2016-2017 Season
The Plainfield Wildcat Athletic Boosters need the support of every adult who wants to see the tradition of excellence in athletics continue at PCHS. The role of the Boosters is to provide support to the Athletic Department and coaches in obtaining items which are not provided for in their operating budgets.
We are able to do this through fundraisers throughout the year, selling concessions and spirit wear, selling ad space in each season’s sport programs, sponsoring a golf outing and by memberships.
Please make your checks payable to: PCHS Athletic Boosters
Plainfield High School Central Campus24120 W. Fort Beggs Drive
Plainfield, IL 60544
Mother’s Name Cell Phone: ____
Father’s Name ______Cell Phone:______
Street ______City______
e-mail Zip Code ______
Student(s) M/F Year Sport (list all)
(include last name if different from parent(s)) (Fr/So/Jr/Sr)
We need your help to continue and expand our program. Please join us in 2016/2017!
I can help in the following ways:
Concession Worker Membership Committee Fundraising
Sports Representative Clothing Sales Program Committee
To sign up for events to volunteer at, please visit the ABC 8 to 18 page at
If you have a transfer student, please indicate that this is your Athlete’s first year at PCHS______
This will help with keeping track for scholarship eligibility.
What is the Athletic Booster Club?
The mission of the Boosters is to provide support to the Athletic Department and coaches in obtaining items which are not provided for in their operating budgets. We are annually looking for parents and athletes to help out with various tasks and events. Studies show that students do better scholastically when parents are involved in school activities so please consider joining the athletic booster club.
How are funds raised to provide support for the Athletic Department?
The Boosters are able to do this with the help of your membership dues and by fundraising throughout the year. We sell concessions and PCHS spirit wear at athletic events, as well as host a golf outing. This is the 9th year that we are sponsoring our most profitable fundraiser to date, the annual “Corporate Challenge”.
How do PCHS athletes benefit?
Each year the Athletic Booster Club awards up to four $500 scholarships to eligible PCHS graduating Athletes. One of the requirements for this scholarship is that the parent, step parent or guardian of the senior athlete has been a paid member of the Plainfield Wildcat Athletic Booster Club during each year of the student athlete’s enrollment at PCHS.
The Athletic Booster Club also provides special trophies for the fall, winter and spring athletes given at Awards Nights. We purchase patches for all state qualifying athletes and pins for parents on Senior Nights. The Athletic Booster Club annually makes a donation to the Hall of Fame committee and purchases various equipment.
What items have the Boosters recently purchased?
¨ Gator cart in a joint effort with the Athletic department
¨ $3000 worth of supplies/equipment for the baseball/softball programs
¨ Net system for the volleyball and soccer programs
¨ Poms and costumes for the cheerleading and poms programs
¨ Dugout renovation on the baseball fields
¨ Hi-Pod camera system for the football program
¨ $4,500 towards new wrestling and cheerleading mats
For questions, please feel free to contact us at