AFL-CIO Appalachian Council Head Start
(Serving Boone, Calhoun, Clay, Doddridge, Jackson, Pleasants, Putnam, Roane, Tyler, Wirt, and WoodCounties in West Virginia)
Head Start provides diverse services to meet the educational, health, parent, community, and social service needs of our children and families. We serve children between the ages of three and four, along with their families, all of whom are either at or below the Poverty Guidelines. Our program has been strengthened and designed to fit into the design of present and future Appalachian Council programs. We employ 200staff, which include management staff, family service workers, early childhood staff, cooks, program clerks, and drivers.
Funding for the 2011-2012 funding year was $5,705,833 in federal funds and $1,426,459 in non-federal funds. This included a Training and Technical Assistance budget of $78,635 in federal funds and $15,727in non-federal for a total budget of $7,132,292. Non-federal funds are in the form of volunteer time, free rent, collaborations, donations, etc.
The Head Start Program operated 16 classrooms at our sites throughout Boone, Clay, Jackson, Wood, Roane, Calhoun, Doddridge Pleasants, Tyler and Wirt counties in West Virginia. Additionally we operated73 classrooms through collaborations with the Boone (9), Clay (8), Putnam (10), Jackson (5), Roane (7), Wood (14) Calhoun (4), Doddridge (3) Pleasants (4), Tyler (5) CountyBoards of Education. Eleven collaborative classrooms are located at our sites and 62 collaborative classrooms are located at BOE sites. In total, we serve800 additional four-year old children through this collaboration. A full 1800 three and four year old children are served through our agency and through our collaboration with our partners.
For the period (June 1, 2011-May 31, 2012), the following comprehensive services were provided to our children and families:
An education program utilizing the “Creative Curriculum” with certified Early Childhood Teachers and Aides
Early Learning Standards (ELS) as set forth by Head Start and the State of West Virginia
Health screenings by our RN
Regular parent meetings
Opportunities for parents to be involved in decision-making
Social service/special needs referrals based on family needs
Nutrition services to children and families that exceed federal guidelines
Opportunities for families and approved community volunteers to assist with program activities
Services for children identified with disabilities
Training opportunities for staff and parents throughout the year
A family literacy program
Opportunities for parents to participate with his/her child in child initiated literacy activities
One classroom per site is open at 7:30am daily for parents who are working or going to school/training
All sites have WV Child Care licenses
We received a grant from the WVHSA called “Choosy” to enhance dental care and early detection in our program. One classroom was selected from WoodCounty to participate and then they will train other classrooms.
Six Early Childhood Specialists are certified in Early Learning Standards
Five Early Childhood Specialists are certified to conduct ECERS-R (Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale-Revised). All collaborative classrooms are required to be assessed utilizing the ECERS-R tool every 3 years.
Six Early Childhood Specialists are trained in Early Learning Standards.
The Family and Community Partnership Specialist received certification through the National Head Start Association.
One Early Childhood Specialist is a Certified Stars trainer
Three Early Childhood Specialists are certified reliable in CLASS, an assessment tool for teachers required by the Office of Head Start.
