1 September JobJump Careers News KLA Bulletin


and to Parents,

If you know students have a talent, this is a great way to encourage them .

Please encourage them to take part in those events mentioned below.




Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts

Applications are now open for entry to NIDAs full time courses in 2015

Applications close 30 September.

Undergraduate Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees in Acting, Costume, Design for Performance, Properties and Objects, Staging, and Technical Theatre and Stage Management, Master of Fine Arts degrees in Directing and Writing for Performance, and a Vocation Education and Training (VET) Diploma of Musical Theatre. For more information and to apply visitwww.nida.edu.au

Animal Logic Work Experience Program 1 December to 5 December
Apply by 3 October
Animal Logic is a leading design, visual effects and animation company which has worked on films including Happy Feet, The Matrix, 300 and more.
Years 10 and 11. Hands on experience and meet the artists.

Bachelor of Dance The Academy of Music and Performing Arts AMPA. Now accepting applications.
The Academy of Music and Performing Arts AMPA is pleased to announce the launch of the highly anticipated Bachelor of Dance course in 2015, an exciting opportunity for students to take their dance training to the highest level.
Designed to equip and produce elite performers, choreographers and dance practitioners, this unique course will focus on students achieving technical, creative and academic excellence in the practice of dance.
Auditions will commence from October at the Sydney Dance Company. Places strictly limited.
Reserve your place now by applying below or for general questions please . For more information please visit the dance information page<http://arceducationgroup.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=68f48bb9807d0e3fb558b3cdd&id=4d61e7f0e7&e=2ecea633a1> atampa.edu.au
All AMPA Courses are fully accredited and Fee Help is available.

Sydney Dance Holiday Workshops

Bookings are open for spring school holidays

Up to 18years, taught by leading professionals.


Bachelor of Music program ,The Academy of Music and Performing Arts , AMPA is accepting applications for 2015. Please complete the application form below to book an audition.
Please click here to apply for study at AMPA<http://arceducationgroup.us3.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=68f48bb9807d0e3fb558b3cdd&id=3d3b7839d5&e=2ecea633a1

Career's Day for future architects

12 September10:00am to 4:00pm

3 Manning Street, Potts Point.

Year 10 to 12 school students are invited to come along and meet the four schools of architecture , University of Newcastle, UNSW, University of Sydney and UTS and Sydney TAFE to hear all about the opportunities available to you in studying architecture. This is a free event but you must register online. Numbers are strictly limited. http://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/archicareers-day-at-tusculum-tickets-12285252521?aff=es2&rank=1

Shillington College Information Session in Graphic Design
17 October, 6.00pm

Level 3, 50 Margaret Street, Sydney


Whitehouse Institute of Design Australia has opened applications for 2015 courses

Applicant interviews will commence 22 September 2014. Go to the website at http://whitehouse-design.edu.au/courses/bachelor-of-design/applicant-information.htmlfor on line application information for the Bachelor of Design , Fashion Design / Interior Design / Creative Direction & Styling; and tohttp://whitehouse-design.edu.au/courses/vet.htmlfor downloadable enrolment information for Vocational courses. Contact Whitehouse on 1300 551 433

Actors College of Theatre & Television Open Day

27 September 10:00am to 3.00pm

41 Holt Street, Surry Hills

Visit new Surry Hills campus and learn more about acting, music theatre and stage management courses . Acting workshops, preparing for an audition, see actors on set in a production environment, participate in a Q and A with Head of Acting on Eric Morris Methodology and speak to Scholarship winners, current students, recruitment advisors and Lecturers. Register athttp://actt.edu.au/events/open-days/ Phone 9213

International Screen Academy Open Day

20 September, 10am to 2pm

242 Young Street Waterloo

For students wanting to study Film, Screen Acting or Animation and finish masters of their art. Get up close with students and teachers, discover how ISA will provide the training for your students to be innovative storytellers, find out all the information you need on courses and applications. RSVP www.isasydney.com.au call 02 8399 3380

Advertising Scholarship for Creative Thinkers Macleay College

Worth $26,000. Students who can demonstrate exceptional creative thinking and organisational skills should apply. Potential advertising students can also sit in on classes during school holidays.https://www.macleay.edu.au/future-students/scholarships-financial-assistance

CATC Design School a Day in the Life of a Designer Workshop

20 September

46 to 52 Mountain Street, Ultimo

Contact: 1300 661 111 or


50 years of photography at Sydney TAFE

8 to 19 September , 10:00am to 4:00pm

From photo journalism and portraiture to commercial work.

