In exploring the origins of the First World War, many diverse theories have been argued to whom is primarily responsible for the commencement of World War I. Lenin indicted imperialism as the principal cause of the war. Woodrow Wilson saw the culprit in secret diplomacy. Wilhelm II blamed an anti-German conspiracy led by the English. Sir Edward Grey, the British foreign secretary quoted in his memoirs that the primary factor leading to war was the arms race. In the drafting of the Versailles treaty, the triumphant Allies bluntly asserted Germany’s responsibility. Norman Rich wondered why Germany, if it aims had indeed been so single-minded, did not start the war earlier and under more favorable odds
Bismarck, the man who led Germany throughout the 1800’s and prepared a powerful nation for the turn of the century, established economic stability and allowed the industrial sector to grow and prosper through the industrial revolution. . This Napoleanic leader unified surrounding states into a country with stable roots and a firm hold on the public sector. The stage was set for Germany to expand and rise in the ranking of a European superpower.
The British saw the Germans flexing their economic muscle, which raised a few drew the attention of neighboring countries. Europe’s economic balance was being upset by the breaking of the Status Quo with Germany’s inflating power over the surrounding territory. Germany expanded their military capabilities by extensive funding toward the defense of their territory. Many saw this an act of maybe not war but certain aggression. Others believed that Germany was simply protecting their resources in case of external confrontation. France and Russia sided with the English and the Austrian Government was unstable with the assassination of the Arch Duke Ferdinand. The way any significant conflict was resolved was acting upon the human natural instinct to defend when felt threatened. Conclusive evidence suggests that perhaps the Germans were bullied into defending what they thought was rightfully there’s. A familiar question that is commonly heard in regards to the subject is whether or not German aims were shaped by the desire to establish there own place in European society
as a nation that feels it’s need to secure their position both defensively and economically or whether German policy was reactive, dictated by the fear of being encircled by a coalition of hostile powers. If it is true that Germany was driven by aggressive instincts, then of course Britain, France, and Russia were justified in preparing their defenses. The answers to these questions may never be unanimously agreed upon but there are a few puzzles that remain. Why did Germany’s efforts to break the Triple Entente yield no more than momentary victories? Why was Britain so reluctant to apply to Germany, for the purpose of managing it in Europe, the same formula that had brought about an improvement in Anglo-French and Anglo-Russian relations.
This deteriorating situation leads readers to believe that the parties involved were not concerned with the ramifications of global war. Instead of weighing out their actions, the always present element of pride blinds the harsh reality of what might be our planet’s first war of many nations. This same pride stands in the way of a chance to resolve the economic instabilities that have sprouted in Europe and cure any instabilities that Germany might have had in regards to its neighbors.
Russo-German Treaty of bjorkoe, 24 July 1905
1.In the event that one of the two empires will be attacked by a European power, its ally will come to its assistance in Europe with all of its land and sea forces
2.The high contracting parties pledge not to conclude a separate peace with any common enemy.
3.The present treaty will come into force as soon as peace between Russia and Japan has been made, and will remain valid unless notice is given one year in advance.
4.His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russians will take, once this treaty has come into effect, the necessary steps to acquaint France with its terms and will request (France) to join in as an ally.
This treaty signifies a great deal. The impression that Germany was gathering its forces was probably what the Germans had in mind to begin with. With an economy booming, the next logical step in reaching worldly status is to find friends to assist you in your endeavors. Russia was the logical choice as an ally due to their close proximity and their indirect influence. Germany must have felt provoked or at least threatened into feeling challenged. The Germans were not about to jeopardize the progress that has been made thought the past fifty years, and in securing their resources they are, as well, defining their intentions to the English
Witte to Kokovzev, 5 January 1906
“You are authorized by His Majesty the Emperor (Nicholas II) to declare to M. Rouvier that the Imperial Government will lend (in the Moroccan question) its moral support in exerting an influence on the German government. In general, His Majesty, in view of the ties of friendship and alliance, is always disposed to lend support to the French government . . .”
This exert solidifies, in a sense, the relationship between France and Russia and distances the Russians from their responsibilities owed to Germany in a war time struggle. with a Nation growing at the rate in which Germany has progressed the feeling across Europe is “why are the Germans upsetting the economic balance and what are we going to do to try and prevent this potential threat from becoming untouchable. Whether consciously or subconsciously the Germans seemed to be ready for any situation including a massive war effort. Establishing their military capabilities was a shocking sign to those in the path of this steamroller.
Grey to Lascelles, 1 January 1906
“. . . The Danger of speaking civil words in Berlin is that they may be used or interpreted in France as implying that we shall be lukewarm in our support of the Entente at the Conference. I think it is essential to guard against this danger, even at the risk of sending a little shudder through a German audience . . .”
From this quote from Grey, the livelihood of the English people is evidently threatened by the Germany’s potential capabilities. Grey does not back down as he writes about his concern with France’s view of English policy and the approach in which they decide to tackle the problem. The problem mainly being the rising strength of the German government.
Bulow to Tschirschky, 29 August 1907
“. . . It would not be uninteresting to someday to determine the extent of German economic interests in Persia, Morocco, Abyssinia. We in Germany are gradual becoming susceptible to a mood as if we had interests everywhere in the world and had to stand up for them everywhere with drums beating and trumpets sounding. This could eventually lead to a general defensive coalition against (us as) an all to bothersome competitor . . .”
In this document the intentions of the German Empire tend to sugest that they are pondering expansion as far as their power can take them. Some saw this as a prelude to global domination by the Germans in hopes that they can gain enough momentum to trample any adversary(ies) that wishes to confront their ambitious nature. A calculated statement or not, the intentions of this nation were becoming more and more clear as new opportunities arise.
Memorandum by Hardinage, 12 June 1908
. . . Although the attitude of his Majesty’s Government towards Germany was, and had been, absolutely correct, it was impossible to ignore the fact that, owing to the unnecessarily large increase in the German naval program a deep distrust in England of Germany’s future intentions had been created. This distrust would be still further accentuated with the progress of time, the realization of the German program, and the increase of taxation in England entailed by the necessary naval counter-measures . . . For this reason it was absolutely necessary that England and Russia should maintain towards each other the same cordial and friendly relations as now exist between England and France . . .
At this point the counter-measures in which Hardinage writes would result in the construction of the most impressive naval fleet ever to be assembled. There is distrust in the words of Hardinage towards the Germans and their hidden agenda. The Russians would eventually lean towards the English way to approach the problem. The Entente of England, France and Russia would pressure Germany into protecting their well-being. With high tensions and parties both with their fingers on the trigger, violence would eventually turn into a bloodbath. Entire naval fleets being ordered to sea the risk of having a global war was at hand.
Many people point the finger at Germany due to their willingness to challenge the status quo and upset the economic structure. In short it would be safe to say that Germany’s over ambitiousness cost them the power in which they were trying to protect. Outside influences undoubtedly played a role in the end result but the primary responsibility should be placed on the shoulders of the Germans aggressive attitude and their eagerness to dominate.
Dr. Torrance
February 1, 1997
History 3600
War & Society
Menning, Ralph R., The Art of the Possible, Documents on Great Power Diplomacy, 1814-1914. The Mcgraw Hills Co. Toronto. 1996