Direct services provided to Head Start families for the program year ending 05/31/12 include:
Collaborative enrollment-592
Social Service staff home visits-1099
Physicals for children-906
Dental screenings completed-668
Vision screenings completed-781
Hearing screenings completed-781
Mental Health screenings completed-846
Immunization records received-749
Verified children with disabilities-121
Assisted 98 families with transportation needs for meetings, doctor’s appointments
Facilitated referrals to Kanawha Valley Services, WVDHHR, Neediest Cases, and dental clinics-50
Assisted a family with housing-82
104 families referred for weatherization of homes
18 families referred to GED program / Developed a parent store and met the needs of 66 families
Referred 275 families for food to outside agencies
107 families participated in the Health Fair
443 families referred to Secret Santa
27 families referred to Adopt an Angel
105 families referred to Community Action
264 families referred to Toys for Tots
58 family referred for household goods
221 families referred for clothing
50 families referred for TB Tests
18 families referred to WIC
80 families referred to dental providers
20 families referred for lead testing
Provided training to parents in the following areas:
PARENT TRAININGOrientation-895
First Aid-54
Make & Take Crafts-56
Enrollment Training-901
Self-Assessment Training-6
Budget Training-15
Disabilities (IEP’s)-109
Child Abuse Awareness-60
Domestic Violence-35 / Child Selection Training-50
Personnel Committee Training-8
Getting Ready to Read-16
Cold Weather Readiness-9
I’m Moving, I’m Learning (IMIL)-40
Dental Health Children/Healthy Smiles-17
Nutrition-Be Choosy Be Nourished-25
Parenting for Nutrition & Fitness-20
Literacy (Families)-150
Seat Belt Safety-89
Child Selection Training-50
Parent Committee Training:
Duties of Officers, By-Laws, Parent Activity Budget, Preparing for Meetings-108
Policy Council Training:
Duties of Officers, By-Laws, Parent Activity, Preparing For Meetings-25
All parents were given the following educational handouts:
Family Emergency Guide
Poison Control/Mr. Yuk
Personal Safety for Children
Fire Prevention/Smoke Alarms/Escape Route Home
Childhood Diseases
Dental Hygiene
Halloween Safety
Bus Safety
Pedestrian Safety
Indirect Services:
Referred 101 children for dental care beyond screening
Referred 6 families to CAP (affordable health care for adults)
Referred 132 families to the Department for Vital Statistics for certified birth certificates
Referred 242 children to the local wellness clinic
Referred 518 children to Kindergarten & Preschool Registration
Referred 202 families to free prescription drugs
Recruitment for 2012-2013is in progress, and we have done this through a universal application process with our BOE’s. Enrollment began in July.
Referred 160 children to health specialists for additional assessments and/or medical services
Program Type / Year / Base Funding / COLA / T/TA / Cost Per ChildHead Start / 2012 / $6,076,021 / $43,747 / $83,106 / $7,280.29
End of Month Enrollment for 2011-2012
Month Reported / HS Enrollment / Funded / Percentage of Funded EnrollmentOctober / 846 / 846 / 100%
November / 846 / 846 / 100%
December / 846 / 846 / 100%
January / 846 / 846 / 100%
February / 846 / 846 / 100%
March / 846 / 846 / 100%
April / 846 / 846 / 100%
May / 846 / 846 / 100%
June / Not Operational
July / Not Operational
August / Not Operational
September / 846 / 846 / 100%
PIR Indicators
A full program Federal Review was conducted the week of April 25, 2010. Official results of this review indicated no compliance issues.
Our agency wide audit for Fiscal Year 2011 resulted in a unqualified auditor’s report being issued. This is the highest level of attestation by an auditor.
The Head Start Oversight Committee continues to meet bi-monthly and assists in providing overall direction for the program. Under the chairmanship of Kenneth Perdue, Chairman of the Board and President, WV AFL-CIO, we have assembled an extremely professional group representing our Board of Directors, all eleven of our counties, and 2 Policy Council members. They include Mr. Larry Matheney, Secretary-Treasurer of the WV AFL-CIO (Jackson County), Mr. Fred Mason, President, Maryland/DC AFL-CIO, Tony Vernell, Representative, Ohio AFL-CIO, Mr. William Londrigan, President, Kentucky AFL-CIO, Mr. James Andrews, President, North Carolina AFL-CI0, Angela Lipinski, Pre-K Director (Putnam County), Cindy Willis, Asst. Supt. (Clay County), Debbie Fairchild, Principal (Boone County), Ted Hapney, (Roane County), the Honorable Daniel Poling, member of the WV House of Delegates (Wood County) and by Patrick K. Maroney, Attorney at Law, Duane Dober, Asst. Supt. (Tyler County), Wesley Ezell, Pre-K Director, (Doddridge County), Jackie Harris, Pre-K Director (Wirt County), Cathy Nichols, Pre-K Director (Calhoun County), Kim Keher, Pre-K Director (Pleasants County).
The Committee works with the Parent Policy Council to assess, monitor, and develop policies that ensure program quality and represent the Board of Directors with the utmost commitment and dedication. We are proud of the diligence and work of the Policy Council and our Head Start Oversight Committee and will continue to provide the very best services to our children and families.
Questions regarding this report should be directed to:
Sue Hall, Program Director
501 Leon Sullivan Way
Charleston, WV25301
304-342-4138 Ext 3011