Meeting Blueprint #4: Revise Competencies
Duration: 2 hours
Objective: To review the feedback that was recorded at the (educator forum). Revise the current list of competencies in a way that reflects that feedback.
- Introduction & Overview (10 min)
- Small Group/Pair Review & Revision (30 min)
- Silent Review (15 min)
- Small Group Work – Developing Model Pathways (45 min)
- Share Out (15 min)
- Open Group Discussion – Questions, Concerns, and Connections (20 min)
Introduction & Overview (10 Min)
A member of (your organization) staff will review what occurred during the (educator forum) as well as the next steps in the planning & visioning process.
Small Group/Pair Review & Revision (40 Min)
Briefly review the digital badge types for this exercise.
· Knowledge – refers to the information that is gained as a result of participation in a particular program
· Skill – refers to the enhanced ability to do something as a result of participation in a particular program
· Disposition – refers to the shift in habits of mind and behavior that occurs as a result of participation in a particular program.
Divide participants into three groups (KNOWLEDGE, SKILL, or DISPOSITION). Provide each group with a copy of the feedback from the (educator forum) and index cards for comments and revisions.
Next, using the feedback from the (educator forum), each group determines whether the competencies that were developed are correct. If not, the index cards can be used to indicate the reasoning for the decision. Index cards can also be used to record any revisions that are suggested. Remind group members of the prompts used to develop the original competencies:
For KNOWLEDGE ask that they write a The learner should know… statement.
For SKILLS ask that they write a The learner should be able to… statement
For DISPOSITION ask they write a The learner should exhibit… statement.
Ask the participants to put comments and revised statements on the index cards. Be sure to encourage full statements, not one word answers or phrases.
Review (20 Min)
Ask participants to circulate to the other groups and read the summit feedback as well as the revisions of the group members. Each participant should review the work of all three groups. If there are any additions, participants may write their suggestions on the back of the index cards. Once the review is complete ask a rep from each group to read the revised competencies and any suggestions.
Small Group Work – Developing Model Pathways (30 Min)
Inform the participants that now each group is going to develop at least 2 model pathways. These pathways will include the competencies, assessments, and learning experiences in the context of the badge types (knowledge, skill, and disposition). Each competency (beginner, intermediate, and advanced) should, if applicable, include current learning experiences that are available in the (your city).
Share Out (10 Min)
Next, participants should articulate the pathway in way that helps those present understand why and how the pathway was constructed as well as the components of the pathway.
Open Group Discussion – Questions, Concerns and Connections (20 Min)
Once the pathways have been created and articulated, allow the group an opportunity to discuss the work that’s been done and express any concerns or pose questions to the group.
Thank you for participating in this final working group session. Your work has made the working group process a success. We’ll be sending a final document to you for review.
This work by The Sprout Fund is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.