Adjunct Appointments – Responsibilities and Privileges

(Effective: 8/1/2009)

Adjunct faculty are members of the academic staff who are appointed for a limited period of time during the years in which they are actively involved in an academic unit. Adjunct faculty are expected to contribute in the form of teaching, research, and/or consultation. Adjunct faculty can have the following privileges, listed below, if the Adjunct faculty chooses to be “hired” into the UD employee system. This requires completion of the proper UD paper work and Onboarding procedures.

· Go to:

· Click on: New Employees: HR Onboarding (toward the upper left corner)

· Click on and complete: Start Here

· Click on and complete: Log In

· Complete the online forms for W-4, direct deposit, Bayh-Dole, and Employee Demographic Data.

· Submit the enclosed New Hire Paperwork (I-9 form with appropriate ID documents, copy of the signed Bayh-Dole Act, and voided check) to [insert HR Liaison’s name and address] to complete the process. Please call [insert HR Liaison’s name] at 302‑831‑xxxx should you run into difficulties. The paperwork can be mailed in the enclosed self-addressed envelope or brought directly to the office at xxx.

· Please note that Adjunct faculty will not receive a New Employee Orientation.

· The next step is to obtain a University of Delaware Identification Card. Please call [insert HR Liaison’s name] to be sure all the proper paperwork in the previous step has taken effect within the system. If all is in order, you will need to bring a photo ID (driver’s license or passport) to the Student Services Building on 30 Lovett Avenue, to obtain your ID card. You may reach the UD ID card office on 831-2759.

If you have chosen to be “hired” by UD and have obtained a University of Delaware Identification Card, you will receive the following privileges:

· Adjunct faculty have access to SAKAI to assist with teaching responsibilities.

· Adjunct faculty have access to software licensed for use by UD students, faculty, and staff available from the UDeploy site. To download UD licensed software, you will need to sign in with username and password at If you have questions, please contact the Help Center at 831-6000 or .

· Adjunct faculty have access to the library with their UD ID card.

· Adjunct faculty may purchase parking permits, football tickets, and event tickets at faculty rates.

Please note, though,

· Adjunct faculty members are not eligible for tenure and no stipend or salary is paid while in an adjunct status.

· Adjunct faculty may not participate in the tuition remission program, course fee waiver program, or tuition exchange program.

· Adjunct faculty do not have voting rights within the College of Health Sciences or the [School/Department] of xxxx unless the department faculty vote to award voting rights to the adjunct faculty member.