C-NetSpring Training

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Northside Baptist Church

N. Charleston, SC


8:00—8:25 a.m.

General Session

8:30—9:30 a.m.

Mr. Edward Earwood

South Carolina Association of Christian Schools

Columbia, SC

REMEMBER! Your Message Is More than WordsProfessional Development

The session will focus on communication—including words, but much, much more. Specific attention will be given to non-verbal communication and its effect in the workplace as well as a child’s world. Words are powerful—but if not fitly spoken, their power is destructive. Our discussion will focus on developing Christ-like communication with those we work with and serve.

Workshop Session I

9:40—10:40 a.m.

Mrs. Robin Spires

Grace Daycare

West Columbia, SC

Daycare EmergenciesProgram Administration

This workshop session will provide guidance on how to develop an effective emergency plan for the daycare center. Directors may want to bring a copy of the Emergency Plan Template for Child Care Providers which can be accessed at

Mrs. Debbie Earwood

South Carolina Association of Christian Schools

Columbia, SC

This Is the Way I Grow and LearnGrowth & Development

Understanding how children learn and process information is important in the educational process for both preschoolers and older children. Four primary learning styles and characteristic behaviors for each style will be presented. Also, do you know how you learn best and how your learning style can affect your teaching of children?

Mrs. Brandy Mullenax

St. James Lutheran School

Sumter, SC

Dealing with Difficult ParentsProfessional Development

A hands on, collaborative approach will be used to present suggestions for dealing with nonassertive or aggressive parents. Participants will learn how to avoid dangerous common traps that teachers and administrators fall into so that harmful reactions can be avoided. Participants will also learn positive ways to develop and maintain harmony with clear direct communication, respect, and assertive behavior. Learn ways to communicate with your parents in a way that will maintain your self-confidence and deal with the difficult situation in a dignified, professional, Christlike way.

Workshop Session II

10:50—11:50 a.m.

Mrs. Robin Spires

Grace Daycare

West Columbia, SC

“Keys” to a Successful Work DayProfessional Development

Having a great school year begins with a proper attitude and the knowledge that each day is a gift from God. The seven “keys” presented in this workshop will help you unlock the door to success every day.

Mr. Edward Earwood

South Carolina Association of Christian Schools

Columbia, SC

The “P” Word: Policies That ProtectProgram Administration

As ministry leaders, we are to be “blameless.” This is not merely a legal requirement, but a scriptural imperative as well. This workshop will present help with some of the difficult policies that must be addressed in the Christian child care, including, but not limited to, sexual harassment, communications systems, conflict resolution, etc.; sample policies and additional resources will be available.

Mrs. Brandy Mullenax

St. James Lutheran School

Sumter, SC

Teachable Moments and Treasures in Your DayCurriculum Activities

Do you find yourself diligently working to get everything in during the day that you are obligated to teach? Are you missing the teachable moments in your student’s day that are meaningful to them and have real life application? In this workshop you will learn how to use the student’s interest and their important moments to tie in your curriculum during the day. This creative, collaborative workshop will allow you to put a new twist on teaching that is so much fun and enjoyable to your students.

Mrs. Julie Scott

doTERRA Essential Oils

Columbia, SC

Discover a Natural Alternative in Child CareHealth & Safety

Health should be simple; wellness should be attainable. We will teach an easy and stress free way to change your families’ outlook on health by incorporating an affordable, simple and easier life style change with natural alternatives.


11:50 a.m.—12:30p.m.

Workshop Session III

12:30—1:30 p.m.

Mrs. Robin Spires

Grace Daycare

West Columbia, SC

Organization 101Professional Development

The focus of this workshop will be organizational information gleaned from years as a classroom teacher and childcare director. There is hope for beginning and experienced teachers struggling with chaos in the classroom.

Mrs. Debbie Earwood

South Carolina Association of Christian Schools

Columbia, SC

Mother Goose on the Loose: Early Learning LiteracyCurriculum Activities

Nurturing a love for learning from infancy requires that conscientious effort be made to encourage early literacy development in children from birth through preschool. There is much that early child care professionals can do to stimulate the development of early reading and writing skills and dispositionsto help ready children for school and life.

Mrs. Brandy Mullenax

St. James Lutheran School

Sumter, SC

The Power of ObservationProfessional Development

Are you truly observing what is going on with your students and others around you? Are you taking the time to see the physical clues that others are giving you? Are you truly observing what is going on before the behavior, or are you observing what has happened because of the behavior? This workshop will help you understand the power of observation in the world around you. By noticing the physical, you will be able to prevent most unwanted behaviors.

General Session

1:40—2:40 p.m.

Mr. Edward Earwood

South Carolina Association of Christian Schools

Columbia, SC

Reaching the Heart without Provoking the ChildChild Guidance

Let’s discuss ten proven ways to accomplish perhaps the greatest challenge facing educators today. Instilling character into students necessitates reaching the heart of the student; however, the process can be tricky. This workshop will offer proven methods of effectively reaching the heart of students.


2:45—3:00 p.m.