The Muse, Ultimo College, Harris St, Ultimo


AIE Information Evening

17 September, 6.00pm to 8.00pm

Sydney and Canberra campuses

Apply for 3D animation, game programming and game design.


The City of Sydney Library Author Talk

Sarah Ayoub, Hate is Such a Strong Word
13 September, 12.30pm

Surry Hills Library

Author Sarah Ayoub talks about inspiration behind her new book.


ACU More than One Career – Law
17 September, 6.00pm to 7.30pm

The Peter Cosgrove Centre, Tenison Woods House, Level 22, 8 to 20 Napier St, North Sydney
Find out about the diverse range of careers and opportunities in Law.

Advertising Scholarship for Creative Thinkers Macleay College

Worth $26,000. Students who can demonstrate exceptional creative thinking and organisational skills should apply. Potential advertising students can also sit in on classes during school holidays.https://www.macleay.edu.au/future-students/scholarships-financial-assistance


Australian Careers Business College Open Days

Liverpool 22 September

Parramatta 24 September

Wollongong 26 September

Accounting, Business Admin, Childcare, Information Technology, Marketing, Legal Services or Tourism with: A Nationally Recognised Qualification, Work Experience in Your Chosen Field, Up to 1 year of Subject Credits at Uni. For more info, or register your interest in attending, call 1300COLLEGE or visitwww.acbc.nsw.edu.au/openday


Senior Science, Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Science, Physics

UTS New Broadway Building Behind the Scenes Tour inc Robotics

4 September, 10.00am to 3.00pm

City , Broadway, CB11 Faculty of Engineering and IT Building, Building 11

See latest in robotics technology , student gaming showcase lounge


Museum of Human Disease: October School Holiday Dissection Workshop

23 September to 3 October

Samuels Building (F25), Via Gate 11 , Botany St, University Of New South Wales

Expert led dissection of an animal organ.


UTAS Pharmacy Relocation Funds for Interstate Students

Be eligible for $2000 relocation bursary to assist with moving to Tasmania.


Health Career Resource

It is that time of year when grade 12 students are getting serious about their options for 2015. My Health Career has links to hundreds of university scholarships for health courseshttps://www.myhealthcareer.com.au/scholarships/, as well as information about which courses are accredited https://www.myhealthcareer.com.au/career-university/accredited-courses

Speech Pathology Australia

Career info on Speech Pathology , a list of University courses and career opportunities.


Occupational Therapy Australia

Universities around Australia that offer entry to Occupational Therapy.


Ultimo Science FestivalWeird Food Dinner

4 September, 6:30

Sydney TAFEs restaurant The Apprentice

Treat your taste buds to a range of unconventional recipes invented from rule breaking experiments where scientific principles have been applied to cooking. The food is prepared by TAFE students who have been challenged to develop recipes and serve dishes inspired by the new generation of chefs. The Apprentice is a licensed training restaurant that promotes and nurtures food service excellence. It is open to the public for lunch and dinner on weekdays, during term time. Students design the menu and prepare, cook and serve under the supervision of TAFEs highly experienced, professional teaching staff. Booking essential: Book online, by phone 02 9217 5527 or r more info on the festival:http://ultimosciencefestival.com


Aboriginal Studies, Ancient History, Business Studies, Economics, Geography, Legal Studies, Modern History , Society and Culture, Studies of Religion

ACU More than One Career – Law
17 September, 6.00pm to 7.30pm

The Peter Cosgrove Centre, Tenison Woods House, Level 22, 8 to 20 Napier St, North Sydney
Find out about the diverse range of careers and opportunities in Law.

Australian Careers Business College Open Days

Liverpool 22 September

Parramatta 24 September

Wollongong 26 September

Accounting, Business Admin, Childcare, Information Technology, Marketing, Legal Services or Tourism with: A Nationally Recognised Qualification, Work Experience in Your Chosen Field, Up to 1 year of Subject Credits at Uni. For more info, or register your interest in attending, call 1300COLLEGE or visitwww.acbc.nsw.edu.au/openday


Agriculture, Design and Technology, Engineering Studies, Food Technology, Industrial Technology, Information Processes Technology and Technology, Software Design and Development, Textiles and Design

Explore a Career in the Resource Sector
Explore career opportunities and pathways in the resource sector.


