JUNE 14, 2010
A meeting of the Hector City Council was called to order on June 14th at 7:00 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance by Mayor Heerdt. Members present: Mayor Jeff Heerdt, Council Members: Ralph Bergsma, Janet Olson, Mark Schwiderski and Steve Squibb. Staff present: City Administrator Barbara Hoyhtya, Acting Police Chief Mike Nguyen and Brian Meyer from SEH. Citizens present: Chuck Gentry, Lowell Grimm, Marlys Hagstrom, Ruth Hamilton, Mike Jacoby, Susan Kley, Jason Lange, Penny Macik, Andrew Markgraf, Connie Newberg, Jill Nezworski, Jill Schwiderski, Jeff Stamer, and Gary Washburn.
Welcome to everyone by Mayor Heerdt
Council Member Schwiderski motioned to approve the agenda, second by Council Member Bergsma. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson, Schwiderski, and Squibb voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.
Council Member Olson motioned to approve the minutes of May 10, 2010, second by Council Member Bergsma seconded. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson, Schwiderski, and Squibb voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.
The following were on the agenda and are not present at this time. Will come back to this if they show: Barbara Milbach, Roger Asmussen, Karen Wells and Cecilia Alvarez.
Council Member Schwiderski explained the Conditional Use Permit that Jeff Stamer has requested for his property on Highway 212 to construct another grain bin. Council Member Squibb motioned to grant the Conditional Use Permit to Mr. Stamer contingent on the terms recommended by the Planning Commission, treat the road with dust control yearly, stop sign in position year round, and FAA approval and height restrictions continue to be met, second by Council Member Olson. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson, Schwiderski, and Squibb voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.
Ruth Hamilton asked how the water fund was funded and what expenses where in this fund. Administrator Hoyhtya explained the breakdown of the expenses.
Gary Washburn asked if the 3rd Street road ditch could be mowed. This will be discussed with at the department head meeting.
Susan Kley asked about the grass on Sampson’s property. The ordinance for that zoning will need to be followed.
Airport: Brian Meyer from SEH was in attendance to go over the culvert project with the council. He explained that there are three options. 1. Do nothing, 2, Delay all construction, 3. Break Project into two parts. The Airport Board recommends #3. The project cost has risen considerably since the beginning. The council has the option to reject bids if the bids come in too high. A motion was made by Council Member Squibb to follow the recommendations from the airport advisory committee and wait for bid results with a second by Council Member Olson. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson, Schwiderski and Squibb voted in favor none voted against. Motion carried.
A motion by Council member Schwiderski to approve the grant SP-6509-23 for furniture at the A/D building in the amount of $4,607.00, State portion $3,244.90 and City share $1,382.10, second by Council Member Bergsma. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson, Schwiderski, and Squibb voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.
Motion by Council Member Bergsma to table a request to spend funds until the airport advisory committee can bring a plan to the council as to where this money will come from, second by Council Member Olson. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson, Schwiderski, and Squibb voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.
Motion by Council Member Schwiderski to accept the Snow Removal and Grass Mowing and Weed Control for the Hector Municipal Airport Contract with Ed Newberg for July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011, second by Council Member Olson. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson, Schwiderski and Squibb voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.
Library The council was given a tour of the library by Head Librarian Jill Schwiderski. She pointed out the different areas such as setting area, large print book section of which 70% of the books have been donated by one couple, children’s easy books, learning kits used by families and day cares, a teen section, non-fiction and fiction and computer area. The computers have all been recently replaced with new ones that have been purchased by the Friends of the Hector Library. Friends also have purchased chairs, shelving, DVD’s and CD’s besides books.
68 children have signed up for the summer reading program and 12 teens. There are three plaques in the hall way displaying volunteers and donators to the library.
After returning to the library she passed out a handout for the council to review on facts and figures on the library. She went on to discuss the budget explaining the reserved budget has gone down each year because expenses are going up. She is asking for a 6% increase for 2011. The council stated they will look at the budget during the budget process.
The council thanked Schwiderski for her presentation.
Motion to approve Resolution 10-17, by Council Member Olson, second by Council Member Bergsma for a donation to the City for the Hector Baseball Park for materials and labor from K & S Millwright, Honey-Do Lawn Service, Loftness, Countrywide Lumber, Hector Fire Department and Doug Best. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson, Schwiderski and Squibb voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, any city may accept a gift or inheritance of money, goods or property from anyone, accept gifts for religious or sectarian uses or gifts that are religious in nature; and
WHEREAS, the City of Hector has received a donation from the following:
K & S Millwright – donation of equipment used in project
Honey-Do Lawn Service – donation of equipment used in project
Loftness – supplied material and labor for new benches
Countrywide Lumber – supplied wood for benches
Hector Fire Department – Lime
Doug Best - labor
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Hector, that the City accepts the donations in full and designate the funds for the following purposes in the following funds:
1) City of Hector Baseball Park project to improve the facility.
Adopted by the Council this 14th day of June , 2010.
