edTPA Curriculum Map
McEwing Draft #2 for Course: FOUN 3710 – To be Used By All AYA Programs
Rubric / Course(s) / Course Requirement/Assessment / On TaskStreamNo / Yes / E / C
Planning for English Language Arts Understandings
Planning to Support Varied Student Learning Needs / Foun 3710 / Ø Test Construction Project. Rubric Element #9 Describe a different assessment alternative for each of three students: one alternate form, one alternate administration, and one test modification. / x / x
Using Knowledge of Students to Inform Teaching and Learning / Foun 3710 / Ø Test Construction Project. Rubric Element #3 Pre-assessment. You must include three components: 1) a clear statement of what approach(es) you would use to gather information prior to the beginning of the unit/topic you plan to teach, 2) an explanation of why you selected the approach(es) you did, and 3) a clear statement of how you will specifically use the collected information to modify your upcoming planned instruction.
Ø Class Assignment #2 – Assignment to integrate Standards, Objectives, Pre-Assessment Plan, Formative Assessment Plan to deliver practice in these elements that will be part of the final Test Construction Project. / x / x / x
Identifying and Supporting Language Demands
Planning Assessments to Monitor and Support Student Learning / Foun 3710 / Ø Test Construction Project. Rubric Element #5 Summative. you must include three components: 1) a listing of all assessment data pieces used in determining the overall grade earned by a student at the completion of the unit (the data pieces must include more than the test item components found on the end of unit final exam), 2) an indication of the relative weight of each component (the percentage of that component used in determining final grade), and 3) a scale for arriving at a final letter grade for the student’s performance on that unit of instruction. Since nearly all school districts in Ohio and in the nation require the use of the traditional A, B, C, D, F reporting system, you are to use this letter grade system in this project.
Ø Assignment #7 – Resource Teacher’s Record Keeping. Summarize the record keeping and grading procedure for one of your resource teacher’s classes. Are there any consequences for the student for poor grades prior to the end of the course? / x / x / x
Rubric / Course(s) / Course Requirement/Assessment / On TaskStreamNo / Yes / E / C
Learning Environment
Engaging Students in Learning
Deepening Student Learning
Subject-Specific Pedagogy
Analyzing Teaching Effectiveness / Foun 3710 / Ø Test Construction Project. Rubric Elements #6 (Creating Selected-Response Items), #7 (Creating Constructed-Response Items), #8 (Creating Scoring Rubrics and Keys). You must include four components 1) keys and/or rubrics are provided for all test items, 2) a sample of a full credit response is provided for each of the constructed response questions, 3) rubrics are provided for each of the constructed-response questions, and 4) the keys and the rubrics avoid the composition pitfalls discussed in the course materials.
Ø Class Assignment #3 – Assignment to create selected-response summative item types to deliver an introduction and provide practice in this element that will be part of the final Test Construction Project.
Ø Class Assignment #4 – Assignment to create constructed-response summative item types to deliver an introduction and provide practice in this element that will be part of the final Test Construction Project.
Ø Class Assignment #5 – Assignment to create performance-based summative item types to deliver an introduction and provide practice in this element that will be part of the final Test Construction Project. / x
x / x / x
Rubric / Course(s) / Course Requirement/Assessment / On TaskStreamNo / Yes / E / C
Analysis of Student Learning / Foun 3710 / Ø Test Construction Project. Rubric Element #2 Aligning Objectives and Assessment. You must include four components: 1) at minimum three clearly-stated specific learning objectives are provided, 2) at minimum three of the learning objectives are accurately targeted at a different Bloom level or Domain 3) each stated objective is indexed to content standards and 4) a Table of Specifications is used to link each stated objective to each test item or group of test items.
Ø Class Assignment #2 – Assignment to integrate Standards, Objectives, Pre-Assessment Plan, Formative Assessment Plan to deliver an introduction and provide practice in these elements that will be part of the final Test Construction Project. / x / x / x
Providing Feedback to Guide Learning / Foun 3710 / Ø Class Assignment #9 - Submit the photocopied papers from your whole class with the names removed or marked out. Each paper should have feedback comments that focus both on strengths and weaknesses related to the objective. Each paper has the “I, II, III, or IV” designation on it (Categorizing each of the papers as: I) student met the objective, II) student almost met the objective, III) student was far from meeting the objective, or IV) student showed no evidence of meeting the objective. / x
Student Use of Feedback / Foun 3710 / Ø Class Assignment #9 – Select five papers from above. In addition to the feedback already present on these 5 papers, identify specifically where the student has made errors, why the student has made the error(s), and how the student should proceed to fix the errors. Your “right” or “wrong” judgment needs to be supported by evidence. Comments you choose to provide should be as helpful as possible in guiding the student’s continuing learning of the concept(s) assessed. The best comments are often questions you raise that cause the student to refine and/or extend his/her thinking. Graph results. Based on student performance with respect to your objective, write five (5) or six (6) sentences on the cover sheet describing specifically what would you do, what did you do, and/or what should you do in upcoming lessons To meet the needs of the group, to meet the needs of the five (5) selected individuals and to support students in applying your feedback in improving student performance outcomes. / x
Analyzing Students’ Language Use and English Language Arts Learning
Using Assessment to Inform Instruction / Foun 3710 / Ø Test Construction Project. Rubric Element #4 Formative Assessment. You must include three components: 1) a clear statement of at least TWO approaches you would use to gather information on student progress during instruction, 2) an explanation of why you selected EACH approach you did, and 3) a clear statement of how you will specifically use the collected information from EACH approach to modify your ongoing instruction.
Ø Class Assignment #2 – Assignment to integrate Standards, Objectives, Pre-Assessment Plan, Formative Assessment Plan to deliver practice in these elements that will be part of the final Test Construction Project. / x / x / x