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Potential Presentations - 2003 Spring Gas-Lift Workshop /
No. / Abs / Appr / Paper / Present / Author/Presenter / Subject / Title /
Single Well Analysis / Chair: Mike Johnson - ExxonMobil
1 / Yes / Yes / Schlumberger --- Roger Stinson & Balraj Grewal / Gas-Lift Analysis and Design / Gas-Lift Analysis and Design
2 / Yes / Yes / Yes / Weatherford --- Ken Hilse / Gas-Lift Design / Gas Lift Design Evaluation
Using Available Software Models
3 / Yes / Yes / Occidental of Elk Hills - Patrick Lee Matthews / Gas-Lift Analysis / Distributed Temperature (Fiber Optic) Logging of Gas Lift Wells
Field Wide Optimization / Chair: Fortune Bikoro - Petroleum Consulting Limited
1 / Yes / Yes / Yes / Amerada Hess ---Fortune Bikoro / Gas Allocation Optimization / Unlocking the Value in Marginal Mature Fields: 'Chasing the barrels by field-wide gas lift gas allocation optimisation'
2 / Yes / Yes / Edinburgh Petroleum Services --- Alasdair Brown / Field-Wide Optimization / Online Field-Wide Gas-lift Optimization
3 / Yes / Yes / Yes / ConocoPhillips Alaska --- Kenneth Lloyd Martin &
Tom Nations / Field-Wide Optimization / Kuparuk River Field Gas-Lift Optimization and Production Allocation System
4 / Yes / Yes / Yes / Occidental of Elk Hills - Patrick Lee Matthews / Field-Wide Optimization / Occidental of Elk Hills Field Wide Automation/Optimization
Keynote Address / Chair: John Martinez - Production Associates
1 / NA / Yes / NA / Schlumberger --- Brian Matusek / Keynote Address / Gas-Lift - A Service Company Perspective
Deep Water and Sub-Sea / Chair: Tommy White - Schlumberger
1 / Yes / Yes / ChevronTexaco --- Shauna Noonan / Case Studies / Gas-Lift Versus Other Lift Methods for Subsea and Deepwater Developments
2 / Yes / Yes / Petroleum Experts --- Janvier Lissanon / Riser-Based Gas-Lift / Deep Water Field Optimization With Riser Lift
Gas-Lift Facilities / Chair: John Martinez - Production Associates
1 / Yes / Yes / Production Associates --- John Martinez / Gas-Lift Facilities / Downhole Gas-Lift and the Facility
2 / Yes / Yes / PEMEX --- Miguel Lozada / Gas-Lifting Sour Crude / Self-Sufficient System for Gas-Lift in a Sour Environment
3 / Yes / Yes / Weatherford --- Bryan Butler / Gas Compression / Using the RamPump for Wet Gas Compression
Break-Out Sessions / Chair: Cleon Dunham - Oilfield Automation Consulting
1 / NA / Yes / NA / NA / Schlumberger --- Roger Stinson / Break-Out Session / Gas-Lift Workshop, Field Trip
2 / NA / Yes / NA / NA / Baker Jardine --- Fernando Gutierrez / Break-Out Session / Justifying Gas-Lift Automation
3 / NA / Yes / NA / NA / Edinburgh Petroleum Services --- Alasdair Brown / Break-Out Session / Gas-Lift Software
Field Reviews & Technology / Chair: Tom Nations - ConocoPhillips
1 / Yes / Yes / Altec --- John Lebeau, Gary Gassiott / Gas Lifting Gas Wells / Gas Lifting Gas Wells
2 / Yes / Yes / Schlumberger --- Boots Rouen / Gas Lifting Gas Wells / Gas-Lift Gas Wells
3 / Yes / Yes / ExxonMobil --- Pat Underwood & Jacob Null / CO2 for Gas-Lift / CO2 Gas-Lift
4 / Yes / Yes / Yes / Weatherford --- Rickey Seagraves / Air for Gas-Lift / Unloading Water Wells Utilizing Air
Dual Gas-Lift / Chair: Cleon Dunham - Oilfield Automation Consulting
1 / Yes / Yes / Yes / BP --- Gatut Widia-noko, Weatherford --- Ron Schmidt / Dual Gas-Lift
/ Field-Wide Gas-Lift Optimization of Dual Gas-Lift Wells At BP Indonesia
2 / Yes / Yes / Weatherford, Artificial Lift Systems --- Mark Laine / Dual Gas-Lift / Using Continuous Flow (IPO) Gas Lift Valves to Produce Dual Wells
API and ISO / Chair: Wayne Mabry - Schlumberger, Jim Bennett - ExxonMobil
1 / NA / Yes / NA / Wayne Mabry / ISO Work Group Status / ISO 17078.1 - Gas-Lift Mandrels
2 / NA / Yes / NA / Wayne Mabry / ISO Work Group Status / ISO 17078.2 - Flow Control Devices
3 / NA / Yes / NA / Wayne Mabry / ISO Work Group Status / ISO 17078.3 - Running Tools and Latches
4 / NA / Yes / NA / Cleon Dunham / API Work Group Status / API RP 11V5
5 / NA / Yes / NA / John Martinez / API Work Group Status / API RP 11V8
6 / NA / Yes / NA / Cleon Dunham / API Work Group Status / API RP 11V9 - Dual Gas-Lift
7 / NA / Yes / NA / Ali Hernandez / API Work Group Status / API RP 11V10 - Intermittent Gas-Lift
8 / NA / Yes / NA / Yes / Jim Bennett / API Work Group Status / Potential New API RP's
Break-Out Session Report / Chair:
1 / NA / Yes / NA / NA / Schlumberger --- Roger Stinson / Break-Out Report / Summary of Break-Out Session on Gas-Lift Shops
2 / NA / Yes / NA / NA / Baker Jardine --- Fernando Gutierrez / Break-Out Report / Summary of Break-Out Session on Justification of Gas-Lift Automation/Optimization Systems
3 / NA / Yes / NA / NA / Edinburgh Petroleum Services --- Alasdair Brown / Break-Out Report / Summary of Break-Out Session on Gas-Lift Software


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Present Presentation Received