Whitehouse Institute of Design Australia has opened applications for 2015 courses

Applicant interviews will commence 22 September 2014. Go to the website at http://whitehouse-design.edu.au/courses/bachelor-of-design/applicant-information.htmlfor on line application information for the Bachelor of Design , Fashion Design / Interior Design / Creative Direction & Styling; and tohttp://whitehouse-design.edu.au/courses/vet.htmlfor downloadable enrolment information for Vocational courses. Contact Whitehouse on 1300 551 433

Australian Careers Business College Open Days

Liverpool 22 September

Parramatta 24 September

Wollongong 26 September

Accounting, Business Admin, Childcare, Information Technology, Marketing, Legal Services or Tourism with: A Nationally Recognised Qualification, Work Experience in Your Chosen Field, Up to 1 year of Subject Credits at Uni. For more info, or register your interest in attending, call 1300COLLEGE or visitwww.acbc.nsw.edu.au/openday

CATC Design School a Day in the Life of a Designer Workshop

20 September

46 to 52 Mountain Street, Ultimo

Contact: 1300 661 111 or


AIE Information Evening

17 September, 6.00pm to 8.00pm

Sydney and Canberra campuses

Apply for 3D animation, game programming and game design.

Ultimo Science FestivalWeird Food Dinner

4 September, 6:30

Sydney TAFEs restaurant The Apprentice

Treat your taste buds to a range of unconventional recipes invented from rule breaking experiments where scientific principles have been applied to cooking. The food is prepared by TAFE students who have been challenged to develop recipes and serve dishes inspired by the new generation of chefs. The Apprentice is a licensed training restaurant that promotes and nurtures food service excellence. It is open to the public for lunch and dinner on weekdays, during term time. Students design the menu and prepare, cook and serve under the supervision of TAFEs highly experienced, professional teaching staff. Booking essential: Book online, by phone 02 9217 5527 or r more info on the festival:http://ultimosciencefestival.com


MEGT A Traineeship or Apprenticeship will give students the opportunity to gain valuable on the job experience, a nationally recognised qualification and the opportunity to earn a regular weekly wage. All MEGT apprentices and trainees are supported by an MEGT mentor and work only with approved host employers. To request more information, find out about specific job vacancies contact Amy Foltran on 02 8078 3392

VET Automotive

Komatsu Apprenticeship Development Program

Closes 18 September.

Completing years 10, 11 or 12 as apprentice Mobile Plant Technicians on earth moving equipment.

Apply online


MTA Apprenticeships Plusis running free Automotive Introduction courses. Ideal for anyone who would like to get into the Industry but not sure where to start, courses also include a week of work experience. Certified courses also available. To register call 02 9891 6900

VET Electrotechnology

Schindler Lifts Electrical Apprentices

Closes 5 September

Install, service, repair and modernise lifts, escalators and moving walkways.


VET Entertainment Industry

Applications are now open for entry to NIDAs full time courses in 2015

Applications close 30 September.

Undergraduate Bachelor of Fine Arts degrees in Acting, Costume, Design for Performance, Properties and Objects, Staging, and Technical Theatre and Stage Management, Master of Fine Arts degrees in Directing and Writing for Performance, and a Vocation Education and Training (VET) Diploma of Musical Theatre. For more information and to apply visitwww.nida.edu.au

Bachelor of Dance The Academy of Music and Performing Arts AMPA. Now accepting applications.
The Academy of Music and Performing Arts AMPA is pleased to announce the launch of the highly anticipated Bachelor of Dance course in 2015, an exciting opportunity for students to take their dance training to the highest level.
Designed to equip and produce elite performers, choreographers and dance practitioners, this unique course will focus on students achieving technical, creative and academic excellence in the practice of dance.
Auditions will commence from October at the Sydney Dance Company. Places strictly limited.
Reserve your place now by applying below or for general questions please . For more information please visit the dance information page<http://arceducationgroup.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=68f48bb9807d0e3fb558b3cdd&id=4d61e7f0e7&e=2ecea633a1> atampa.edu.au
All AMPA Courses are fully accredited and Fee Help is available.

Sydney Dance Holiday Workshops

Bookings are open for spring school holidays

Up to 18years, taught by leading professionals.


Bachelor of Music program ,The Academy of Music and Performing Arts , AMPA is accepting applications for 2015. Please complete the application form below to book an audition.
Please click here to apply for study at AMPA<http://arceducationgroup.us3.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=68f48bb9807d0e3fb558b3cdd&id=3d3b7839d5&e=2ecea633a1

Actors College of Theatre & Television Open Day

27 September 10:00am to 3.00pm

41 Holt Street, Surry Hills

Visit new Surry Hills campus and learn more about acting, music theatre and stage management courses . Acting workshops, preparing for an audition, see actors on set in a production environment, participate in a Q and A with Head of Acting on Eric Morris Methodology and speak to Scholarship winners, current students, recruitment advisors and Lecturers. Register athttp://actt.edu.au/events/open-days/ Phone 9213

International Screen Academy Open Day