the cafeterialine daily. Parties will beheld after regularly scheduled lunch times. Nooutside food is to be brought into the cafeteria for consumption.


Refer to the First Day Folder for this information.


Our Micro Technology Specialist will preview new computer programs and train staff inutilization. She is also available to trouble-shoot any technical problems. Pleasecomplete a technology request from the Dolphin Bay CAB conference when youneed assistance.


HIPPA regulations require that all employees maintain the strictest confidentialitywhen discussing student academic and behavioral records. This informationshould be dispersed only on a need to know basis, unless written permission hasbeen given by the legal guardian and must be signed in the presence of theteacher or approved personnel.Teaching assistantshould not discuss a student's behavior,academic progress, or concerns in the teachers' lounge or other social places. A release form must be completed and filed in the students CUM folder in order for a staff member to communicate with an outside provider, doctor, psychologist, tutor etc.


No one may attend school with a contagious disease. A student or staff member suspected of having a contagious disease is to be sentto the office immediately.Any lingering condition that is suspicious should bereported to the front office.


The Xerox machines in the front office and Media Center and in the office are reserved for front office, media, respectively. Office staff will make all copies. Complete a copy request form and attach tomaterials to be copied. Place these requests in the copy basket in the principal’s office. This also applies to the laminating and poster making machines.


Under no circumstances will any staff members administer corporal punishment.


Please refer to the School Positive Behavior Plan and Code of Student Conduct Discipline Matrix in CAB Conference.


Encourage students to leave school promptly at dismissal time. Students are to bedismissed by the teacher. Students should remain past dismissal time at teacherrequest only if parents are aware of it. Teaching Assistants need to work with a teacher if they are working with a student after school hours. This is to be verified either with a note tothe teacher or a phone call and the front office is to have email notification. During the school year, EVERY student will have a colored band attached to theirbackpack, which will indicate where they are to be dismissed (color coding willbe established and consistent for the entire school). Students going to SunshineAftercare should go DIRECTLY to their Sunshine classroom at dismissal. Please encourage students to keep their bands on their backpacks. There will be extra bandsin the main office if a student loses one. It is very important that there is some sort of visual in your classroom indicating where students are dismissed in case you areabsent and this should also be included in your substitute plans. Students are not to be dismissed early or released to the custody of anyonewithout clearance from or knowledge by administration. Adults coming toremove students from school are asked to sign a checkout sheet in the frontoffice. Students are not to be released to parents who come to the classroom andbypass the front office. In addition, students cannot be dismissed within the lasthalf hour of the school day. If a parent is volunteering in the classroom andwants to take their student for early dismissal, send the parent to the front office tosign the student out. Students are not to come with the parent. The front officewill call to the classroom to send the student to the front office.All students are released through the office. Any changes in dismissal must be done in writing by the parent. All changes must be emailed to the front office.


Because of heavy congestion on rainy days, a special rainy day procedure needsto be discussed with students at the beginning of the school year. Please refer toyour student's Emergency Dismissal Form for information. Remember that we cannot dismiss any child if there is lightning in the area.Telephones will not be available for students to call parents except in anemergency and by teacher discretion. An understanding needs to be madebetween parents and students on procedures to follow on rainy days.On rainy days, please follow any special instructions that might be given on theintercom system, as there may be delays in dismissal. It is essential that everyonepitches in and assists with the carpool students in the main hallway toassure a smooth and safe dismissal. THERE ARE SIGNS IN THE FRONT HALLWAY FOR AREAS WHERE GRADE LEVELS SHOUD SIT FOR DISMISSAL.


Students will be expected to adhere to the Code of Student Conduct andto the School Uniform Policy in matters of dress. Student bottoms include docker style shorts,pants or skorts in black or khaki. Student tops should be polo styleshirts in black,white, teal, purple or gray. Crew style shirts may be worn with theDolphin Bay logofrom the uniform store. Any student violating the dress code should be sent to the front office by 8:20 AM.

All staff membersare asked to dress in a professional manner and use goodjudgment in theselection of attire.


Follow SBBC Technology Policy

Avoid sending E-cards, chain letters, poems, virus warnings, and personal notices

Direct all emails to only the specific people you want to receive the email

Make certain any group emails are related to school business;

Delete old email or save to a local folder

Our Micro Tech is our CAB administrator. Please see her if you have any questions or need help.

All of our email is considered public record, please be careful with what

Information you put in an email.

You should read your email 2 times per day to assure proper communication.

All email needs to be responded to within 24 hours.


All rooms in the building have an emergency clipboard located near the exit. Complete instructions for all types of emergencies are located there. Place Student Information Forms on the clipboard. Teachers will be required to update the list if students are added or deleted from the class. Emergency clipboards are to taken with teachers on all evacuations and drills. All teaching assistants should be aware of these procedures as well.


