Special Council Meeting March 11, 2013


New Business

(S030113-1)The Town of Houlton ordains acceptance of the low bid from Machias Savings Bank for borrowing $194,000 for five (5) years at an interest rate of 1.79% for the purpose of completing capital projects throughout the town and authorizes the Town Treasurer and Council Chairman to sign all documents pertaining to said loan. (Note: List of proposed capital items available at the Town Office during normal business hours.)




Regular Council Meeting March 11, 2013

6:00 PM

Public Comments

I.Minutes:RegularCouncil Meeting of February 25, 2013.

II.Old Business

A.(020213-4)The Town of Houlton ordains that taxes are due and payable when rendered, no later than October 15, 2013, and delinquent taxes shall bear interest at the rate of 7% per annum from and after October 15, 2013 until paid in full, such interest to be added to and become part of the taxes. (Note: This is in accordance with M.R.S.A. 36, Sec. 505.4)

(Public Hearing)

B.(020213-5)The Town of Houlton ordains that taxes in excess of the final assessment shall be repaid from the date of overpayment at 3% interest in accordance with M.R.S.A. 36, Sec. 506A.

(Public Hearing)

C.(020213-3)The Town of Houlton ordains that, in accordance with Appendix A Zoning Ordinance, Article II, Section 10, the following change be listed on the official Zoning Map, and directs the Chairman of the Town Council to certify that change on the official Zoning Map: (old words lined through, new words underlined)

Amend Tax Map 34-3, lots 160, 183 and 184 from an R-2 Zone to a B-1 Zone

(First Reading)

D.(S030113-1)The Town of Houlton ordains acceptance of the low bid from Machias Savings Bank for borrowing $194,000 for five (5) years at an interest rate of 1.79%for the purpose of completing capital projects throughout the town and authorizes the Town Treasurer and Council Chairman to sign all documents pertaining to said loan. (Note: List of proposed capital items available at the Town Office during normal business hours.)

(First Reading)

III.New Business

A.(030113-1)Council appoints Clarissa Webber, Charles Taylor, Wendy Sabattisto the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for three (3) year terms, as recommended by the Advisory Board.

B.(030113-2)Council accepts the donation of $100 from the American Legion Chester L. Briggs Post 47 for the Playground Project.

C.(030113-3)Council accepts the donation of $860 from Bangor Savings Bank for the Playground Project.

D.(030113-4)Council accepts the resignation of Walter Goodrich as a member of the Houlton Planning Board.

E.(030113-5)Council reappoints Dorothy Donahue as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals for a three (3) year term.

IV.Discussion and Reports

A.Town Manager’s Report.

B.Councilors’ Remarks.


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