Jeff Heerdt, Mayor
Barbara M. Hoyhtya, City Administrator
Motion to approve Resolution 10-18, by Council Member Squibb, second by Council Member Schwiderski for a donation from Lange’s Machine Shop for work done on making up a hose cleaner and allowing the fire department use of their welder. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson, Schwiderski, and Squibb voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, any city may accept a gift or inheritance of money, goods or property from anyone, accept gifts for religious or sectarian uses or gifts that are religious in nature; and
WHEREAS, the City of Hector has received a donation from Lange’s Machine Shop for work done on making up a hose cleaner and allowing the fire department use of their welder.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Hector, that the City accepts the donations in full and designate the funds for the following purposes in the following funds:
2) To be used in the Fire Department
Adopted by the Council this 14th day of June, 2010.
Jeff Heerdt, Mayor
Barbara M. Hoyhtya, City Administrator
Motion to approve Resolution 10-19, by Council Member Squibb, second by Council Member Schwiderski for a donation form Michael & Adelle Jacoby for a donation to the downtown flower fund. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson, Schwiderski and Squibb voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.
WHEREAS, any city may accept a gift or inheritance of money, goods or property from anyone, accept gifts for religious or sectarian uses or gifts that are religious in nature; and
WHEREAS, the City of Hector has received a donation from Michael & Adelle Jacoby for $200.00, to the City of Hector.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Hector, that the City accepts the donations in full and designate the funds for the following purposes in the following funds:
3) For Main Street Flower Pot Flowers
Adopted by the Council this 14th day of June, 2010.
Jeff Heerdt, Mayor
Barbara M. Hoyhtya, City Administrator
Ambulance Service – Motion to accept the resignation of Heather Gee. She would like to continue to keep up her education of the 44 Plan in which she will pay for the class by Council Member Bergsma, second Council Member Schwiderski. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson, Schwiderski and Squibb voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.
Hector EDA - The EDA will be meeting throughout the summer. They will owe Dick Loftness $10,500 for the sale of the property that Hummingbird Court sits on in August. The school is interested in putting up an electronic sign in front of the school and the EDA did not feel that it would benefit the city to contribute funds in the location they are proposing to put it. Banners are ordered for downtown to be here in time for Corn Chaff Days.
Fire Department – Council Member Olson made a motion to approve the slate of officers for this coming year, second by Council Member Schwiderski:
Fire Chief: Charlie Mathiowetz
Secretary: Steve Schultz
Treasurer: Dennis Kirtz
Training Officer: Steven Gee
Grievance: Doug Best, Steve Squibb, Dane Macik
Safety Committee: Andrew Markgraf
Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson, Schwiderski and Squibb voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.
Park Department – Reviewed the report.
Planning Commission – The council accepted the resignation of Mike Jacoby. There are two openings if someone is interested call the office. The committee would like to be more proactive and not just reactive.
Police Department – Acting Chief Mike Nguyen passed out a handout on 4-wheelers, scooters and concerns. He is asking the council to review.
Each city determines what is allowed by ordinance. Age limit for OHV (Off-Highway Vehicles) is 16 and older on larger two seated vehicles. Class 1 is 18 and older and a driver’s license is required by state law. The Class 1 is a smaller vehicle.
Motorcycles age limit 12 and up with permit or on private property.
Currently the city ordinance only covers snowmobiles.
Mopeds 90 cc’s 15 years and older with a permit in town.
Electric scooters take a moped class and under age of 18 must use a helmet
Dirt Bikes – complaints can be reported.
The police need to enforce curfew and be more visible with active patrol around the park areas.
May’s report is more active possibly because school is out.
Safe & Sober resulted in 2 violations of the no seat belt law campaign.
Animal complaints are up.
Officer Koford will be returning to work on July 9th. Police Chief Application deadline is June 17, 2010 with 6-7 applications so far. Officer Koford will coming back to his 40 hours. The council wants to stay within the budget on scheduling.
With summer here the police need to control the bike traffic on the Main Street sidewalks.
Street Department - Bryant Avenue is in need of repair of the blacktop area from 3rd Street East. Carstens took bids for grinding off the blacktop and reclaiming it. R & G of Marshall bid $4,000 with this being the only bid. Carstens is working on getting a bid to spread it out. This is an option to help with the hazard of this road.
Hoyhtya had a visit from a resident that is very concerned with the road to the west of the trailer park. Carstens is also working on getting bids to do something with this road.
There is $40,000 in the budget for seal-coating, crack filling and concrete work for patching.
The section in front of The Hairworks to replace curb and gutter and part of the street. Carstens could only get one bid for Triple K Masonry for $2,812.00 38 lineal feet.
Blacktop replacement for sections in road where water main and sewer breaks.
Mueller and Sons $8,833.33, Duinincks $8,607.00. The American Legion has a spot that needs to be dug up. If and when that is done the council said that it will stay gravel for a year. Marlys Hagstrom brought up the road in front of her brother, Allen Kirgiss home, which needs gravel and grading.
Council Member Bergsma motioned to Triple K Masonry for $2,812.00 and Duinincks for $8,607.00 with a second by Council Member Olson. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson, Schwiderski, and Squibb voted in favor, none voted against. Motion carried.
Council Member Squibb motioned to purchase 250 yards of delivered Class 5 from Meeker Sand and Gravel, second by Council Member Bergsma. Bergsma, Heerdt, Olson, and Squibb voted in favor. Council Member Schwiderski abstained. Motion carried.