The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is designed to help employees solvepersonal concerns that may or may not affect job performance.Phone Number is 754-321-9900.


Evaluations will be completed in accordance with your bargaining unit guidelines.


The FAX machine may be used only for official school business. No personalmaterials may be faxed.Confidential materials, such as psychological reports, IEP's and school records,may only be faxed with the principal/assistant principal's permission and anidentified person at the receiving end.


Students are NEVER to be out of the classroom alone without supervision from anadult. If students are sent anywhere in the building without an adult, a runner should be sent if the student is making a round trip. If the student will not be returning to class with the runner, a second runner should be sent for the return trip.


Keys are issued to a teaching assistant and are not to be used by anyone but the teaching assistant,unless approved by administration. Teaching assistantswill receive a key to theirclassroom as well as a key to the building, staff restrooms, and teacher’s lounge.Teaching assistants are not to allow students to use their keys. It is a violation of SchoolBoard Policy to duplicate school keys. Teaching assistant are financially responsible forany key lost during the school year.


Keys are not to be kept onKey rings/lanyards that have the school name on them.


The use of the school lounge is primarily restricted to the paid employees ofDolphin Bay Elementary. In compliance with Federal Regulations, the school lounge has been designated as a non-smoking area. Students and employee’schildren are never allowed in the staff lounge. All staff are requested to keepthe lounge tidy and to keep the doors locked at all times.


Each staff member is assigned a mailbox. Notes, messages, materials will beplaced in them. Staff members should check their box daily. Student flyers should be sent home on the day they are received. Mailboxes must not be used for storage. STUDENTS MUST NOT BE SENT TO RETRIEVE MAIL OUT OF THE TEACHERSMAILBOX. Please treat information placed in individual boxes with respect.


We must plan ways to inform parents and thecommunity of the positive things going on in our school. Each of us mustassume responsibility for getting the “good news” out. There are many ways that this may be done, examples are:

  • Invite parents to visit classrooms for presentations, etc.
  • Involve parents
  • Send happy notes with students’ projects
  • Create innovative ideas for follow-up lessons
  • Make telephone calls to parents
  • Speak positively about the students, school, zone schools and the school system.
  • Set high standards for behavior and achievement
  • Provide clubs, enrichment activities, etc.
  • Participate in competitions, e.g., spelling bees, math, and social studies
  • Inform administration, in writing, at least two weeks in advance, if you would like the press to write a story about one of your projects.

Administration is required to notify the Area Office and CommunityRelations if the press is invited to the school.


All school events will be kept on the Dolphin Bay CAB Calendar.


Our morning announcements, DBTV, will be broadcast from the Media Centervia the Closed Circuit TV system to all classrooms beginning promptly after the 8:00 bell AM. It is expected that the entire school’s faculty/staff and students tune in forthe Pledge of Allegiance, news, information, upcoming events, pertaining to ourschool program. If you would like to have an announcement made during themorning program, please see the teacher in charge.



Any furniture, carpets, curtains or fabric in theschool must be made of fire retardant materials and must have the original fire safety label attached to it.


The safety department has requested that no microwaves, heating elements of any type be kept in the classrooms.


Make sure that all items in office refrigerators are not out of date and that the units are kept clean.



All staff members are encouraged to join the school’s organizations. Teacherswill be elected to represent the staff at monthly SAC meetings. SAF and SACmeetings will be scheduled at the beginning of the year and posted in themonthly calendar. You are welcome to participate and all staff members are encouraged to join our PTA and support PTA functions.


Messages and small materials are moved between the schools and county officeson Monday, Wednesday, and Friday by means of a truck delivery route calledthe "PONY". Special Envelopes are available for this in the office.


If during the school day an emergency arises and it is necessary to leave school, a Request to Leave Early form must be filled out approved by administration prior to leaving campus. Forms can be found in the teacher mailbox room or outside the office manager’s office.


Flex Time can be earned for participating in family nights, PTA meetings, loss of a break due to testing/ field trips, opening doors early on the first day of school or any other time that the principal stipulates. If you are using pre-approved Flex Time for leaving early, yourFlex Time Log must be completed and turned into the Principal 24 hours prior to the requested time.Flex Time can only be used and earned in the current school year. When completing the Flex Time Log, please make allentries separate. This means Flex Time earned should be entered with date,start time, end time, hours earned, and reason. Flex Time used should beentered with date, start time, end time, hours earned, and reason. FlexTime can only be used when no student contact time is involved. Flex time cannot be used when late to work. Flex Time cannot be used on Early Release Days or Planning Days when Staff Development is planned.Flex TimeLogs are available in the Dolphin Bay CAB Conference in the Dolphin Bay InfoFolder.